

范炤,男,甘肅蘭州人,1973年11月生, 博士,華中師範大學心理學院副教授。




1992 - 1996,北京大學心理學系 心理學學士;
1996 - 1999, 北京大學心理學系 心理學碩士;
2003 - 2007, 英國雷丁(Reading)大學心理學院 心理學博士;
2007 - 2010, 英國班戈(Bangor)大學心理學院 博士後 ;
2010 - 至今,華中師範大學心理學院 任教。
視覺科學學會會員,Vision Science Society (VSS);
歐洲視知覺學會會員,European Conference on Vision Perception (ECVP)。






2012--2015, 基於空間位置編碼的時間知覺的研究。國家自然科學基金面上項目(31170979),2011年批准,在研。


1,Zhao Fan, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, Krish Singh and Kimron Shapiro (2012). The role of sustained posterior brain activity in the serial chaining of two cognitive operations: A MEG study. Psychophysiology. (Accepted).
2,Zhao Fan, Krish Singh, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, Mariano Sigman, Stanislas Dehaene and Kimron Shapiro (2011). The cost of serially chaining two cognitive operations. Psychological Research.
3,Zhao. Fan & John. Harris (2010). Anisotropies of the perceived spatial displacement of motion-defined contours: opposite biases between the upper-left and lower-right visual quadrants. Vision Research. 50 (21) 2101-2109.
4,Zhao. Fan & John. Harris (2008). Perceived spatial displacement of motion-defined contours in peripheral vision。Vision Research. 48 (28) 2793-2804.
5,范照 & 沈政, (1998), 顳葉皮層在靈長類不變形知覺與原型表征中的重大作用<<心理科學>>, Vol.21, No.6.
6,范照 & 沈政, (1997), 知覺辨別中的疏編碼與時間特性編碼<<心理科學>>, Vol.20, No.3.


1,Traczyk, J., Szczepanowski, R. & Fan, Z. (2011). Preferential access to emotional cues is mediated by threshold: An evidence from attentional blink paradigm. (The 17th meeting of ESCOP, European Society For Cognitive Psychology, in Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain)
2,K. Shapiro, Z. Fan, S. Muthukumaraswamy, & K. Singh (2010). Serial chaining of two cognitive operations: An fMRI and MEG study. Journal of Vision, 10(7):293, , doi: 10.1167/10.7.293. (The 10th Vision Science Society Conference in Florida, USA)
3,Raymond, J., Z. Fan,, Rayani, T., & Shapiro, K. (2009). Is sensory or mnemonic information better for matching objects? Journal of Vision, 9(8):573, 573a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.573. (The 9th Vision Science Society Conference in Florida, USA)
4,Shapiro, K., Z. Fan,., Muthukumaraswamy, S., & Singh, K. (2009). The role of a sustained left parietal-occipital component in the serial chaining of two cognitive operations Journal of Vision, 9(8):91, 91a, , doi:10.1167/9.8.91. (The 9th Vision Science Society Conference in Florida, USA)
5,Z. Fan & J. Harris, (2006), Forward and backward self-motion distort perceived heading during eccentric viewing along opposite directions, Perception, 35 ECVP Abstract Supplement. (29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St. Petersburg, Russia)
6,Z. Fan, Ling-Yi. Lei & Z. Shen, (1997), The Priority of Topological Feature Detection in the Early Level of Perception Discrimination to Geometric Pictures in Macaque Mulatta. (8th conference of Chinese Psychology Association, SuZhou)


