


  • 中文名:范利武
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:奧本大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:固液相變傳熱與相變儲熱材料
  • 職務:熱工與動力系統研究所副所長
  • 任職院校:浙江大學能源工程學院 


2011年8月畢業於美國Auburn University機械工程系獲哲學博士學位,師從AIAA Associate Fellow、Alumni講席教授Jay M. Khodadadi博士,期間於2009年8月至2010年1月在美國能源部National Renewable Energy Laboratory交通技術與系統中心Ahmad A. Pesaran博士領導的儲能研究組任實習生。2011年10月至2013年9月在浙江大學能源清潔利用國家重點實驗室作博士後研究,合作導師為中國工程院院士岑可法教授。2013年9月博士後出站後留校任教,於同年12月晉升為副教授。2014年1月入選浙江大學求是青年學者並獲博士研究生導師資格。受國家留學基金委員會資助於2014年9月至2015年9月赴美國Massachusetts Institute of Technology核科學與工程系任訪問學者,合作導師為系副主任、ANS Fellow、TEPCO講席教授Jacopo Buongiorno博士。2016年3月受聘為浙江大學能源工程學院首位“百人計畫”研究員(正高級職稱)。







  1. 面向儲熱的納米複合相變材料多尺度熱質輸運研究,浙江省傑出青年科學基金項目,50萬元,在研
  2. 超臨界混合工質氫燃燒反應器動態仿真模型構建,國家重點研發計畫子課題,48萬元,在研
  3. 浙江大學“百人計畫”科研啟動項目,200萬元,在研
  4. 高溫高壓環境下水在金屬表面接觸角的原位表征與浸潤機理研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,61萬元,在研
  5. 不凝氣含量對微納結構疏水表面水蒸氣冷凝傳熱特性的影響,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目,25.25萬元,在研
  6. 石墨烯納米流體的大容器沸騰傳熱特性與臨界熱流密度強化機理的實驗研究,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,26萬元,已結題
  7. 石墨烯納米填料對複合相變儲能材料的導熱調控機理研究,中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目,15萬元,已結題
  8. 基於碳納米填料的複合相變儲能材料導熱調控機理研究,中國博士後科學基金面上資助項目,5萬元,已結題
  9. 碟式太陽能腔體集熱器混合對流熱損失的數值模擬研究,教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目,3萬元,已結題
  10. 微納結構超親水/超疏水表面對瞬態池沸騰傳熱的調控機理研究,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目,20萬元,已結題
  11. 超親水彎曲表面上的膜態與過渡沸騰傳熱研究,能源清潔利用國家重點實驗室(浙江大學)自主課題項目,30萬,已結題
  12. 面向高效中低溫儲能的石蠟納米複合相變材料導熱強化機理研究,中低溫熱能高效利用教育部重點實驗室(天津大學)開放課題項目,5萬元,已結題
  1. 燒結礦立式冷卻裝置對流換熱關鍵技術研究,浙江鉑瑞能源環境工程有限公司,100萬元,在研
  2. 移動式梯級儲供熱系統的研究與開發,浙江大學台州研究院,41萬元,在研
  1. 海洋能自驅定域剖面機器人的能量俘獲機理與轉換技術研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,60萬,在研
  2. 薄壁材料導熱性能測試研究,華為技術有限公司,70萬,在研


  1. Xue-Feng Shao, Sheng Yang, Chen-Lin Chen,Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Tao Yu,Temperature-dependent rheological behaviors of binary eutectic mixtures of sugar alcohols as novel phase change materials for thermal energy storage,Journal of Thermal Science, in press.Zirui Li, Nan Hu*, Jing Tu,Liwu Fan*,An experimental investigation of the heat storage and heat transfer rates during melting of nano-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM) in a differentially-heated rectangular cavity,Journal of Thermal Science, (2020).
  2. Biao Feng, Jing Tu, Yu-Hong Zhang,Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Tao Yu, An improved steady-state method for measuring the thermal contact resistance and bulk thermal conductivity of thin-walled materials having a sub-millimeter thickness,Applied Thermal Engineering (2020).
  3. Nan Hu, Zi-Rui Li, Run-Hui Zhang,Li-Wu Fan*,A novel indirect visualization method for studying the melting heat transfer of nano-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM) using thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) thermography,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME (2020).
  4. Biao Feng,Li-Wu Fan*, Yi Zeng*, Contribution of the hydroxyl group on interfacial heat conduction of monohydric alcohols: A molecular dynamics study,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME, (2020).
  5. Tian-Yu Zhang, Lin-Wei Mou, Jia-Yi Zhang,Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Qi Li,A visualized study of enhanced steam condensation heat transfer on a honeycomb-like microporous superhydrophobic surface in the presence of a non-condensable gas,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2020).
  6. Jia-Wen Song, Dong-Lei Zeng,Li-Wu Fan*, Temperature dependence of contact angles of water on a stainless steel surface at elevated temperatures and pressures:In situcharacterization and thermodynamic analysis,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2020).
  7. Jia-Yi Zhang,Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Qi Li*, Le-Yi Jiang, Zi-Tao Yu,Mechanisms for enhanced transition boiling during quenching on a superhydrophilic surface as revealed byin situcharacterization on the solid-liquid contact using electrochemical impedance technique,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2020).
  8. Biao Feng,Li-Wu Fan*, Yi Zeng*, Jing-Yu Ding, Xue-Feng Shao, Atomistic insights into the effects of hydrogen bonds on the melting process and heat conduction of erythritol as a promising latent heat storage material,International Journal of Thermal Sciences (2019).
  9. Shuai-Qi Tian, Shi-Fan Yu, Xiao Wang,Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Tao Yu, Xu Xu, Jian Ge*,Experimental determination and fractal modeling of the effective thermal conductivity of autoclave aerated concrete (AAC) impregnated with paraffin for improved thermal storage performance,Applied Thermal Engineering (2019).
  10. Qiuyan Yang, Yanqiu Jiang, Dongyu Fan, Kan Zheng, Jiayi Zhang, Zhen Xu*, Weiquan Yao, Qingxu Zhang, Yihu Song, Qiang Zheng,Liwu Fan, Weiwei Gao, Chao Gao*,Nonsphere drop impact assembly of graphene oxide liquid crystals,ACS Nano (2019).
  11. Jia-Qi Li, Jia-Yi Zhang, Lin-Wei Mou, Yu-Hong Zhang,Li-Wu Fan*,Enhanced transitional heat flux by wicking during transition boiling on microporous hydrophilic and superhydrophilic surfaces,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2019).
  12. Biao Feng, Jing Tu,Li-Wu Fan*, Yi Zeng*,A molecular dynamics study of the effects of crystalline structure transition on the thermal conductivity of pentaerythritol as a solid-solid phase change material,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2019).
  13. Xue-Feng Shao, Sheng Yang, Chao Wang, Yong-Jian Yang, Wu-Jun Wang, Yi Zeng,Li-Wu Fan*,Screening of sugar alcohols and their binary eutectic mixtures as phase change materials for low-to-medium temperature thermal energy storage. (II): Isothermal melting and crystallization behaviors,Energy (2019).
  14. Nan Hu, Zi-Qin Zhu*, Zi-Rui Li, Jing Tu,Li-Wu Fan*, Unconstrained melting heat transfer of nano-enhanced phase-change materials (NePCM) in a spherical capsule for latent heat storage: Effects of the capsulesize,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME (2019).
  15. Jia-Yi Zhang, Jia-Qi Li*, Le-Yi Jiang,Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Tao Yu,Pool boiling heat transfer during quenching on a superhydrophilic surface in dilute aqueous saline solutions: Effects of the concentration and type of ions,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2019).
  16. Nan Hu, Run-Hui Zhang, Shu-Ting Zhang, Jia Liu,Li-Wu Fan*, A laser interferometric measurement on the melt film thickness during close-contact melting on an isothermally-heated horizontal plate,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2019).
  17. Lin-Wei Mou, Tian-Yu Zhang, Jia-Yi Zhang, Jia-Qi Li,Li-Wu Fan*,Realization of coalescence-induced condensate droplet jumping on a hierarchical porous superhydrophobic surface over a wide range of subcooling up to 20 K,AIP Advances,9, 045125 (2019).Selected as a Featured Article by the Editors
  18. Xue-Feng Shao, Chen-Lin Chen, Yong-Jian Yang, Xiao-Ke Ku,Li-Wu Fan*,Rheological behaviors of sugar alcohols for low-to-medium temperature latent heat storage: Effects of temperature in both the molten and supercooled liquid states,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (2019).
  19. Shuai-Qi Tian, Ke Wang,Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Tao Yu, Jian Ge, Effects of sample length on the transient measurement results of water vapor diffusion coefficient of porous building materials: A case study of autoclave aerated concrete (AAC) with various porosities,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2019).
  20. Liang Zhang*,Liwu Fan, Zitao Yu, Renwei Mei*, Correlating convection heat transfer for Falkner-Skan flow,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2019).
  21. Tao Chen, Xiaoke Ku*, Jianzhong Lin,Liwu Fan, New pyrolysis model for biomass particles in a thermally thick regime,Energy and Fuels (2018).
  22. Xue-Feng Shao, Chao Wang, Yong-Jian Yang, Biao Feng, Zi-Qin Zhu, Wu-Jun Wang, Yi Zeng,Li-Wu Fan*, Screening of sugar alcohols and their binary eutectic mixtures as phase change materials for low-to-medium temperature latent heat storage. (I): Non-isothermal melting and crystallization behaviors,Energy (2018).
  23. Jia-Qi Li, Lin-Wei Mou, Jia-Yi Zhang, Yu-Hong Zhang,Li-Wu Fan*, Enhanced pool boiling heat transfer during quenching on superhydrophilic porous surfaces: Effects of the surface wickability,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2018).
  24. Nan Hu, Zi-Qin Zhu*, Zi-Rui Li, Jing Tu,Li-Wu Fan*, Close-contact melting heat transfer on a heated horizontal plate: Revisited in the presence of nano-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM),International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2018).
  25. Zhenchao Qian, Heng Shen, Xin Fang,Liwu Fan, Ning Zhao*, Jian Xu*, Phase change materials of paraffin in h-BN porous scaffolds with enhanced thermal conductivity and form stability,Energy and Buildings (2018).
  26. Jia-Qi Li, Lin-Wei Mou, Yu-Hong Zhang, Zhong-Shu Yang, Mu-Han Hou,Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Tao Yu, An experimental study of the accelerated quenching rate and enhanced pool boiling heat transfer on rodlets with a superhydrophilic surface in subcooled water,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (2018).
  27. Jia-Qi Li, Lin-Wei Mou, Yu-Hong Zhang,Jie-Qing Yu,Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Tao Yu, Pool boiling heat transfer and quench front velocity during quenching of a rodlet in subcooled water: Effects of the degree of subcooling,Experimental Heat Transfer (2018).
  28. Zi-Qin Zhu, Min-Jie Liu, Nan Hu, Yuan-Kai Huang,Li-Wu Fan*,Zi-Tao Yu, Jian Ge*,Inward solidification heat transfer of nano-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM) in a spherical capsule: An experimental study,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME (2018).
  29. Zi-Qin Zhu, Yuan-Kai Huang, Nan Hu, Zeng Yi,Li-Wu Fan*, Transient performance of a PCM-based heat sink with a partially filled metal foam: Effects of the filling height ratio,Applied Thermal Engineering (2018).
  30. Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Qi Li, Liang Zhang, Zi-Tao Yu, Ke-Fa Cen, Pool boiling heat transfer during quenching in carbon nanotube (CNT)-based aqueous nanofluids: Effects of length and diameter of the CNTs,Applied Thermal Engineering (2017).
  31. Hong-Qing Jin,Li-Wu Fan*, Min-Jie Liu, Zi-Qin Zhu, Zi-Tao Yu, A pore-scale visualized study of melting heat transfer of a paraffin wax saturated in a copper foam: Effects of the pore size,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2017).
  32. Li-Wu Fan*,Hong-Qing Jin,Local thermal nonequilibrium during melting of a paraffin filled in a copper foam: A visualized study at the pore-scale,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME (2017).
  33. Li-Wu Fan*, Yu-Yue Wu, Yu-Qi Xiao, Yi Zeng,Yi-Ling Zhang,Zi-Tao Yu, Transient performance of a thermal energy storage-based heat sink using a liquid metal as the phase change material,Applied Thermal Engineering, (2016).
  34. Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Qi Li, Liang Zhang, Zi-Tao Yu, Ke-Fa Cen, Pool boiling heat transfer on a nanoscale roughness-enhanced superhydrophilic surface for accelerated quenching in water,Applied Thermal Engineering, (2016).
  35. Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Qin Zhu, Min-Jie Liu, Can-Ling Xu, Yi Zeng, Hai Lu, Zi-Tao Yu,Heat transfer during constrained melting of nano-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM) in a spherical capsule: An experimental study,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME, (2016).
  36. Si-Yang Yi,Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Hui Fu, Xu Xu, Zi-Tao Yu, Experimental determination of the water vapor diffusion coefficient of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) via a transient method: Effects of the porosity and temperature,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2016).
  37. Min-Jie Liu,Li-Wu Fan*,Zi-Qin Zhu, Biao Feng,Han-Cong Zhang, Yi Zeng, A volume-shrinkage-based method for quantifying the inward solidification heat transfer of a phase change material filled in spherical capsules,Applied Thermal Engineering, (2016).
  38. Fu-You Tian, Lian-Feng Huang,Li-Wu Fan*, Hong-Liang Qian, Zi-Tao Yu*, Wall effects on the pressure drop in packed beds of irregularly shaped sintered ore particles,Powder Technology, (2016).
  39. Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Qin Zhu, Sheng-Lan Xiao, Min-Jie Liu, Yi Zeng, Hai Lu, Zi-Tao Yu, Ke-Fa Cen, An experimental and numerical investigation of constrained melting heat transfer of a phase change material in a circumferentially finned spherical capsule for thermal energy storage,Applied Thermal Engineering, (2016).
  40. Fu-You Tian, Lian-Feng Huang,Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Xi Gu, Hong-Liang Qian, Zi-Tao Yu, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Pressure drop in a packed bed filled with sintered ore particles as applied to sinter coolers with a novel vertically-arranged design for waste heat recovery,Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, (2016).
  41. Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Qin Zhu,Yi Zeng,Qing Ding, Min-Jie Liu, Unconstrained melting heat transfer in a spherical container revisited in the presence of nano-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM),International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2016).
  42. LiangZhang*, Meng Hua, Hai Lu,Liwu Fan, Renwei Mei, Effect of receiver diameter ratio on thermal performance of natural circulation steam generationsystem as applied to parabolic trough collector using water as working fluid,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2016).
  43. Hong-Qing Jin, Xiao-Li Yao,Li-Wu Fan*, Xu Xu, Zi-Tao Yu, Experimental determination and fractal modeling of the effective thermal conductivity of autoclaved aerated concrete: Effects of moisture content,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2016).
  44. Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Qi Li, You-You Su, Huan-Li Wang, Ting Ji, Zi-Tao Yu, Subcooled pool film boiling heat transfer from spheres with superhydrophobic surfaces: An experimental study,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME, (2016).
  45. Fu-You Tian, Lian-Feng Huang,Li-Wu Fan*, Yuan-Kai Weng, Xiao-Yuan Ying, Zi-Tao Yu, Ke-Fa Cen, A comprehensive characterization on the thermophysical properties of sintered ore particles toward waste heat recovery applications,Applied Thermal Engineering, (2015).
  46. Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Qin Zhu, Min-Jie Liu, A similarity solution to unidirectional solidification of nano-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM) considering the mushy region effect,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2015).
  47. Yu-Fei Wang, Xu Xu*, Tian Tian,Li-Wu Fan, Wen-Long Wang, Zi-Tao Yu, Laminar mixed convection heat transfer of SiC-EG nanofluids in a triangular enclosure with a rotating inner cylinder: simulations based on the measured thermal conductivity and viscosity,Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, (2015).
  48. Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Qi Li, Dan-Yang Li, Liang Zhang, Zi-Tao Yu, Ke-Fa Cen, The effect of concentration on transient pool boiling heat transfer of graphene-based aqueous nanofluids,International Journal of Thermal Sciences, (2015).
  49. Meng Hua, Liang Zhang*,Liwu Fan, Yu Lv, Hai Lu, Zitao Yu*, Kefa Cen, Experimental investigation of effect of heat load on thermal performance of natural circulation steam generation system as applied to PTC-based solar system,Energy Conversion and Management, (2015).
  50. Xin Fang, Qing Ding,Li-Wu Fan, Hai Lu, Zi-Tao Yu*, Effects of inclusion size on thermal conductivity and rheological behavior of ethylene-glycol-based suspensions containing silver nanowires with various specific surface areas,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,(2015).
  51. Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Qin Zhu, Yi Zeng, Yu-Qi Xiao, Xue-Ling Liu, Yu-Yue Wu, Qing Ding, Zi-Tao Yu, Ke-Fa Cen, Transient performance of a PCM-based heat sink with high aspect-ratio carbon nanofillers,Applied Thermal Engineering, (2015).
  52. Li-Wu Fan*, Xiao-Li Yao, Xiao Wang, Yu-Yue Wu, Xue-Ling Liu, Xu Xu, Zi-Tao Yu, Non-isothermal crystallization of aqueous nanofluids with high aspect-ratio carbon nano-additives for cold thermal energy storage,Applied Energy,138, 193-201 (2015).
  53. Hai Lu*, Zitao Yu*, Kari Alanne, Liang Zhang,Liwu Fan, Xu Xu,Ivo Martinac, Transition path towards hybrid systems in China: obtaining net-zero exergy district using a multi-objective optimization method,Energy and Buildings, (2014).
  54. Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Qin Zhu, Yi Zeng, Qian Lu, Zi-Tao Yu,Heat transfer during melting of graphene-based composite phase change materials heated from below,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2014).
  55. Hai Lu*, Zitao Yu*, Kari Alanne, Xu Xu,Liwu Fan, Han Yu, Liang Zhang, Ivo Martinac, Parametric analysis of energy quality management for district in China using multi-objective optimization approach,Energy Conversion and Management, (2014).
  56. Jiang LU,Li-wu FAN*, Yi ZENG, Yu-qi XIAO, Xu XU, Zi-tao YU,The effect of the inclination angle on the transient performance of a phase change material-based heat sink under pulsed heat loads,Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (2014).
  57. Li-Wu Fan*, Jia-Qi Li, Dan-Yang Li, Liang Zhang, Zi-Tao Yu, Regulated transient pool boiling of water during quenching on nanostructured surfaces with modified wettability from superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2014).
  58. Liang Zhang,Liwu Fan*,Zitao Yu, Kefa Cen, An experimental investigation of transient pool boiling of aqueous nanofluids with grapheneoxide nanosheets as characterized by the quenching method,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2014).
  59. Xin Fang,Li-Wu Fan*,Qing Ding,Xiao-Li, Yao, Yu-Yue Wu, Jian-Feng Hou, Xiao Wang,Zi-Tao Yu, Guan-Hua Cheng, Ya-Cai Hu, Thermal energy storage performance of paraffin-based composite phase change materials filled with boron nitride nanosheets,Energy Conversion and Management (2014).
  60. Xin Fang, Qing Ding,Li-Wu Fan*, Zi-Tao Yu, Xu Xu, Guan-Hua Cheng, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Thermal conductivity enhancement of ethylene glycol-based suspensions in the presence of silver nanoparticles of various shapes,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME (2014).
  61. Liang Zhang,Liwu Fan*,Meng Hua, Ziqin Zhu, Yuyue Wu, Zitao Yu*, Yacai Hu, Jianren Fan, Kefa Cen,An indoor experimental investigation of the thermal performance of a TPLT-based natural circulation steam generator as applied to PTC systems,Applied Thermal Engineering (2014).
  62. Yi Zeng,Li-Wu Fan*, Yu-Qi Xiao, Zi-Tao Yu, Ke-Fa Cen, An experimental investigation of melting of nanoparticle-enhanced phase change materials (NePCMs) in a bottom-heated vertical cylindrical cavity,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2013).
  63. Li-Wu Fan*, Xin Fang, Xiao Wang, Yi Zeng, Yu-Qi Xiao, Zi-Tao Yu*, Xu Xu, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Effects of various carbon nanofillers on the thermal conductivity and energy storage properties of solid paraffin-based nanocomposite phase change materials,Applied Energy (2013).
  64. Liwu Fan, J.M. Khodadadi*, A.A. Pesaran, A parametric study on thermal management of an air-cooled lithium-ion battery module for electric vehicles,Journal of Power Sources (2013).
  65. LiangZhang,ZitaoYu*,LiwuFan,WujunWang,HuanChen,YacaiHu,JianrenFan,MingjiangNi,KefaCen, An experimental investigation of heat losses of a U-type solar heat pipe receiver of a parabolic trough collector-based natural circulation steam generation system,Renewable Energy (2013).
  66. J.M. Khodadadi*,Liwu Fan, H. Babaei, Thermal conductivity enhancement of colloidal suspensions utilized as nanostructure-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM) for thermal energy storage: A review,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2013).
  67. Li-Wu Fan*, Yu-Qi Xiao, Yi Zeng, Xin Fang, Xiao Wang, Xu Xu, Zi-Tao Yu*, Rong-Hua Hong, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Effects of melting temperature and the presence of internal fins on the performance of a phase change material (PCM)-based heat sink,International Journal of Thermal Sciences (2013).
  68. Xin Fang,Li-Wu Fan*, Qing Ding, Xiao Wang, Xiao-Li Yao, Jian-Feng Hou, Zi-Tao Yu, Guan-Hua Chen, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen,Increased thermal conductivity of eicosane-based composite phase change materials in the presence of graphene nanoplatelets,Energy and Fuels (2013)
  69. LiangZhang,ZitaoYu*,DanyangLi,LiwuFan*,YuanzhengZhu,RonghuaHong,YacaiHu,JianrenFan, KefaCen, Enhanced critical heat flux during quenching of extremely dilute aqueous colloidal suspensions with graphene oxide nanosheets,Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME (2013).
  70. Zi-TaoYu,XinFang,Li-WuFan*,XiaoWang,Yu-Qi Xiao, YiZeng, Xu Xu, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Increased thermal conductivityofliquidparaffin-basedsuspensionsin thepresenceofcarbon nanoadditives ofvarious sizes andshapes,Carbon (2013).
  71. Liwu Fan, J.M. Khodadadi*, An experimental investigation of enhanced thermal conductivity and expedited unidirectional freezing of cyclohexane-based nanoparticle suspensions utilized as nano-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM),International Journal of Thermal Sciences (2012).
  72. Liwu Fan, J.M. Khodadadi*, A theoretical and experimental investigation of expedited unidirectional freezing of nanoparticle-enhanced phase change materials (NePCM),Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME (2012).
  73. LiangZhang,WujunWang,ZitaoYu*,LiwuFan,YacaiHu,YuNi,JianrenFan,KefaCen,Anexperimental investigationof a natural circulation heat pipe system applied to a parabolic trough solar collector steam generation system,Solar Energy (2012).
  74. Zi-TaoYu*,XuXu,Ya-CaiHu,Li-WuFan,Ke-FaCen, A numerical investigation of transient natural convection heat transfer of aqueous nanofluids in a horizontal concentric annulus,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfe (2012).
  75. XuXu,Zi-TaoYu*,Ya-CaiHu,Li-WuFan*,Ke-Fa Cen, Transient natural convective heat transfer of a low-Prandtl-number fluid from a heated horizontal circular cylinder to its coaxial triangular enclosure,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2012).
  76. Zi-Tao Yu*, Xu Xu*,Li-Wu Fan*, Ya-Cai Hu*, Ke-Fa Cen*, Experimental measurements of thermal conductivity of wood species in China: Effects of density, temperature, and moisture content,Forest Products Journal (2011).
  77. Zi-Tao Yu*, Wei Wang, Xu Xu,Li-Wu Fan*, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, A numerical investigation of transient natural convection heat transfer of aqueous nanofluids in a differentially heated square cavity,International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (2011).
  78. Zi-Tao Yu*, Xu Xu, Ya-Cai Hu,Li-Wu Fan*, Ke-Fa Cen, Unsteady natural convection heat transfer from a heated circular cylinder to its air-filled coaxial triangular enclosure,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2011).
  79. Zi-Tao Yu*, Xu Xu, Ya-Cai Hu,Li-Wu Fan*, Ke-Fa Cen, Numerical study of transient buoyancy-driven convective heat transfer of water-based nanofluids in a bottom-heated isosceles triangular enclosure,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2011).
  80. Liwu Fan, J.M. Khodadadi*, Thermal conductivity enhancement of phase change materials for thermal energy storage: A review,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2011).
  81. Zi-Tao Yu*, Ya-Cai Hu,Li-Wu Fan, Ke-Fa Cen, A parametric study of Prandtl number effects on laminar natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal circular cylinder to its coaxial triangular enclosure,Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications (2010).
  82. Zi-Tao Yu*, Xu Xu, Ya-Cai Hu,Li-Wu Fan*, Ke-Fa Cen, Transient natural convective heat transfer of a low-Prandtl-number fluid inside a horizontal cylindrical enclosure with a coaxial inner triangular cylinder,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2010).
  83. Zi-Tao Yu*, Xu Xu, Ya-Cai Hu,Li-Wu Fan*, Ke-Fa Cen, Transient natural convective heat transfer from a heated triangular cylinder to its air-filled coaxial cylindrical enclosure,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2010).
  84. Zi-Tao Yu*,Li-Wu Fan, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Perturbation solution to heat conduction in melting or solidification with heat generation,Heat and Mass Transfer (2010).
  85. Zi-Tao Yu*,Li-Wu Fan*, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Prandtl number dependence of laminar natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal cylindrical enclosure with an inner coaxial triangular cylinder,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2010).
  86. Xu Xu, Zitao Yu*, Yacai Hu,Liwu Fan*, Kefa Cen, A numerical study of laminar natural convective heat transfer around a horizontal cylinder inside a concentric air-filled triangular enclosure,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2010).
  87. F.L. Tan, S.F. Hosseinizadeh, J.M. Khodadadi*,Liwu Fan, Experimental and computational study of constrained melting of phase change materials (PCM) inside a spherical capsule,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2009).
  88. Xu Xu, Gonggang Sun, Zitao Yu*, Yacai Hu,Liwu Fan*, Kefa Cen, Numerical investigation of laminar natural convective heat transfer from a horizontal triangular cylinder to its concentric cylindrical enclosure,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2009).
  89. Li-Wu Fan, Ya-Cai Hu*, Tian Tian, Zi-Tao Yu, The prediction of effective thermal conductivities perpendicular to the fibres of wood using a fractal model and an improved transient measurement technique,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2006).


  1. 矽鐵礦熱爐餘熱鍋爐的移動可調節除灰裝置及其使用方法,范利武、曾軼、俞自濤、周勇平、陳光棋、孔昔民、張伯忠、宋治國、洪榮華、胡亞才
  2. 立式燒結餘熱驅動冷熱電聯供系統及其方法,范利武、田付有、錢虹良、李曉潔、黃連鋒、俞自濤、屠柏銳、尹德厚、厲青
  3. 基於低溫合金的儲能複合式控溫系統,范利武、朱子欽、吳雨越、曾軼、俞自濤、胡亞才
  4. 一種採用螺桿膨脹機拖動燒結餘熱發電系統及其方法,范利武、田付有、黃連鋒、吳雨越、俞自濤、胡亞才、屠柏銳、尹德厚、厲青
  5. 固-液相變材料熔化傳熱性能參數測試系統及其方法,范利武、朱子欽、曾軼、劉閔婕、金虹慶、俞自濤、胡亞才
  6. 固-液相變材料凝固傳熱性能參數測試裝置及其方法,范利武、馮飆、朱子欽、曾軼、劉閔婕、金虹慶、俞自濤、胡亞才
  7. 基於溶液除濕的新能源電動汽車餘熱儲能式空調系統及其方法,范利武、馮飆、朱子欽、曾軼、許粲羚、劉閔婕、金虹慶、俞自濤、胡亞才
  8. 一種用於智慧能源網的儲能式新能源電池保護系統及其方法,范利武、馮飆、朱子欽、鄭夢蓮、曾軼、許粲羚、劉閔婕、金虹慶、俞自濤、胡亞才
  9. 基於磁性顆粒的移動式供熱分階段傳熱性能定向調節系統及其方法,范利武、馮飆、邵雪峰、朱子欽、鄭夢蓮、曾軼、黃元凱、胡楠、俞自濤、胡亞才
  10. 一種用於蒸汽管道的冷/熱雙向保護裝置及方法,范利武、朱子欽、胡楠、邵雪峰、黃元凱、馮飆、曾軼、鄭夢蓮、俞自濤、胡亞才
  11. 一種基於移動式泡沫金屬的相變儲能控溫系統及方法,范利武、邵雪峰、馮飆、朱子欽、鄭夢蓮、路倩、曾軼、劉閔婕、金虹慶、俞自濤、胡亞才
  12. 基於石墨的模組化移動式供熱系統及方法,范利武、朱子欽、黃元凱、邵雪峰、胡楠、馮飆、曾軼、鄭夢蓮、俞自濤、胡亞才
  13. 立式燒結餘熱回收系統橢圓截面下料調節裝置及其方法,田付有、范利武、黃連鋒、田帥奇、李佳琦、李曉潔、俞自濤、胡亞才
  14. 一種熱泵蓄熱互補型高溫乾燥系統及方法,張良、范利武、鄭夢蓮、俞自濤、胡亞才
  15. 一種熱泵輔助型乾燥系統及方法,張良、范利武、鄭夢蓮、俞自濤、胡亞才
  16. 汽水雙熱源供熱量可調集中供熱系統及其方法,胡亞才、陳琦、范利武、俞自濤、汪超、林俊光、盧婉珍、徐紅波、張衛靈、錢海平
  17. 溫度梯度下多孔材料水蒸氣傳遞係數測量裝置及測量方法,田帥奇、俞自濤、范利武、王可、劉柏辰、王燕、曾慶敏、王玉瑋、羅岩松
  18. 基於傳熱改性表面的自然循環太陽能迴路型集熱管及方法,華蒙、張良、范利武、俞自濤、胡亞才、樊建人
  19. 沸騰傳熱改善型直通式自然循環太陽能集熱管及方法,華蒙、張良、范利武、俞自濤、胡亞才、樊建人
  20. 一種智慧型沸騰表面及其調控沸騰方法,張良、王宇飛、范利武、華蒙、李佳琦、俞自濤、胡亞才,
  21. 一種太陽能熱泵熱水系統及方法,張良、張曉鵬、范利武、鄭夢蓮、俞自濤、胡亞才,
  22. 一種熱電耦合利用太陽能系統及方法,張良、張曉鵬、范利武、鄭夢蓮、俞自濤、胡亞才,
  23. 顯熱蓄熱式腔體聚光吸熱太陽能集熱裝置及方法,王宇飛、張良、俞自濤、范利武、華蒙、王濤、胡亞才、洪榮華,
  24. 加熱型邊界層控制減阻超精密磁懸浮導軌工作檯系統及其方法,俞自濤、田付有、黃連鋒、范利武、朱子欽、李佳琦
  25. 一種基於串聯調節的顯熱蓄熱式直接蒸汽發生系統及方法,張良、王濤、王宇飛、范利武、鄭夢蓮、俞自濤、胡亞才
  26. 一種基於並聯調節的顯熱蓄熱式直接蒸汽發生系統及方法,張良、王濤、王宇飛、范利武、鄭夢蓮、俞自濤、胡亞才
  27. 槽式太陽能二次聚光均勻集熱熱電一體化裝置,華蒙、張良、胡亞才、俞自濤、范利武、黃風良、洪榮華
  28. 基於太陽能輔助燃氣輪機的分散式多聯供裝置及方法,張良、陳琦、陸海、華蒙、范利武、俞自濤、胡亞才
  29. 基於計算機伺服器廢熱利用的熱水系統及方法,張良、華蒙、姚曉莉、陸海、范利武、胡亞才、俞自濤
  30. 基於伺服器廢熱和太陽能的冷熱聯供系統及方法,張良、華蒙、姚曉莉、易思陽、范利武、俞自濤、胡亞才
  31. 傳熱改善型蓄熱式太陽能集熱裝置,王濤、張良、王宇飛、俞自濤、范利武、華蒙、胡亞才、洪榮華
  32. 一種伴熱型湍流層流化減阻流體輸運管道及其方法,俞自濤、田付有、錢虹良、翁元凱、范利武、黃連鋒、朱子欽、李佳琦
  33. 用於平板菲涅耳集熱系統的一體化雙路集熱管裝置,張良、華蒙、方子東、徐特科、趙徐煌、范利武、俞自濤、胡亞才
  34. 一種太陽能輔助再熱回熱熱力發電系統及減排擴容方法,張曉鵬、張良、華蒙、王宇飛、陸海、范利武、俞自濤、胡亞才
  35. 一種太陽能輔助再熱過熱熱力發電系統及減排擴容方法,張良、張曉鵬、華蒙、王宇飛、陸海、范利武、俞自濤、胡亞才
  36. 基於菲涅耳聚光的平板自然循環太陽能中高溫集熱裝置,張良、華蒙、余超、胡榕榕、李丕強、張曉鵬、王雪、范利武、俞自濤、胡亞才
  37. 一種全釩液流電池系統傳質係數的最佳化測量方法和裝置,劉珂、鄭夢蓮、孫潔、劉柏辰、陳濤、呂文睿、俞自濤、范利武、張良


  1. 2019年中國工程熱物理學會多相流學術會議分會場特邀報告人,長沙,2019年11月9日
  2. 2019年國家自然科學基金項目進展交流會議(多相流領域)口頭報告人,長沙,2019年11月8日
  3. 2019年傳熱與能源國際青年學者論壇分會場特邀報告人,青島,2019年4月28日
  4. 2018年多相流與新能源青年學者論壇分會場特邀報告人,西安,2018年12月1日
  5. 2018年中國工程熱物理學會傳熱傳質學術會議分會場特邀報告人,哈爾濱,2018年10月14日
  6. 2018年第9屆先進能源科學國際論壇(日本京都大學)特邀報告人,日本京都,2018年9月3日
  7. 2018年傳熱傳質青年學術論壇專題研討會特邀報告人,北京,2018年4月14日
  8. 浙江大華技術股份有限公司熱設計專題培訓主講人,杭州,2017年10月18日
  9. 2017年第2屆金磚國家青年科學家論壇能源分論壇特邀報告人,杭州,2017年7月13日
  10. 2017年浙江大學能源工程學院全國優秀大學生學術夏令營特邀報告人,杭州,2017年7月5日
  11. 2017年第2屆傳熱與多相流青年學術論壇分組特邀報告人,天津,2017年3月18日
  12. 國家重點研發計畫課題“降低供暖空調用能需求的圍護結構和混合通風適宜技術及方案”學術研討會特邀報告人,上海,2017年2月24日
  13. '浙江大學-京都大學'能源與農業科學國際論壇分會場特邀報告人,杭州,2016年11月5日
  14. 2016年中國工程熱物理學會傳熱傳質學術會議分會場主題報告人,北京,2016年10月22日
  15. “浙江大學-華為”熱設計技術研討會主題報告人,杭州,2016年9月20日
  16. 2016年教育部高等學校能源動力類專業教學指導委員會優秀中青年教師示範課執講教師,瀋陽,2016年5月29日


  1. 2019年傳熱傳質與數值計算國際研討會(International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Heat and Mass Transfer, May 26-28, 2019, Hangzhou, China)組委會成員
  2. 2019年第7屆微納技術國際論壇(International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology, April 26-28, 2019, Qingdao, China)分會場主席
  3. 2019年國際微納尺度傳熱傳質大會(ASME International Conference of Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, July 8-10, 2018, Dalian, China)分方向共同召集人、分會場召集人
  4. 2019年中日傳熱學論壇(China-Japan Heat Transfer Symposium 2019, January 15, 2019, Tianjin, China)報告主持人
  5. 2018年第16屆國際傳熱學大會(International Heat Transfer Conference 2018, August 10~15, 2018, Beijing, China)分會場主席
  6. 2017年第2屆金磚國家青年科學家論壇(BRICS Young Scientist Forum, July 11~15, 2017, Hangzhou, China)能源分論壇主席
  7. 2014年第15屆國際傳熱學大會(International Heat Transfer Conference 2014, August 10~15, 2014, Kyoto, Japan)分會場主席
  8. 2013年第8屆國際多相流大會(International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2013, May 25~31, 2013, Jeju, Korea)分會場主席
  1. Journal of Thermal Science
  1. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
  2. ACS Applied Nano Materials
  3. ACS Nano
  4. ACS Omega
  5. Acta Mechanica Sinica
  6. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
  7. Advanced Powder Technology(2018年11月傑出審稿人)
  8. Advances in Mathematical Physics
  9. Advances in Mechanical Engineering
  10. Advances in Space Research
  11. Annals of Nuclear Energy
  12. Applied Energy
  13. Applied Materials Today
  14. Applied Surface Science
  15. Applied Thermal Engineering (2017年1月傑出審稿人)
  16. BioResources
  17. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
  18. Carbon
  19. Chemical Engineering Communications
  20. Chemical Engineering Journal(2018年7月傑出審稿人)
  21. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
  22. Chemical Physics(2017年6月傑出審稿人)
  23. Construction and Building Materials
  24. Energy(2016年12月傑出審稿人)
  25. Energy and Buildings
  26. Energy and Fuels
  27. Energy Conversion and Management
  28. Energy Reports
  29. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
  30. Energy Storage Materials
  31. Engineering
  32. Environmental Research
  33. ES Energy and Environment
  34. Experimental Heat Transfer
  35. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
  36. Frontiers in Energy
  37. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures
  38. Groundwater for Sustainable Development
  39. Heat and Mass Transfer
  40. Heat Transfer Engineering
  41. Heat Transfer - Asian Research
  42. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
  43. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked
  44. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
  45. International Journal of Energy Research
  46. International Journal of Green Energy
  47. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer(2016年11月傑出審稿人)
  48. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
  49. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
  50. International Journal of Refrigeration
  51. International Journal of Thermal Sciences(2017年7月傑出審稿人)
  52. Journal of Electronic Packaging, ASME
  53. Journal of Energy Resources Technology
  54. Journal of Energy Storage(2018年11月傑出審稿人)
  55. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
  56. Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASME
  57. Journal of Hazardous Materials
  58. Journal of Heat Transfer, ASME
  59. Journal of Materials Chemistry A
  60. Journal of Molecular Liquids
  61. Journal of Nanomaterials
  62. Journal of Porous Media
  63. Journal of Power Sources
  64. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
  65. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
  66. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
  67. Journal of Thermal Science
  68. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, ASME
  69. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, AIAA
  70. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A
  71. Korean Journal of Chemical Engnieering
  72. Materialia
  73. Materials and Design
  74. Materials Chemistry and Physics
  75. Materials Horizons
  76. Materials Letters
  77. Materials Today Energy(2018年9月傑出審稿人)
  78. Meccanica
  79. MethodsX
  80. Nanoscale
  81. Nuclear Engineering and Technology
  82. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications
  83. Phase Transitions
  84. Physica A
  85. Physica E
  86. Physical Letters A
  87. Physics of Fluids
  88. Powder Technology
  89. Polymer Engineering and Science
  90. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics
  91. Progress in Nuclear Energy
  92. Propulsion and Power Research
  93. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
  94. Renewable Energy
  95. Renewable Power Generation, IET
  96. RSC Advances
  97. Science of the Total Environment
  98. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
  99. Surface and Coatings Technology
  100. Sustainable Cities and Society
  101. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
  102. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry
  103. Thermal Science
  104. Thermal Science and Engineering Process(2017年10月傑出審稿人)
  105. Thermochimica Acta
  1. 工程熱物理學報
  2. 過程工程學報
  3. 化工進展
  4. 化工學報
  5. 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版)
  6. 南京航空航天大學學報(英文版)
  7. 上海交通大學學報(自然科學版)
  8. 浙江大學學報(工學版)
  1. ASME美國機械工程師學會
  2. APS美國物理學會
  3. ANS美國核學會
  4. IEEE國際電氣電子工程師學會
  5. 中國工程熱物理學會(傳熱傳質分會青年工作委員會委員)
  6. 中國化工學會
  7. 中國電機工程學會
  8. 中國核學會
  9. 中國複合材料學會(導熱複合材料專業委員會委員)
  10. 浙江省工程熱物理學會(理事)
  11. 杭州市能源學會
  1. 教育部學位中心評審專家
  2. 國家自然科學基金申請項目通訊評議專家
  3. 浙江省自然科學基金結題項目通訊評議專家
  4. 中國工程建設標準化協會標準《建築材料及其製品液態水吸收性能測試方法標準》編制組成員


  1. 優秀本科生班主任,浙江大學,2017-2018學年
  2. 研究生“五好”導學團隊(主要成員,排名2/6),浙江大學,2018年
  3. 浙江省151人才工程第三層次培養人員,浙江省人力資源和社會保障廳,2017年
  4. 浙江省傑出青年科學基金,浙江省自然科學基金委員會,2017年
  5. 優秀研究生德育導師,浙江大學,2015-2016學年
  6. '百人計畫'研究員(自然科學C類),浙江大學,2016年
  7. 優秀中青年教師示範課執講教師,教育部高等學校能源動力類專業教學指導委員會,2016年
  8. 青年教師教學競賽優勝獎,浙江大學,2015年
  9. 杭州市青年科技人才培育工程資助,杭州市科學技術協會,2015年
  10. 求是青年學者,浙江大學,2014年
  11. 國家優秀自費留學生獎學金,國家留學基金管理委員會,2010年,全球共500位獲獎人
  12. Harry Merriwether Fellowship (全校研究生最高學術獎勵),Auburn University研究生院,2010-2011學年,每學年僅4位獲獎人
  13. Outstanding International Graduate Student Award (傑出國際研究生獎),Auburn University工學院,2010-2011學年,機械工程系唯一獲獎人
  14. Graduate Research Scholarship,Alabama EPSCoR研究學者擇優資助計畫,2009-2010學年、2010-2011學年,連續兩學年每學年獲資助25,000美元
  15. 浙江省普通高等學校優秀畢業生,浙江省教育廳,2006年
  16. 浙江大學優秀畢業研究生,浙江大學,2006年
  17. 浙江大學研究生一等獎學金,浙江大學,2005-2006學年
  18. 浙江大學工藤獎學金,浙江大學,2005-2006學年


