



  • 書名:英語閱讀技能培養與實踐
  • 作者:段維彤
  • ISBN:9787561820278
  • 頁數:364
  • 定價:29.0
  • 出版社:天津大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2004-9
  • 裝幀:平裝




Unit 1 Developing Literal Recall深化文字內容的回憶
Lesson One Reading for Main Ideas讀出中心思想
Lesson Two Reading for Details把握細節
Lesson Three Reading for Paragraph Organization段落整體閱讀
Lesson Four Reading Textbook Selections全篇巨觀閱讀
Unit 2 Developing Reading Skills培養閱讀技能
Lesson One Reading Speed閱讀速度
Lesson Two Developing Study-Reading Strategy 學習型閱讀策略
Lesson Three Developing Skimming Skill 快速“略讀”技能
Lesson Four Developing Scanning Skill 有效“尋讀”技能
Unit 3 Critical Reading 評論性的閱讀
Lesson One Distinguishing Facts from Opinions辨別事實與觀點
Lesson Two Understanding Purpose and Tone 理解作品傳達的作者的寫作目的和語氣
Lesson Three Making Inferences 進行推論
Lesson Four Evaluating What You Read自我評價閱讀材料
Unit 4 Developing Vocabulary Skills 培養辭彙學習技能
Lesson One Recognizing Vocabulary Studies 認識辭彙學習
Lesson two Context Clues to Word Meaning 通過上下文線索識別詞義
Lesson Three Word Part Clues to Meaning 通過構詞線索把握詞義
Lesson Four Approaches to Vocabulary Acquisition 辭彙記憶方法
Unit 5 CET-4 Reading 英語四級閱讀
Lesson One A Brief Introduction to CET-4 Reading 四級閱讀簡介
Lesson Two Question Types and Strategies(I):Global Questions
Lesson Three Question Types and Strategies(Ⅱ):Local Questions
Lesson Four Phrases and Translation in Reading Comprehension閱讀中的短語和翻譯問題
Unit 6 CET—6 Reading英語六級閱讀
Lesson One A Brief Introduction to CET-6 Reading六級閱讀簡介
Lesson Two Improving Reading Speed and Comprehension
Lesson Three Reading Focuses閱讀注視焦點
Lesson Four Polysemy and Translation in Reading Comprehension
Unit 7 NETM Reading考研英語閱讀
Lesson One A Brief Introduction to NETM Reading考研英語閱讀簡介
Lesson Two Keys to Reading閱讀關鍵
Lesson Three Approach to Solving Questions問題處理
Lesson Four Synonyms and Translation in Reading Comprehension
Unit 8 Reading Comprehension in TOEFL托福閱讀
Lesson One An Overview 0f Reading Comprehension in TOEFL
Lesson Two Types of Questions TOEFL閱讀題型
Lesson Three Tactics答題方法
Lesson Four Reading Comprehension in Computer-Based;Test
TOEFL 閱讀機考
Unit 9 Reading Comprehension in GRE GRE閱讀
Lesson One GRE and Reading Comprehension GRE中的閱讀理解
Lesson Two Understanding the Artides讀懂文章
Lesson Three Understanding the Questions and the Choices理解問題和選項
Lesson Four Comprehensive Analysis綜合分析
Unit 10 Reading in IELTS雅思閱讀
Lesson One IELTS Is Gaining Popularity解讀雅思風靡
Lesson Two IELTS Reading Strategies雅思閱讀技巧
Lesson ThreeIELTS Reading Breakthrough雅思閱讀突破
Lcsson Four General Training Module普通培訓類考試
Unit 11 Reading Newspapers and Magazines閱讀報刊文章
Lesson One Newswriting Style and Structure新聞的寫作風格及結構
Lesson Two Interpret Headlines,Leads and Background Information
Lesson Three Feature Story and Opinion Writing新聞特寫與評論性質的文章
Lesson Four Read between Lines and beyond Lines言外之意與文外之意
Unit 12 English Reading for Special Purposes專業英語閱讀
Lesson One English Reading for Special Purposes專業英語/特殊用途英語
Lesson Two English Reading for Academic Purposes專業英語/學術英語閱讀
Lesson Three English Reading for Science and Technology科技英語閱讀
Lesson Four English Reading for Occupational Purposes職業英語/商務英語閱讀
Unit 13 Culture and Reading Comprehension文化與閱讀理解
Lesson One Cultural Influence on the Understanding of Words and Idioms(I)
Lesson Two Cultural Influences on the Understanding of Words and Idioms (Ⅱ)
Lesson Three British Culture and Reading Comprehension 英國文化和閱讀理解
Lesson Four American Culture and Reading Comprehension 美國文化和閱讀理解
Unit 14 Literary Appreciation文學賞析
Lesson One Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice 簡·奧斯汀和《傲慢與偏見》
Lesson Two Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre夏綠蒂·勃朗特和《簡·愛》
Lesson Three Henry David Thoreau and Walden,or Life in the Woods
Lesson Four F.Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Catsby
弗·司哥特菲 茨傑拉德和《了不起的蓋茨比》


