


  • 中文名:范梁棟
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業教師
  • 專業方向:新型能源轉換技術
  • 任職院校:深圳大學


2014/06-2015/11,Nanyang Technological University, Research Fellow
2010/09-2014/01,Royal Institute of Technology, Energy Technology,Ph.D
學術兼職ACS Materials & Interfaces, Materials Today Energy, Scientific Reports、Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics、Electrochimica Acta、J. Power Sources、Int. J. Hydrogen Energy、Int. J. Energy Research、Mater. & Design、Mater. Chem. Physics、Mater. Lett.、Solid State Ionics和J. Membrane Sci.等國際高水平期刊通訊審稿人,波蘭國家自然科學基金委項目通訊評審專家。


1.燃料電池與氫能利用/Fuel cell and Hydrogen Energy utilization” 夏季課程/Autumn semester, 本科課程/Undergraduate level, SZU
2.無機化學實驗/inorganic Experimental,2016/03-2016/07, 本科課程/Undergraduate level, SZU
3.AutoCAD製圖/AutoCAD for Chemical design 2016/09-2017/01,本科課程/Undergraduate level, SZU
4.套用電化學/Applied Electrochemistry,春季課程/Spring semester,碩士研究生課程/Postgraduate level,SZU
5.燃料電池基礎/Fuel cell fundamental, 2015/11, 博士課程/Ph.D Level course (English) , Nanyang Technological University
6.光伏基礎與套用/Solar cell: basic and application,2018.03-,本科課程/Undergraduate level, SZU




迄今為止在高水平期刊如Energy & Environmental Science、Advanced Energy Materials、Nano Energy、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Applied Energy和Journal of Power Sources等發表高水平SCI論文55餘篇,(共同)第一作者和通訊作者30篇、書本章節一章(Elsevier 2017),SCI論文共被引用930餘次,H因子20,其中三篇論文入選ESI高引用論文(1%),一篇ESI熱點論文(1%)在納米和能源領域國際、國內學術會議做報告17次進行科研成果交流,受邀作為2012年北京World Resources Forum可再生能源和2016年Thin Film會議Solid ionic conductor分會會議主持人以及2013年Nanosmat-Asia國際學術會議做大會報告。
2.深圳大學新引進教師校科研啟動項目/Natural Science Foundation of SZU,2016.06-2018.05,6萬元,項目負責人(已結題);
3.深圳層次人才科研啟動經費/Start-up Foundation of Shenzhen City Government , 2017-2020,270萬元,項目負責人;
[1] Fan L.*, Zhu B., Su P.-C., He C. Nanomaterials and technologies for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells: Recent advances, challenges and opportunities, Nano Energy 45 (2018) 148. SCI一區, IF: 13.12,link
[2] Zhu B#., Huang Y. #, Fan L. #, Ma Y. #, Wang B., Xia C., Afzal M., Zhang B., Dong W., Wang H. and Lund P. D. Novel fuel cell with nanocomposite functional layer designed by perovskite solar cell principle. Nano Energy19 (2016) 156. SCI一區, IF:12.34, link
[3] Fan L., Su P.-C. A new triple (H+/O2−/e−) conducting cathode for low temperature proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells. J Power Sources 306 (2016) 369. SCI一區, IF: 6.395, link(ESI 高引論文)
[4] Fan L., Wang C., Chen M., Zhu B. Recent development of ceria-based (nano)composite materials for low temperature ceramic fuel cells and electrolyte-free fuel cells. J. Power Sources234 (2013) 154. SCI一區, IF: 4.951, link, ESI熱點和高引用論文
[5] Fan L., Wang C., Zhu B. Low temperature ceramic fuel cells using all nano composite materials. Nano Energy, 1 (2012) 631. SCI一區, IF: 10.02, link
[56] …
[55] Lee T-H, Baek J-D, Fan L., Wiria F-E, Su P-C.*,Lee S-H*. SDC-Infiltrated Microporous Silver Membrane with Superior Resistance to Thermal Agglomeration for Cathode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. J. Power Sources, 2018, Under Review
[54] Fan L.*, Zhu B., Su P.-C., He C. Nanomaterials and technologies for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells: Recent advances, challenges and opportunities, Nano Energy 45 (2018) 148. SCI一區, IF: 13.12,link
[53]Zhang G., Li W., Huang W., Cao Z., Shao K., Li F., Tang C., He C.*, Fan L.*Strongly coupled Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-Na2CO3 nanocomposite for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells: One-step synthesis and super interfacial proton conductivity, J. Power Sources, 386 (2018) 56. SCI一區, IF: 6.9465,Link
[52] Tang C., Hu Q., Li F., He C., Chai X., Zhu C., Liu J., Zhang Q., Zhu B., Fan L.*Coupled molybdenum carbide and nitride on carbon nanosheets: An efficient and durable hydrogen evolution electrocatalyst in both acid and alkaline Media, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 280 (2018) 323. SCI一區, IF: 5.116,Link
[51]Lee T-H, Fan L., Yu C., Wiria F-E, Su P-C.*High-Performance SDC-Infiltrated Nanoporous Silver Cathode with Superior Thermal Stability for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, J. Mater. Chem. A, 6 (2018) 7357. SCI一區,IF: 9.931, Link
[50]Hu Q., Liu X., Tang C., Fan L., Chai X., Zhang Q., Liu J., He C*. High efficiency oxygen evolution reaction enabled by 3D network composed of nitrogen-doped graphitic carbon-coated metal/metal oxide heterojunctions. Electrochim Acta 265 (2018) 620. SCI一區, IF: 5.116,Link
[49] Yang H., Lin Q., Zhang H., Li G, Fan L, Chai X, Zhang Q, Liu J., He C*. Platinum/nitrogen-doped carbon/carbon cloth: a bifunctional catalyst for the electrochemical reduction and carboxylation of CO2 with excellent efficiency. Chem Commun, 54 (2018) 4108. SCI一區,IF: 6.29,Link
[48] Hu Q., Liu X., Tang C., Fan L., Chai X., Zhang Q., Liu J., He C*.Facile fabrication of 3D network composed of N-doped carbon-coated core-shell metal oxides/phosphides for highly efficient water splitting. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2 (2018) 1085. Link
[47]Tang C., Zhang H., Xu K., Hu Q., Li F., He C.*, Zhang Q., Liu J., Fan L.*Scalable synthesis of heterostructure molybdenum and nickel sulfides nanosheets for efficient hydrogen generation in alkaline electrolyte. Catalysis Today, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2018.03.010,SCI一區,IF: 4.667. Link
[46] Cao Z.,Fan L.*, He C., Zhang G., Shao K., Lv Z., Zhu B.*Titanium-substituted ferrite perovskite: An excellent sulfur and coking tolerant anode catalyst for SOFCs. Catalysis Today, 43 (2018) 12637. SCI一區, IF: 4.667. Link
[45] Li F., Yin Y., Li W., He C.*, Liu J., Fan L.*Readily fabricated NiCo alloy-metal oxide-carbon black hybrid catalysts for the oxygen reduction reactions in the alkaline media. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.04.096. SCI二區, IF: 4.229.Link
[44]Lund P. D., Zhu B., Li Y., Yun S., Nasibulin A. G., Raza R., Leskelä M., Ni M., Wu Y., Chen G., Fan L., Kim J.-S., Basu S., Kallio T., Pamuk I. Standardized Procedures Important for Improving Single-Component Ceramic Fuel Cell Technology. ACS Energy Letters 2 (2017) 2752 SCI一區,IF:12.277 link
[43] Liu Y., Fan L.#, Cai Y., Zhang W., Wang B., Zhu B. Superionic Conductivity of Sm, Pr, and Nd Triple-Doped Ceria through Bulk and Surface Two-Step Doping Approach. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces9 (2017) 23614. SCI一區, IF: 8.097, link
[42] Fan L., Chen M., Zhang H., Wang C., He C. Pr2NiO4-Ag composite as cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells: Effects of silver loading methods and amounts. Int J Hydrogen Energy42 (2017) 17544. SCI二區, IF: 4.229, link
[41] Mi Y., Zhang W., Deng H., Wang X., Fan L.*, Zhu B. Rare-earth oxide-Li0.3Ni0.9Cu0.07Sr0.03O2-δ composites for advanced fuel cellsI. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 22214. SCI二區, IF: 4.229, link
[40] Xie H., Biswas M., Fan L., Li Y., Su P.-C. Rapid thermal processing of chemical-solution-deposited yttrium-doped barium zirconate thin films. Surface and Coatings Technology 320 (2017) 213. IF: 2.906 link
[39] Fan L., He C., Zhu B. Role of carbonate phase in ceria–carbonate composite for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells: A review. Int J Energy Res41 (2017) 465, SCI一區, IF: 3.009, link
[38] Wang B., Wang Y., Fan L., Cai Y., Xia C., Liu Y., et al. Preparation and characterization of Sm and Ca co-doped ceria–La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ semiconductor–ionic composites for electrolyte-layer-free fuel cells. J. Mater. Chem. A, 4 (2016) 15426, SCI一區, IF: 9.931,link
[37] He C.*, Xie M., Hong F., Chai X., Mi H., Zhou X., Fan L.*, Zhang Q., Ngai T., Liu J. A Highly Sensitive Glucose Biosensor Based on Gold Nanoparticles/Bovine Serum Albumin/Fe3O4 Biocomposite Nanoparticles. Electrochim Acta 222 (2016) 1709, SCI一區, IF: 5.116,link
[36] Fan L., Su P.-C. A new triple (H/O/e) conducting cathode for low temperature proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells. J Power Sources 306 (2016) 369. SCI一區, IF: 6.395, link (ESI 高引論文)
[35] Zhu B., Fan L.*, Deng H., He Y., Afzal M., Dong W., Yaqub A. and Janjua N. K. LiNiFe-based layered structure oxide and composite for advanced single layer fuel cells. J Power Sources316 (2016) 37 SCI一區, IF: 6.395, link
[34] Zhu B., Huang Y., Fan L., Ma Y., Wang B., Xia C., Afzal M., Zhang B., Dong W., Wang H. and Lund P. D. Novel fuel cell with nanocomposite functional layer designed by perovskite solar cell principle. Nano Energy19 (2016) 156. SCI一區, IF:10.268, link
[33] He Y., Fan L., Afzal M., Singh M., Zhang W., Zhao Y., Li J., Zhu B. Cobalt oxides coated commercial Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ as high performance cathode for low-temperature SOFCs. Electrochim. Acta 191 (2016) 223. SCI一區, IF: 4.798, link
[32] Fan L., Xie H., Su P-C. Spray Coating of Dense Proton-conducting BaCe0.7Zr0.1Y0.2O3 Electrolyte for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 6516. SCI二區, IF:3.268, link
[31] Yu C.-C., Baek J. D., Su C.-H., Fan L., Wei J., Liao Y.-C., Su P.-C. Inkjet-printed Porous Silver Thin Film as a Cathode for Low-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 8 (2016) 10343. SCI一區, IF: 7.504, link
[30] Zhu B., Lund P. D., Raza R., Ma Y., Fan L., Afzal M., Patakangas J., He Y., Zhao Y., Tan W., Huang Q.-A., Zhang J., Wang H. Schottky Junction Effect on High Performance Fuel Cells Based on Nanocomposite Materials. Adv. Energy Mater., 5 (2015) 1401895. SCI一區, IF:14.385, link
[29] Liu K.-Y., Fan L., Yu C.-C. and Su P.-C. Thermal stability and performance enhancement of nano-porous platinum cathode in solid oxide fuel cells by nanoscale ZrO2 capping. Electrochem. Commun.56 (2015) 65. SCI一區, IF: 4.569, link
[28] Fan L., Ma Y., Wang X., Singh M., Zhu B. Understanding of electrochemical mechanism of the core-shell Ceria-LiZnO nanocomposite in a low temperature solid oxide fuel cell.J. Mater. Chem. A, 2 (2014) 5399. SCI一區, IF: 6.26, link
[27] Fan L.*, He Y., Zhu B., An electrolyte free fuel cell from a recycled conventional solid oxide fuel cell. Chinese Chemical Industry and Engineering, 31 (2014) 61.
[26] Zhu B., Fan L., Zhao Y., Tan W., Xiong D., Wang H. Functional semiconductor-ionic composite GDC-KZnAl/LiNiCuZnOx materials for the single-component fuel cell. RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 9920. SCI二區, IF: 3.71, link
[25] Zhu B., Fan L., He Y., Zhao Y., Wang H. A commercial lithium battery LiMn-oxide for fuel cell applications. Mater. Lett., 126 (2014) 85. SCI 二區, IF: 2.269, link
[24] Chen M., Zhang H., Fan L.*, Wang C. and Zhu B. Ceria-carbonate composite for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell: Sintering aid and composite effect. Int J Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014) 12309. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[23] Zhao Y., He Y., Fan L., He J., Xiong D.-B., Gao F. and Zhu B. Synthesis of hierarchically porous LiNiCuZn-oxide and its electrochemical performance for low-temperature fuel cells. Int J Hydrogen Energy39 (2014) 12317. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[22] Fan L., Wang C., Chen M., Zhu B. Recent development of ceria-based (nano)composite materials for low temperature ceramic fuel cells and electrolyte-free fuel cells. J. Power Sources234 (2013) 154. SCI一區, IF: 4.951, link, ESI熱點和高引用論文Highly cited paper
[21] Fan L., Zhang H., Chen M., Wang C., Wang H., Singh M., Zhu B. Electrochemical study of lithiated transition metal oxide composite as symmetrical electrode for low temperature ceramic fuel cells. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy38 (2013) 11398. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[20] Zhu B.,Fan L., Lund P. Breakthrough fuel cell technology using ceria-based multi-functional nanocomposites. Appl. Energy 106 (2013) 163. SCI一區, IF: 5.261, link
[19] Tan W., Fan L., Raza R., Ajmal Khan M., Zhu B. Studies of modified lithiated NiO cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell with ceria-carbonate composite electrolyte. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy38 (2013) 370. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[18] Zhu B., Lund P., Raza R., Patakangas J., Huang Q., Fan L., Singh M. Nano-Redox and Nano-Device Processes for a New Energy Conversion Technology. Nano Energy 2 (2013) 1179. SCI一區,IF: 10.02, link
[17] Zhao Y., He J., Fan L., Ran W., Zhang C., Gao D., Wang C. and Gao F. Synthesis and characterization of hierarchical porous LiNiCuZn-oxides as potential electrode materials for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Int J Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013) 16558. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[16] Fan L., Chen M., Wang C., Zhu B. Pr2NiO4–Ag composite cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells with ceria-carbonate composite electrolyte. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 19388. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[15] Fan L., Wang C., Di J., Chen M., Zheng J., Zhu B. Study of ceria-carbonate nanocomposite electrolytes for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 12 (2012) 4941. SCI三區, IF: 1.563, link
[14] Fan L., Wang C., Osamudiamen O., Raza R., Singh M., Zhu B. Mixed ion and electron conductive composites for single component fuel cells: I. Effects of composition and pellet thickness. J. Power Sources 217 (2012) 164. SCI一區, IF: 4.951, link
[13] Fan L., Wang C., Zhu B. Low temperature ceramic fuel cells using all nano composite materials. Nano Energy, 1 (2012) 631. SCI一區, IF: 10.02, link
[12] Fan L., Zhang G., Chen M., Wang C., Di J., Zhu B. Proton and oxygen ionic conductivity of doped ceria-carbonate composite by modified Wagner polarization. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7 (2012) 8420. SCI二區, IF: 3.729, link
[11] Fan L., Zhu B., Chen M., Wang C., Raza R., Qin H., Wang X., Wang X., Ma Y. High performance transition metal oxide composite cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells
J Power Sources 203 (2012) 65. SCI一區, IF: 4.951, link
[10] Liu Q., Qin H., Raza R., Fan L., Li Y., Zhu B. Advanced electrolyte-free fuel cells based on functional nanocomposites of a single porous component: analysis, modeling and validation. RSC Advances, 2 (2012) 8036. SCI三區,IF:2.562, link
[9] Qin H., Zhu B., Raza R., Singh M., Fan L., Lund P Integration design of membrane electrode assemblies in low temperature solid oxide fuel cell. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy37 (2012) 19365. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[8] Raza R., Qin H., Fan L., Takeda K., Mizuhata M., Zhu B. Electrochemical study on co-doped ceria–carbonate composite electrolyte. J. Power Sources201 (2012) 121. SCI一區, IF: 4.951, link
[7] Zhu B., Raza R., Liu Q., Qin H., Zhu Z., Fan L., Singh M.,Lund P. A new energy conversion technology joining electrochemical and physical principles. RSC Advances, 2 (2012) 5066. SCI, IF: 2.562, link
[6] Fan L., Wang C., Chen M., Di J., Zheng J., Zhu B. Potential low-temperature application and hybrid-ionic conducting property of ceria-carbonate composite electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 9987. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[5] Zhu B., Ma Y., Wang X., Raza R., Qin H., Fan L.A fuel cell with a single component functioning simultaneously as the electrodes and electrolyte. Electrochem. Commun., 13 (2011) 225. SCI一區, IF: 4.859, link
[4] Zhu B., Qin H., Raza R., Liu Q., Fan L., Patakangas J. A single-component fuel cell reactor. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 8536. SCI一區, IF: 4.054, link
[3] Zhu B., Raza R., Qin H., Fan L.Single-component and three-component fuel cells. J. Power Sources 196 (2011) 6362. SCI一區, IF: 4.951, link
[2] Zhu B., Raza R., Qin H., Liu Q.,Fan L.Fuel cells based on electrolyte and non-electrolyte separators. Energy Environ. Sci., 4 (2011) 2986. SCI一區, IF: 9.6, link
[1] Di J., Chen M., Wang C., Zheng J., Fan L., Zhu B. Samarium doped ceria-(Li/Na)2CO3 composite electrolyte and its electrochemical properties in low temperature solid oxide fuel cell. J. Power Sources 195 (2010) 4695. SCI一區, IF: 4.951, link
Book chapter
[1]Fan L., Afzal M. He C., Zhu B., Chapter 12 : “Nanocomposites for ‘‘Nano Green Energy’’ applications” in “Bioenergy systems for the future”, Elsevier, 2017, 421-429, ISBN: 978-0-08-101031-0, link
[2] 范梁棟,張卉,唐超雲,碳化鉬材料、碳化鉬@硫化鉬複合材料及製備方法與套用,中國專利,已提交
[19] 范梁棟,口頭報告:低溫固體氧化物燃料電池納米複合電解:一步合成與界面超質子電導性能研究,第19屆全國固態離子學會議暨第16屆亞洲固態離子學會議暨第五屆亞洲固體氧化物燃料電池會議, 2018年8月5日-8月9日,上海,中國
[18] Fan L.Oral PresentationHigh ionic conducting composite membrane for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells, The 9 International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (ThinFilms2018), July 17-20, 2018, Shenzhen, China.
[17]Fan L. Zhang G. Oral Presentation: SDC-Na2CO3 nanocomposite: one step synthesis and electrochemical performances for low temperature ceramic fuel cells (Nano Energy2017). 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials & Thin Films for Energy Applications, 26-28, July, 2017 Aalto University, Finland
[16]Fan L. Zhang G. Shao K., Cao Z. Oral Presentation: Recycling of symmetrical solid oxide fuel cell for single component fuel cell application. China-EU advanced fuel cell forum Dec. 11-13rd, 2017, Wuhan
[15] Zhang G., Cao Z., Shao K., Fan L.*,Post Presentation: Strongly coupled SDC-Na2CO3 nanocomposite: One step synthesis and super proton conductivity, China-EU advanced fuel cell forum. Dec. 11-13rd, 2017, Wuhan
[14]Cao Z., Zhang G., Shao K., Fan L.*, Post Presentation: Strongly coupled SDC-Na2CO3 nanocomposite: One step synthesis and super proton conductivity, China-EU advanced fuel cell forum. Dec. 11-13rd, 2017, Wuhan
[13]Fan L., Oral Presentation, Electro-catalytic activity of lithiated transition metal oxide catalysts for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells, 2nd International Symposium on Catalytic Science and Technology in Sustainable Energy Environment, Oct 11-14, 2016, Tianjin, China
[12]Fan L. Su P, Oral: Spray Coating of Dense Proton-conducting BZCY Electrolyte Thin Film for LTSOFCs, ThinFilms2016, 12-15, July, 2016, Singapore (Session Chair)
[11]Fan L., Su P-C, Oral: A New Ternary Protonic/Oxygen Ionic/Electronic Conducting Cathode for Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, 20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, 14-19th, Jun., 2015, Keystone, Colorado, USA.
[10]Fan L., Afzal M., Zhu B., Oral:Electrochemical study of ceria-carbonate for effective hydrogen production, European fuel cell 2013, 11-12, Dec. 2013,Rome, Italy
[9]Fan L., Zhu B. Zhao Y,. Tan W., Lin Q., Wang H., Oral:Advanced ceria-carbonate composites and breakthrough technologies, International Workshop of Molten carbonate and related topics 2013, 26-27, Sept. 2013, GyeongJu, Korea.
[8] Fan L., Zhu B, Oral: Ceria-based nanocomposite for high performance fuel cell and other advanced applications, NANOSMAT-Asia, 13-15, March, 2013, Wuhan, China (Invited Talk)
[7] Fan L., Singh M, Zhu B, Oral: Nanotechnology and multifunctional nanocomposites for Electrolyte-free fuel cells (EFFCs), International Conference on Energy and Environment-Related Nanotechnology (ICEEN2012), 21-24, Oct., 2012, Beijing, China.
[6] Fan L., Zhu B, Oral: Single-Component Low-temperature Fuel Cell Operated with Bio-alcohol Fuels, World Resources Forum 2012, 21-23, Oct. 2012, Beijing, China. (Session Chair)
[5] Fan L., Raza R. and Zhu B., Poster: Optimized single component fuel cells, Grove Fuel Cells Conference 2012, 10-11st, April 2012, Berlin, Germany.
[4] Fan L., Chen M., Wang C. and Zhu B, Oral: Synthesis and characterization all nano-composite materials for LTCFCs, European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Piero Lunghi Conference & Exhibition, Dec. 14-16, 2011, Rome, Italy.
[3] Fan L. and Zhu B., Oral: State of the art - Ceria-carbonate composites (3C) for advanced LT ceramic fuel cells (CFCs), ECerS XII 12th conference of the European ceramic society, Jun.19-23, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
[2] Fan L., Chen M., Wang C and Zhu B., Oral: Pr2NiO4 based composite cathode for LTSOFC, International Workshop on Molten Carbonates & Related Topics 21-22 March, 2011, Chimie-ParisTech, Paris, France.
[1] Fan L., Wang C., Di J., Chen M., Zheng J. and Zhu B., Oral: ceria-carbonate composite for LTCFCs. NANOSMAT-5, 19-21 Oct., 2010, Reims, France.


2012年獲“Idea to Product”瑞典賽區唯一一等獎
2016 深圳市高層次人才“孔雀計畫”C類人才
2017 深圳市南山區“領航人才”
2022年1月,范梁棟主要完成的表界面調控及其在電化學器件中的套用研究入選2021 年度廣東省科學技術獎自然科學獎擬獎項目,二等獎。


