莊晴光(Ching-Kuang Clive Tzuang),男,出生於1955 年 5月10日,現為天津大學電子信息工程學院教授。1986年獲得美國德州大學奧斯汀分校電機工程博士學位(Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin),之前在台灣大學電機工程系電信研究所任教授(Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering,Department of Electrical Engineering,National Taiwan University,Professor)。
- 中文名:莊晴光
- 外文名:Ching-Kuang Clive Tzuang
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1955 年 5月10日
- 職業:教師
- 職稱:教授
博士 (Ph.D. in EE),1984-1986, University of Texas Austin,電機
碩士 (M.S. in EE),1978-1980,University of California Los Angeles,電機
學士 (B.S. in EE),1973-1977,National Chiao Tung University ,電子
助理工程師, 1977-1978,台灣,聲寶公司
Member of Technical Staff(技術研發工程師),1981-1984,USA Los Angeles,TRW
Research Assistant(研究助理),1984-1986,USA Austin, University of Texas,
Associate Professor,1986-1991,台灣,國立交通大學,電信工程系
Professor,2004-to date,台灣,國立台灣大學,電機工程系,電信研究所
早在1999年就由於在微波領域的傑出貢獻被IEEE(國際電氣與電子工程師協會)評為Fellow。是國際微波學會(IEEE MTT-S)的執行常委(Member Of AdComm)、自1998年起就連續擔任微波領域最高水平國際年會(IEEE International Symposium On Microwave)技術委員會委員、目前也擔任本領域世界權威雜誌IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters的主編(Editor-In-Chief)(是第一個歐美以外的主編)、在世界上最早開放出射頻梳形濾波器(目前商業化的此類濾波器都是基於此基本結構)。領導開發的10 GHz交通監管雷達成功地進入實測使用;領導開發的60 GHz系統和日本國家通信研究所聯合成功申請成為IEEE 60 GHz通信標準之一。
2008/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31 單晶之X頻段與K頻段頻率調變雷達設計方案
2007/04/01 ~ 2008/03/31 前瞻電信微波科技發展計畫-子計畫一:前瞻無線通訊電路與
2007/04/01 ~ 2008/03/31 前瞻電信微波科技發展計畫-總計畫(兼子計畫):前瞻電信微波科技發展計畫
2006/08/01 ~ 2008/10/31 60 GHz 無線個人區城,網路 RF 通信前端電路系統之規格訂定及國際合作
2006/04/01 ~ 2007/03/31 前瞻電信微波科技發展計畫-子計畫一:前瞻無線通訊電路與系統平台技術
2006/04/01 ~ 2007/03/31 前瞻電信微波科技發展計畫-總計畫(兼子計畫):前瞻電信微波科技發展計畫
Fellow of IEEE, 1999
IEEE微波學會台北支會 秘書 12/1988-12/1989
IEEE微波學會台北支會 副主席 12/1989-12/1990
IEEE微波學會台北支會 主席 12/1990-12/1991
IEEE 亞洲微波會議 (APMC) 短期訓練課程委員與會議論文編輯 1993- to date
IEEE 亞洲微波會議 指導委員(ISC member)1994-1997
IEEE微波學會台北支會 理監事委員 1995-to date
IEEE 國際微波會議議程委員會 被動組件議程委員 1998-2002
IEEE 國際微波會議議程委員會 傳輸線與被動組件議程委員 2003-2006
IEEE 國際微波會議議程委員會 封裝與模組議程委員 2006-to date
IEEE微波學會亞洲地區委員會 協辦委員(Coordinator) 1999-2002
IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Letters期刊審核委員 1995- to date
IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation 期刊審核委員 1996- to date
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 期刊審核委員 1991-to date
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL) 期刊總編, MTT-S MWCL
Editor-in-Chief 2010-2012
IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Member of MTT-S AdCom 2010-2012
Since 1998 Dual-mode micrometer/millimeter wave integrated circuit package
Since 1999 Broadband low-noise low-intermodulation receiver
Since 2001 Fast-wave resonant antenna with stratified grounding planes
Since 2001 Planar comb(-)line filters with minimum adjacent capacitive(-) coupling effect
Since 2002 High-speed power-efficient coded M-ary FSK modulator
Since 2003 Planar mode converter used in printed microwave integrated circuits
Since 2006 Miniaturized microwave integrated circuit using complementary conducting surfaces
Feb. 1993 K-Band Quasi-Planar Tapped Combline Filter and Diplexer IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Aug. 1993 On the Mode-Coupling Formation of Complex Modes in a Nonreciprocal Finline IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Dec. 1993 Resonant Phenomena in Conductor-Backed Coplanar Waveguides (CBCPW’s) IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Dec. 1994 Green's Impedance Function Approach for Propagation Characteristics of Generalized Striplines and Slotlines on Nonlayered Substrates IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
May 1995 The Effects of Covering on Complex Wave Propagation in Gyromagnetic Slotlines IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Aug. 1996 An Integrated Quasi-Planar Leaky-Wave AntennaIEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation
Sep. 1997 Full-Wave Segmentation Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Planar CircuitIEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Dec. 1998 Fast-Wave Resonance by Space-Wave Leaky Mode Carrying Dominant-Mode-Like Currents IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
April 2001 Analysis and Design of Large Leaky-Mode Array Employing the Coupled–Mode Approach IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
May 2002 Characteristic Impedance and Propagation of the First Higher Order Microstrip Mode in Frequency and Time Domain IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Aug. 2002 Electric-Magnetic-Electric Slow-Wave Microstrip Line and Bandpass Filter of Compressed Size IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
April 2003 A Periodic Microstrip Radial Antenna Array With a Conical Beam IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
June 2004 Synthetic Quasi-TEM Meandered Transmission Lines for Compacted Microwave Integrated Circuits IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Jan. 2005 Modal Characteristics of Planar Transmission Lines With Periodical Perturbations: Their Behaviors in Bound, Stopband, and Radiation Regions IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Sep. 2005 Miniaturized Microwave Passive Filter Incorporating Multilayer Synthetic Quasi-TEM Transmission Line IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Sep. 2005 Artificially Integrated Synthetic Rectangular Waveguide IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Dec. 2006 CMOS Active Bandpass Filter Using Compacted Synthetic Quasi-TEM Lines at C-band IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Dec. 2007 Design of Synthetic Quasi-TEM Transmission Line for CMOS Compact Integrated Circuit IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Feb. 2008 A 3.3mW K-band 0.18-um 1P6M CMOS Active Bandpass Filter Using Complementary Current-Reuse Pair IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
Jan. 2009 Design of X-Band RF CMOS Transceiver for FMCW Monopulse Radar IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques
1. Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, "Infrastructure of Microwave Teaching and Research in Taiwan," 1994 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, vol. II, pp. 371, Tokyo, Japan. (invited paper)
2. Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, "Infrastructure of Microwave Teaching and Research in Taiwan," 1994 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, vol. II, pp. 371, Tokyo, Japan. (invited paper)
3. Yu-De Lin and Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, "Complex waves on microwave integrated circuits (MIC): modes and applications," Workshop Proceedings of the26th European Microwave Conference, pp. 35-40, Prague, Czech, Sep. 9-13, 1996. (invited workshop paper)
4. Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, G.-J. Chou, S.-P. Liu and K.-F. Fuh, "Active integrated leaky-mode antenna," Proccedings of the 1996 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, pp.1237-1240, Chiba, Japan. (invited paper)
5. Ching-Kuang Tzuang and Kuo-Cheng Chen, "Active integrated leaky-mode antenna," 1996 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp. 511-514, New Delhi, India, December 17-20, 1996. (invited paper)
6. Ching-Kuang Tzuang and Kuo-Cheng Chen, "Leaky-mode emission from planar circuits," Proceedings of the PIERS'96- Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hong Kong, January 1997. (invited paper)
7. Shyue-Dar Chen, Cheng-Nan Hu, and Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, “Active leaky-mode array and Application,” Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, pp. 281-284, Beijing, China, August 18-20, 1998. (invited paper)
8. Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, “Leaky mode perspective of antenna,” 1998 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Th4C-1, pp. 1471-1478, Yokohama, Japan, December 8-11, 1998. (invited paper)
9. Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang and Chen-Nan Hu, “High-efficiency closely coupled microstrip leaky-mode antenna array,” 1999 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Session A3.1, Singapore, November 30-December 3, 1999.
10. K. F. Huang, Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, T. B. Hong, and H. S. Wu, “Radiation characteristics of vertically stacked microstrips at Ka-band,” Digest of the 2000 Topical Symposium on Millimeter-Waves, pp. 35-38, March 23-24, Yokosuka Research Park, Japan. (invited paper)
11. Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, “Beauty in symmetry and asymmetry of NRD guide,” Digest of the 2000 Topical Symposium on Millimeter-Waves, pp. 73, March 23-24, Yokosuka Research Park, Japan. (invited paper)
12. Y. C. Chen and Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, “Guiding and radiation characteristics of microstrip with symmetric and anti-symmetric loadings,” Proc. of the Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2000), Cambridge, MA. USA, July 5-14, 2000. (invited paper)
13. Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, “Solving the electrically large, overmoded microwave circuit by full-wave segmentation method,” Proceedings of the 1997 Computational Electromagnetic Workshop, pp.67-75, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Hsinchu, December 7-8, 1997. (invited paper)
14. Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, “Taiwan RF technology rush,” High-Tech Forum on Communications Engineering, Zhuhai, China, June 6~8, 2001. (invited paper)
15. 莊晴光, “無線電系統晶片發展:回顧與展望,” Keynote Presentation, 2006’全國微波毫米波議, 二月廿七日, 深圳,中國
16. Sen Wang, Hsien-Shun Wu, and Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang, "Influences of Dummy Metal Fills on CMOS VCO", 2009 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems Digest, pp. 213~216, San Diego, January 19-21, 2009. (invited paper)