莫西語(英語:Mossi / 莫西語:Mòoré)是尼日—剛果語系古爾語分支的一種語言,在布吉納法索有600萬使用者,在馬里和多哥有6萬多使用者,在布吉納法索,莫西語是當地的官方語言之一,並且和達戈姆巴語十分接近。
- 中文名:莫西語
- 外文名:Mossi

英語 | 莫西語 |
Ne y kena | |
Hello (General greeting) | Ne y windiga |
Hello(on phone) | |
Laafi? Laafi bala? Laafi beme? Yibeog kibaré? (How is your morning?) Windiga kibaré? (How is your day?) Zabré kibaré? (How is your evening?) | |
Reply to 'How are you?' | Laafi bala |
Yaa rasem yiibu ("It's been two days") | |
Yamb yʋʋr la a boẽ? (frm) Fo yʋʋr la a boẽ? (inf) | |
My name is ... | Mam yʋʋr la a ... |
Where are you from? | Yamb yita yɛ? (frm) Fo yita yɛ? (inf) |
I'm from ... | Mam yita ... |
Pleased to meet you | |
Good morning (Morning greeting) | Ne y beoogo Ne y yibeogo |
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) | Ne y wĩndga |
Good evening (Evening greeting) | Ne y zaabre |
Ne y yungo Ni youngo | |
Goodbye (Parting phrases) | Wend na kon-d nindaare Nindaare Bilfou (See you) Beogo (See you tomorrow) |
Good luck! | Wend na loke (God provide) Wend na song y (God help you) |
Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking) | |
Wend na sõnsg laafi | |
Bon appetit / Have a nice meal | Wend na yiki laafi |
Bon voyage / Have a good journey | Wend na siki laafi (God bless your voyage) |
Nye | |
Ay ay Ayo | |
Mam ka mi yé | |
I understand | Mam wumdame |
I don't understand | Mam pa wumd ye |
Please speak more slowly | Gom y masg masga |
Please say that again | |
Please write it down | |
Do you speak English? | |
Do you speakMossi? | |
Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') | |
Speak to me inMossi | |
How do you say ... inMossi? | |
Y gafara | |
How much is this? | Kada ligid yaa wana? |
Mam sugri Y gafara | |
Barka Barka woussogo | |
Reply to thank you | Pa sek ye Ka sek ye |
Where's the toilet? | A WC be yɛ? Twalet be yɛ? |
This gentleman will pay for everything | |
This lady will pay for everything | |
Would you like to dance with me? | |
Do you come here often? | |
Mam nonga fo (inf) | |
Wend na kõd laafi (God give you health) | |
Go away! | |
Leave me alone! | Bas mam n loogame |
Song y mam! | |
Fire! | |
Yalsgo! | |
Call the police! | |
Christmas and New Year greetings | Wẽnd na kõ-d vẽere (Happy New Year) |
Easter greetings | |
Birthday greetings | |
One language is never enough | |
My hovercraft is full of eels Why this phrase? |
Ninsaalbã fãa sã n doge, ned fãa so a menga, ned pa rogd n yaa yamb ye, nebã fãa zema taab b yel-segdɩ la b burkĩndlem wɛɛngẽ. Nebã fãa tara yam la tagsgo, ned fãa togame n vɩɩnd ne a to saam-biir pʊgẽ.