(1) Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Turbofan Engine with a Pulse Detonation Duct Heater. Aerospace science and technology, 2012, 23(1):206-212. SCI/EI索引. 影響因子0.983.
(2) Experimental Study on Flash Atomization of Aviation Kerosene. Atomization and Sprays, 22 (2): 163–183. (2012). SCI/EI索引. 影響因子0.928.
(3) PerformanceEnhancement of a Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine. Proc. Combust. Inst. 2011, 33(2):2243-2254. SCI/EI索引. 影響因子3.633.
(4) Experimental Study of an Air-breathing Pulse Detonation Engine Ejector. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 35(6):971-977. SCI/EI索引. 影響因子1.414.
(5) Experimental investigation of bell-shaped nozzles on two-phase Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine Performance. Combustion, explosion and shock waves, 2011, 47(3):335-342, SCI/EI索引. 影響因子0.539.
(6) Experimental investigation on pulse detonation rocket engine with various injectors and nozzles, ACTA Astronautica, 69(2):39-47. SCI/EI索引.影響因子0.609.
(7) Propulsive performance of a liquid kerosene/oxygen pulse detonation rocket engine. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2011,35(1):265-271. SCI/EI索引. 影響因子1.414.
(8) Performance analysis of the pulse detonation rocket engine (PDRE) based on constant volume cycle model. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30(11-12):1496-1504. SCI/EI索引. 影響因子2.064.
(9) Preliminary study of a pulse normal detonation wave engine. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2010,14(3):161-167:161-167. SCI/EI索引. 影響因子0.983.
(10) Experimental Investigations on Detonation Initiation in a Kerosene-Oxygen Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine. Combustion Sci. and Technology, 2009,181 (3):417-432,SCI/EI索引. 影響因子0.857.