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2010-2017年 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所,第四紀地質學專業,博士
2006-2010年 中國地質大學(北京),資源勘查工程(能源)專業,學士
2020.01-至今 中國地震局地質研究所,副研究員
2019.05-2019.12 中國地震局地質研究所,助理研究員
2017.01-2019.04 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所,博士後






2013-至今 中國第四紀科學研究會,會員


1. Yue, J.J., Xiao, J.L.*, Wang, X.*, Fan, J.W.,Qin, B., 2021. Clumped isotope analysis of lacustrine endogenic carbonates and implicationsfor paleo-temperature reconstruction: A case study from Dali Lake. Science ChinaEarth Sciences 64, 294–306.
2. Fan, J.W.*, Jiang, H.C., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., Wei, X.T.*, Xu, H.Y., Zhong, N., Huang, S.T., Chang, X.D., Xiao,J.L., 2020. A 450-year lacustrine record of recurrent seismic activities aroundthe Fuyun fault, Altay Mountains, Northwest China. Quaternary International 558,75–88.
3. Huang, Y.*, Xiao, J.L., Xiang, R.*, Liu, S.F., Khokiattiwong, S., Kornkanitnan, N., Fan, J.W.,Wen, R.L., Zhang, S.R., Liu, J.G., 2020. Holocene Indian summer monsoon variationsinferred from end-member modeling of sediment grain size in the Andaman Sea.Quaternary International 558, 28–38.
4. Fan, J.W.*, Wei, X.T., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., Xu, H.Y.,Song, H.M., Xu, C.X., An, W.L., Jiang, H.C.*, 2020. Response oftree rings to earthquakes during the past 350 years at Jiuzhaigou in theeastern Tibet. Science of the Total Environment 731, 138714.
5. Zhang, S.R.*, Xiao, J.L.*, Xu, Q.H., Wen, R.L., Fan, J.W., Huang, Y., Li, M.Y., Liang, J., 2020. Contrastingimpacts of the 8.2‐ and 4.2‐ka abrupt climatic events on the regionalvegetation of the Hulun Lake region in north‐eastern China. Journal of QuaternaryScience 35, 831–840.
6. Fan, J.W.*, Xiao, J.L., Qin, X.G., 2019. Millennial- andcentennial-scale droughts at the northern margin of the East Asian summermonsoon during the last deglaciation: Sedimentological evidence from Dali Lake.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514, 361–372.
7. Fan, J.W.*, Xiao, J.L., Wen, R.L., Zhang, S.R., Huang, Y., Yue,J.J., Wang, X., Cui, L.L., Li, H., Xue, D.S., Liu, Y.H., 2019. Mineralogy andcarbonate geochemistry of the Dali Lake sediments: Implications forpaleohydrological changes in the East Asian summer monsoon margin during theHolocene. Quaternary International 527, 103–112.
8. Xiao, J.L.*, Zhang, S.R., Fan, J.W., Wen, R.L., Xu, Q.H.,Inouchi, Y., Nakamura, T., 2019. The 4.2 ka event and its resulting culturalinterruption in the Daihai Lake basin at the East Asian summer monsoon margin.Quaternary International 527, 87–93.
9. Abdelhady, A.A.*, Khalil, M.M., Ismail,E., Fan, J.W., Zhang, S.R., Xiao,J.L., 2019. Water chemistry and substrate type as major determinants ofmolluscan feeding habit and life–mode in lagoon sediments. Estuarine, Coastaland Shelf Science 220, 120–130.
10. Abdelhady, A.A.*, Khalil, M.M., Ismail,E., Mohamed, R.S.A., Ali, A., Snousy, M.G., Fan, J.W., Zhang, S.R., Liu, Y.H., Xiao, J.L., 2019. Potentialbiodiversity threats associated with the metal pollution in the Nile–Deltaecosystem (Manzala lagoon, Egypt). Ecological Indicators 98, 844–853.
11. Fan, J.W.*, Xiao, J.L.*, Wen, R.L., Zhang,S.R., Wang, X., Cui, L.L., Liu, Y.H., Li, H., Yue, J.J., 2018. Themanifestation of the Younger Dryas event in the East Asian summer monsoon margin:New evidence from carbonate geochemistry of the Dali Lake sediments in northernChina. The Holocene 28, 1082–1092.
12. Xiao, J.L.*, Zhang, S.R., Fan, J.W., Wen, R.L., Zhai, D.Y., Tian,Z.P., Jiang, D.B., 2018. The 4.2 kaBP event: multi-proxy records from a closedlake in the northern margin of the East Asian summer monsoon. Climate of thePast 14, 1417–1425.
13. Zhang, S.R., Xiao, J.L.*, Xu, Q.H., Wen, R.L., Fan, J.W., Huang, Y., Yamagata, H.,2018. Differential response of vegetation in Hulun Lake region at the northernmargin of Asian summer monsoon to extreme cold events of the last deglaciation.Quaternary Science Reviews 190, 57–65.
14. Abdelhady, A.A.*, Abdelrahman, E.,Elewa, A.M.T., Fan, J.W., Zhang,S.R., Xiao, J.L., 2018. Phenotypic plasticity of the gastropod Melanoides tuberculata in the Nile Delta:A pollution-induced stabilizing selection. Marine Pollution Bulletin 133, 701–710.
15. Fan, J.W.*, Xiao, J.L., Wen, R.L., Zhang, S.R., Wang, X., Cui,L.L., Yamagata, H., 2017. Carbon and nitrogen signatures of sedimentary organicmatter from Dali Lake in Inner Mongolia: Implications for Holocene hydrologicaland ecological variations in the East Asian summer monsoon margin. QuaternaryInternational 452, 65–78.
16. Fan, J.W.*, Xiao, J.L.*, Wen, R.L., Zhang,S.R., Wang, X., Cui, L.L., Yamagata, H., 2017. Organic geochemicalinvestigations of the Dali Lake sediments in northern China: Implications forenvironment and climate changes of the last deglaciation in the East Asiansummer monsoon margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 140, 135–146.
17. Wen, R.L.*, Xiao, J.L., Fan, J.W., Zhang, S.R., Yamagata, H.,2017. Pollen evidence for a mid-Holocene East Asian summer monsoon maximum innorthern China. Quaternary Science Reviews 176, 29–35.
18. Fan, J.W.*, Xiao, J.L., Wen, R.L., Zhang, S.R., Wang, X., Cui,L.L., Li, H., Xue, D.S., Yamagata, H., 2016. Droughts in the East Asian summermonsoon margin during the last 6 kyrs: Link to the North Atlantic coolingevents. Quaternary Science Reviews 151, 88–99.
19. Xiao, J.L.*, Fan, J.W., Zhai, D.Y., Wen, R.L., Qin, X.G., 2015. Testing themodel for linking grain-size component to lake level status of modern clasticlakes. Quaternary International 355, 34–43.
20. Zhai, D.Y.*, Xiao, J.L., Fan, J.W., Wen, R.L., Qin, X.G., 2015. Differentialtransport and preservation of the instars of Limnocythere inopinata (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in three largebrackish lakes in northern China. Hydrobiologia 747, 1–18.
21. Xiao, J.L.*, Fan, J.W., Zhou, L., Zhai, D.Y., Wen, R.L., Qin, X.G., 2013. Amodel for linking grain-size component to lake level status of a modern clasticlake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 69, 149–158.
22. Zhai, D.Y.*, Xiao, J.L., Fan, J.W., Zhou, L., Wen, R.L., Pang,Q.Q., 2013. Spatial heterogeneity of the population age structure of theostracode Limnocythere inopinata inHulun Lake, Inner Mongolia and its implications. Hydrobiologia 716, 29–46.
23. Xiao, J.L.*, Chang, Z.G., Fan, J.W., Zhou, L., Zhai, D.Y., Wen,R.L., Qin, X.G., 2012. The link between grain-size components and depositional processesin a modern clastic lake. Sedimentology 59, 1050–1062.


