



  • 書名:英語閱讀技巧與實踐:計時閱讀
  • 作者:劉學明總主編
  • 出版社:湖南師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年6月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787810817592


本冊的重點仍然是運用第一冊學到的基本閱讀技巧,千方百計擴大辭彙量,提高閱讀速度和理解率。本冊每篇文章後都註明有單詞數,以便教師按教學大綱規定的閱讀速度組織教學。首先教師要求學生在規定的時間裡讀完課文並做完一大練習題(理解題),然後檢查答案。課文後還有很多其他練習題,除了快速閱讀以外,教師在本冊中要特別注重cloze test,因為它是對學生語言能力的綜合檢測。在做這道題時,教師不能只對答案,而應教給學生如下技巧:上下文線索、習慣搭配、語法知識及常識。利用好這四條技巧,做題時一般能做對70%~80%。同時也要重視綜合改錯題,做改錯題的技巧與做完形填空題的技巧基本相同。


PASSAGE 1 Yellow Fever
PASSAGE 2 Intelligence in Animals
PASSAGE 3 Electronic Burglar Alarms
PASSAGE 4 America's New Recession
PASSAGE 5 The Discovery of a Sunken Ship
PASSAGE 6 Man Hunters of the USA
PASSAGE 7 Frank Turner
PASSAGE 8 The Interaction of Body and Mind
PASSAGE 9 The Land and the People
PASSAGE 10 Supermarkets
PASSAGE 11 Sex on the Job
PASSAGE 12 From the Other Side of the Generation Gap
PASSAGE 13 A Virtual University
PASSAGE 14 WTO Finds US Trade Damaged by EU Beef Import Ban
PASSAGE 15 Two Major Parties in Britain
PASSAGE 16 Reeds, Pens and Beyond
PASSAGE 17 Why Tortoise's Shell Is Not Smooth
PASSAGE 18 How Hurricanes Get Their Names
PASSAGE 19 Indo-European Languages
PASSAGE 20 Death.a Part of Life
PASSAGE 21 Tame Volcanoes
PASSAGE 22 The Secret Language of Barrier Signals
PASSAGE 23 The Birth of Jesus
PASSAGE 24 The Man with the Jade Mask
PASSAGE 25 The Piece of String
PASSAGE 26 Robert Baden-Powell, Secret Agent
PASSAGE 27 Stuck on Stamps
PASSAGE 28 The American Tax System
PASSAGE 29 We Are Not a Nation of Tax Cheats
PASSAGE 30 Insurance
PASSAGE 31 Investment Banking Companies
PASSAGE 32 Weather Catastrophe-Then and Now?
PASSAGE 33 Bittersweet Companions
PASSAGE 34 Safeguarding Life
PASSAGE 35 The Red Data Books
PASSAGE 36 The First Ecologists
PASSAGE 37 Twins,Genes and Environment
PASSAGE 38 The Antler Riddle
PASSAGE 39 Beneath the Canopy
PASSAGE 40 Paralinguistic Communication
APPENDIX Keys, Notes and Vocabulary


