- 中文名:范育新
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:蘭州大學
- 職稱:教授
- 任職院校:蘭州大學
- 2004/09-2008/12,蘭州大學資源環境學院地理系,博士
- 1998/09-2001/06,蘭州大學資源環境學院地質系,碩士
- 1994/09-1998/06,蘭州大學資源環境學院地質系,學士
- 2013/05-, 蘭州大學地質科學與礦產資源學院/甘肅省西部礦產資源重點實驗室,教授
- 2011/01-, 蘭州大學西部環境教育部重點實驗室,雙聘副教授、教授
- 2011/09-2013/04,蘭州大學地質科學與礦產資源學院,副教授
- 2010/05-2011/05,美國Kansas State University地質系,訪問學者
- 2009/05-2011/09,蘭州大學資源環境學院,副教授
- 2004/05-2009/05,蘭州大學資源環境學院/西部環境教育部重點實驗室,講師
- 2001/07-2004/05,蘭州大學資源環境學院,助教
- Fan Y.X.*, Mou X.S., Wang Y.D., Liu C.Y., Zhao H., Wang F., Li Z.J., Mao X., Ma J., Liu C.R., Zhang F., Zhang F., 2018. Quaternary paleoenvironmental evolution of the Tengger Desert and its implications for the provenance of the loess of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews (accepted 20180801), (SCI-1區).
- Fan Y.X.*, Wang Y.D., Mou X.S., Zhao H., Zhang F., Zhang F., Liu W.H., Hui Z.C., Huang X.Z., Ma J., 2017. Environmental status of the Jilantai Basin, North China, on the northwestern margin of the modern Asian summer monsoon domain during Marine Isotope Stage 3. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 147: 178-192 (SCI-2區).
- Fan Y.X.*, Zhang F., Zhang F., Liu W.H., Chen X.L., Fan T.L., Wang Y.D., Chen F.H., Lai Z.P., 2016. History and mechanisms for the expansion of the Badain Jaran Desert, northern China since 20 ka: Geological and luminescence chronological evidence. The Holocene 26(4): 532-548 (SCI-2區).
- Fan Y.X.*, Chen X.L., Liu W.H., Zhang F., Zhang F., 2015. Formation of present desert landscape surrounding Salt Lake Jilantai in northern China based on OSL dating. Frontiers of Earth Sciences, 9(3): 497-508 (SCI-4區).
- Fan Y.X.*, Chen X.L., Fan T.L., Jin M., Liu J.B., Chen F.H., 2013. Sedimentary and OSL dating evidence for the development of the present Hobq desert landscape, northern China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2037-2044(SCI-4區, IF=1.255).
- Fan Y.X.*, Chen F.H., Fan T.L., Zhao H., Yang L.P, 2010. Sedimentary and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating for formation of the present northern Ulan Buh Desert landform in northern China. Science China Earth Sciences 53 (11): 1675-1682 (SCI-4區, IF=1.271).
- Fan Y.X.*, Chen F.H., Wei G.X., Madsen D.B., Oviatt C., Zhao H., Chun X., Yang L.P., Fan T.L., Li G.Q.,2010. Potential water sources for Late Quaternary Megalake Jilantai-Hetao, China, inferred from mollusk shell 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios. Journal of Paleolimnology 43, 577-587(SCI-2區, IF=2.676) .
- Fan Y.X., Zhao H.*, Chen F.H., 2010. The equivalent dose of different grain size quartz fractions from lakeshore sediments in the arid region of north China. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 205-211(SCI-2區, IF=3.238).
- Fan T.L., Fan Y.X.*, Zhao H., Chen F.H., Lai Z.P., 2013. Investigations on the degree of bleaching of quartz OSL signals using modern aeolian dust from western Loess Plateau, China. Geochronometria 40, 165-176 (SCI-4區).
- Fan Y.X., Zhao H., Chen F.H., 2007. OSL apparent equivalent doses of quartz for different grain-size fractions from beach sandy sediments in arid China. Quaternary international 167-168, 112(Abstract) (SCI-4區).
- Fan Y.X., 2009. A study on the evolution of the Jilantai-Hetao Megalake: focusing on optical dating of lakeshore sediments. Ancient TL 27, 53-55.
- Fan Y.X., Chen F.H., Zhao H., Fan T.L., 2010. Comparison between optical dating results of different sized quartz and AMS 14C ages from lakeshore sediments of the Qinghai Lake, China. Montreal (Canada): 7th New World Luminescence Dating Workshop, 6-6 (Abstract).
- Fan Y.X., Spencer J.Q., Oviatt C.G., Leggett A., 2010. Timing of latest Pleistocene to early Holocence regressive phase of Lake Bonneville in the Sevier subbasin: Luminescence dating feasibility and characterization studies. Montreal (Canada): 7th New World Luminescence Dating Workshop, 5-5 (Abstract).
- Wei G.X., Zhu X.F., Yue N., Fan Y.X., Dong J., Dang H.H., 2016. Constraining the groundwater flow system and aquifer properties using major ions, environmental traces and a simple physical model in China’s Jilantai Basin. Environmental Earth Science 75:459 (SCI-2區).
- Zhao H., Sheng Y.W., Li B., Fan Y.X., 2016. Holocene environment changes around the Sara Us River, northern China, revealed by optical dating of lacustrine–aeolian sediments. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 120:184–191 (SCI-2區).
- Hu X.F., Pan B.T., Fan Y.X., Wang J., Hu Z.B., Cao B., Li Q.Y., Geng H.P., 2017. Folded fluvial terraces in a young, actively deforming intramontane basin between the Yumu Shan and the Qilian Shan mountains, NE Tibet. Lithosphere, doi:10.1130/L614.1(SCI-2區).
- Chen F.H., Li G.Q., Jin M., Chen X.M., Fan Y.X., Liu X.K., Wu D., Madsen D., 2014. Landscape evolution of the Ulan Buh Desert in northern China during the late Quaternary. Quaternary Research 81, 476-487 (SCI-2區).
- Dong G.H., Zhang F.Y., Ma M.M., Fan Y.X., Zhang J.W., Wang Z.L., Chen F.H., 2013. Ancient landslide-dam events in the Jishi Gorge, upper Yellow River valley, China. Quaternary Research, 81(3): 445-451 (SCI-2區).
- Jin M., Li G.Q., Li F.L., Duan Y.W., Wen L.J., Wei H.T., Yang L.P., Fan Y.X., Chen F.H., 2015. Holocene shorelines and lake evolution in Juyanze Basin, southern Mongolian Plateau, revealed by luminescence dating. The Holocene, 25(12): 1898–1911 (SCI-2區).
- Spencer J.Q.G., Oviatt C.G., Pathak M., Fan Y.X., 2015.Testing and refining the timing of hydrologic evolution during the latest Pleistocene regressive phase of Lake Bonneville. Quaternary International 362: 139-145.
- Chen F.H., Fan Y.X., Chun X., Madsen D.B., Oviatt C.G., Zhao H., Yang L.P., Sun Y., 2008. Preliminary Research on the Megalake Jilantai-Hetao in Late Quaternary. Chinese Science Bulletin 53, 1725-1739 (SCI-3區).
- Huang X.Z., Chen F.H., Fan Y.X., Yang M.L., 2009. Dry late-glacial and early Holocene climate in arid central Asia indicated by lithological and palynological evidence from Bosten Lake, China. Quaternary International 194, 19-27 (SCI-4區).
- Yang L.P., Chen F.H., Chun X., Fan Y.X., Sun Y., Madsen D.B., Zhang X.Q., 2008. The Jilantai Salt Lake shorelines in Northwestern arid China revealed by remote sensing images. Journal of Arid Environments 72, 861-866 (SCI-4區).
- Chun X., Chen F.H., Fan Y.X., Xia D.S., Zhao H., 2008. Formation of Ulan Buh desert and its environmental changes during the Holocene. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 2, 327-332.
- Zhao H., Chen F.-H., Li S.H., Wintle A.G., Fan Y.X., Xia D.S., 2005. A record of Holocene climate change in the Guanzhong Basin, China, based on optical dating of a loess-palaeosol sequence. The Holocene 17, 1015-1022 (SCI-2區).
- Chen F.H., Cheng B., Zhao H., Fan Y.X., Madsen D.B., Jin M., 2007. Post-glacial climate variability and drought events in the monsoon transition zone of western China. In, Madsen D.B., Chen F.H., and Gao X. (Eds.), Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, 25-40. Developments in Quaternary Science 9, Amsterdam: Elsevier.