
1948年5月,晉察冀邊區和晉冀魯豫邊區合併為華北解放區.1949年10月晉綏邊區也劃入華北,至此華北解放區包括山西、河北、察哈爾、綏遠、平原五省及京津兩市.1948年8月,晉察冀和晉冀魯豫邊區郵政合併組成華北郵政總局.1949年北京和平解放後,總局隨華北人民政府由石家莊遷移到北京.10月,晉綏邊區郵政總局併入華北郵政總局.華北人民郵政從1948—1949年共發行郵票約120種.In May 1948, Cha-JiBorderRegion and Shanxi-border into NorthChinaLiberatedArea.1949 year in October-Sui Border Region are also assigned to northern China, thus liberated areas in northern China, including Shanxi, Hebei, Chahar, Suiyuan, plain five provinces Beijing and Tianjin cities .1948 8 months, and the Shanxi-Cha-Ji Border Region merged to form North ChinaPost.1949 PostOfficein Beijing's peaceful liberation, the General with the North China People'sGovernmentmoved to Beijing from Shijiazhuang .10 months ,Jin-Sui Border Region General Post Office General Post Office into the North. North China People's Post Office issued stamps from the period 1948-1949, a total of about 120.


