范炤,男,甘肅蘭州人,1973年11月生, 博士,華中師範大學心理學院副教授。
- 中文名:范炤
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:甘肅蘭州
- 出生日期:1973年11月
- 職業:華中師範大學心理學院副教授
- 性別:男
1992 - 1996,北京大學心理學系 心理學學士;
1996 - 1999, 北京大學心理學系 心理學碩士;
2003 - 2007, 英國雷丁(Reading)大學心理學院 心理學博士;
2007 - 2010, 英國班戈(Bangor)大學心理學院 博士後 ;
2010 - 至今,華中師範大學心理學院 任教。
2010 - 至今,華中師範大學心理學院 任教。
視覺科學學會會員,Vision Science Society (VSS);
歐洲視知覺學會會員,European Conference on Vision Perception (ECVP)。
1,Zhao Fan, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, Krish Singh and Kimron Shapiro (2012). The role of sustained posterior brain activity in the serial chaining of two cognitive operations: A MEG study. Psychophysiology. (Accepted).
2,Zhao Fan, Krish Singh, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, Mariano Sigman, Stanislas Dehaene and Kimron Shapiro (2011). The cost of serially chaining two cognitive operations. Psychological Research.
3,Zhao. Fan & John. Harris (2010). Anisotropies of the perceived spatial displacement of motion-defined contours: opposite biases between the upper-left and lower-right visual quadrants. Vision Research. 50 (21) 2101-2109.
4,Zhao. Fan & John. Harris (2008). Perceived spatial displacement of motion-defined contours in peripheral vision。Vision Research. 48 (28) 2793-2804.
6,范照 & 沈政, (1997), 知覺辨別中的疏編碼與時間特性編碼<<心理科學>>, Vol.20, No.3.
1,Traczyk, J., Szczepanowski, R. & Fan, Z. (2011). Preferential access to emotional cues is mediated by threshold: An evidence from attentional blink paradigm. (The 17th meeting of ESCOP, European Society For Cognitive Psychology, in Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain)
2,K. Shapiro, Z. Fan, S. Muthukumaraswamy, & K. Singh (2010). Serial chaining of two cognitive operations: An fMRI and MEG study. Journal of Vision, 10(7):293, , doi: 10.1167/10.7.293. (The 10th Vision Science Society Conference in Florida, USA)
3,Raymond, J., Z. Fan,, Rayani, T., & Shapiro, K. (2009). Is sensory or mnemonic information better for matching objects? Journal of Vision, 9(8):573, 573a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.573. (The 9th Vision Science Society Conference in Florida, USA)
4,Shapiro, K., Z. Fan,., Muthukumaraswamy, S., & Singh, K. (2009). The role of a sustained left parietal-occipital component in the serial chaining of two cognitive operations Journal of Vision, 9(8):91, 91a, , doi:10.1167/9.8.91. (The 9th Vision Science Society Conference in Florida, USA)
5,Z. Fan & J. Harris, (2006), Forward and backward self-motion distort perceived heading during eccentric viewing along opposite directions, Perception, 35 ECVP Abstract Supplement. (29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St. Petersburg, Russia)
6,Z. Fan, Ling-Yi. Lei & Z. Shen, (1997), The Priority of Topological Feature Detection in the Early Level of Perception Discrimination to Geometric Pictures in Macaque Mulatta. (8th conference of Chinese Psychology Association, SuZhou)