



  • 中文名:英語趣味誦讀 
  • 作者:程勇
  • 出版時間:2008年07月
  • ISBN:9787312023651
  • 定價:16.8 元
  • 裝幀平裝




● Natural Wonders/自然奇觀
1. The Longest and the Muddiest Rivers河流之最
2. The Enchanting Lakes / 魔法湖
3. The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle神秘的百慕達三角
4. Communications of Trees / 樹木的交流
5. Something Interesting about Plants植物奇聞
6. Why Are Black Flowers So Rare?為什麼很少有黑色花?
7. The Baobab Tree / 猴麵包樹
8. Candles That Grow / 會長大的蠟燭
9. This Is No Yolk / 無黃雞蛋
● Animal Anecdotes/動物趣聞
10. Animal Islands / 動物島
11. Animals Have Their Fun動物的“自得其樂”
12. Animal Messengers / 動物郵差
13. Animal Funerals / 動物葬禮
14. Indian Doctors Breathe Easy after Monkey Caught / 猴子被捉醫生鬆口氣
15. The Clever Coon / 小機靈浣熊
16. No Sex Please—We-re Giant Pandas熊貓性冷淡
17. Lion Defies Nature by Adopting Oryx母獅情深養“義子”
18. Elephants Used to Demolish House大象拆房
19. Leopard as Good as Gold at the Dentist豹子換金牙
20. Tasmanian Devils / 塔斯馬尼亞惡獸
21. Why Do Crocodiles“Eat” Their Young?鱷魚為什麼要“吃”自己的幼仔?
22. Tourist Otters Confused by Accent水獺也欺生
23. Monster or Fish? / 是怪物還是魚?
24. Fish Finds True Love with a Throw of the Dice / 小魚與骰子的戀情
25. Something Interesting about Frogs青蛙趣事
26. Lobster, Spared Pot, Tastes Sea好心廚師救下老龍蝦
27. A Spider without a Web / 不結網的蜘蛛
28. Bee Droppings Set Panicky Villagers Abuzz天降異物村民惶恐
29. Proof That Men Don’t Listen聽而不聞的雄鳥
30. Mynah Want a Divorce? / 八哥想離婚?
31. Spring Has Sprung: the Buzzards Return春天的使者:禿鷲
32. Ducklings in Trouble, Mother Calls the Police鴨媽媽“報警”智救孩子
33. Geese Guard Prisoners / 鵝看守
34. Cat’s Meow Saves Owner from Toronto Fire小貓火中救主人
35. Cats Have Nine Lives / 貓有九命
36. Officially Hired Cats / 官方僱傭的貓
37. Dog Alarms Master with Explosive“Fetch”小狗撿回手榴彈
38. Dog Drives off as Owner Watches Hockey主人看冰球,小狗去兜風
39. Which Kind of Animal Is the Cleverest?哪種動物最聰明?
● Shocking Events/心悸一刻
40. Man Catches Tot Who Fell Three Floors一男子接住了三樓掉下來的孩子
41. Missouri Man Bakes Fireworks, Blows up Kitchen / 密蘇里:烤箱裡藏爆竹,“烘”碎廚房
42. Heavy School Bag Pulls Boy to His Death書包殺人
43. Airport Screener Sleeping on the Job航空公司監屏員在崗位上睡著了
44. Ticking Time Bomb Turns out to Be Bouncing Baby / 定時炸彈原是嬰兒
45. New Jersey Woman Accidentally Glues Eye Shut / 粗心的新澤西婦女錯將萬能膠當滴眼液
46. 8-Year-Old Florida Boy Drives to School8歲男孩驅使汽車奔學校
● Miscellaneous Life/生活百態
47. World Population Growing by Three People a Second / 世界上每秒鐘即有3人誕生
48. Butterflies Cause Flutter at Weddings蝴蝶點綴的婚禮
49. Formerly Homeless Boy to Tour World as Peace Envoy / 乞童成為和平特使
50. Urban Golf Tournament for London倫敦市區高爾夫球錦標賽
51. Fake Plaques of Artists藝術家的偽造品
52. One Lump of Berlin Wall Can Fetch up to U.S.$ 95,000 / 柏林圍牆的代價
53. The Valuable Coins / 值錢的硬幣
54. Chance Encounters? / 意外遭遇?
55. Taxi Driver’s Passenger Is His Long-lost Son計程車乘客卻是司機之子
56. Death Row Inmate’s Wife Wants Baby死刑犯想生孩子
57. Woman Gets 18 Months for Passing Cocaine to Baby / 婦人因傳染毒癮給胎兒而入獄
58. Beach Sex Couple Ordered to Apologize夫婦當眾示愛被迫廣告致歉
59. Man Serves 29 Years for Breaking Window打碎一塊玻璃引來29年牢獄之災
60. The Least Successful Explorer最不成功的探險家
61. The Worst Tourist / 最糟糕的旅遊者
62. They’re Playing Our Song他們在奏我們的國歌
63. Coincidence / 巧合
64. Library Book Returned after 70 Years 70年後歸還圖書館的書
65. Dressing Down to Keep Energy Levels up為省能源少穿衣
66. Bank Robbers Used Heists to Pay Bills搶銀行的盜賊再以搶劫付罰金
67. Law on Blame-Free Divorce Debated無過錯離婚法爭論
68. Company Offers UFO Abduction Insurance外星保險
● Education Corner/教育園地
69. Students Flock to Campus Organic Farms大批學生前往校園有機農場
70. O’Neal Receives MBA Degree奧尼爾獲得了工商管理碩士學位
71. Liberty University Loosens Dress Code自由大學放寬了著裝規範
72. Stanford Rejects Hacker Applicants史丹福大學拒收黑客申請者
73. Florida Votes to Require High School Majors佛羅里達州通過投票要求高中生學有專攻
74. Schwarzenegger Talks to Chinese Students施瓦辛格對中國學生演講
75. Granddad Joins Primary School At 84 /84歲老人上國小
76. Super Student / 超級學生
77. Homework Really Does Pay/做家庭作業真的可以獲得報酬
78. Student Discovers Calculator Flaw學生髮現了計算器的缺陷
79. Frugal Public School Teacher Donates $2.1Million to Alma Mater / 省吃儉用的公立學校教師向母校捐獻210萬美元
● Gloomy Shades/灰暗色調
80. “A Performance Art Act” / “藝術表演”
81. Americans Sadly Lacking in Geography美國人地理知識貧乏得可憐
82. U.S. Lag in Foreign Language Studies美國人在外語學習上落後的一些事例
83. U.S. Schools Lack Adequate Chinese Language Skills / 美國的學校缺乏足夠的漢語語言技能
84. Harvard Commits $50 Million to GenderInitiatives / 哈佛大學斥資5千萬美元用於性別方案
85. Harvard Author Faces Second PlagiarismClaim / 哈佛大學的作者又一次面臨剽竊指控
86. Manhunt: Schools Try to Attract MoreMale Teachers / 獵頭:學校努力吸引更多的男老師
87. The Most Unpopular School Subject最不受歡迎的學校課程
88. Teacher Seeks Right to Smack Pupils老師尋求體罰學生的權利
89. Schools Don’t Cost a Bomb學校沒有炸彈值錢
90. Principal Urges Teachers to Pass Failing Students / 校長敦促教師讓不及格的學生考試通過
91. A 7 -aged Stealer / 7歲的盜竊犯
92. Student Was“Deeply Depressed”這個學生很“鬱悶”
93. Student Arrested for“Monkeying” Around學生因為惡作劇而被逮捕
94. Teenagers Drop out of Education英國青少年紛紛輟學
95. Students Who Flunk Courses Get E-mailListing All Who Failed / 考試不及格的學生收到列有不及格學生名單的電子郵件
● Key


