



  • 中文名:英語閱讀技能講與練
  • 出版社國防工業出版社
  • 頁數:249 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 作者:繆胤
  • 出版日期:2013年7月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 品牌國防工業出版社




Chapter 1 Word Formation in English構詞法知識
1.1 Compounding(合成法)
1.2 Affixation(詞綴法)
1.3 English word roots(英語詞根)
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 2 Vocabulary in Context通過上下文猜詞義
2.1 Clues from definition and explanation(上下文直接定義與解釋)
2.2 Clues from examples(舉例說明)
2.3 Clues from synonyms(同義詞解釋說明)
2.4 Clues from contrasts(通過比較說明)
2.5 Clues from cause and effect(通過因果關係解釋說明)
2.6 Clues from general sense(利用常識理解單詞意思)
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 3 Understanding Complicated Sentences複雜旬的理解
3.1 Understanding basic sentence structures(基本句子結構)
3.2 Special sentence structures(特殊句子結構)
3.3 Transition words in sentences(邏輯連線詞)
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 4 Understanding Paragraphs段落的閱讀理解
4.1 Topic of a paragraph(段落主題)
4.2 Main idea of a paragraph(段落的主旨大意)
4.3 Supporting details of a paragraph(段落中支持主旨大意的細節)
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 5 Patterns of Organization段落組織結構
5.1 Paragraphs of time order(時間順序段落)
5.2 Paragraphs of spatial/descriptive order(空間順序段落)
5.3 Paragraphs of definition and example(定義與舉例段落)
5.4 Paragraphs of listing(列舉段落)
5.5 Paragraphs of classification(分類段落)
5.6 Paragraphs of comparison and contrast(對比比較段落)
5.7 Paragraphs of cause and effect(因果關係段落)
5.8 Paragraphs of problem and solution(問題與解決段落)
5.9 Paragraphs of mixed patterns(混合結構段落)
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 6 Critical Reading Skills(Ⅰ)綜合閱讀技能(一)
6.1 Predicting before reading(讀前預測)
6.2 Predicting while reading(邊讀邊預測)
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 7 Critical Reading Skills(Ⅱ)綜合閱讀技能(二)
7.1 Distinguishing facts from opinions(辨別事實與觀點)
7.2 Understanding authors'purposes(理解作者的目的)
Comprehensive Exercises
Chapter 8 Critical Reading Skills(Ⅲ)綜合閱讀技能(三)
8.1 Understanding authors'attitudes and tones(對作者態度與語氣的理解)
8.2 Making reasonable inferences about details(對有關細節的推論)
Comprehensive Exercises
Answers for Reference


