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  • 中文名:國中英語誦讀
  • 作者:鄭偉強
  • 出版社:冶金工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年 
  • ISBN:9787502484552


安徒生,呼嘯山莊,簡·愛,福爾摩斯,林肯,哥倫布,羅賓漢,女詩人Christina Rossetti...等世界名著的國外簡寫版本的改編。


Part One 1
Lyrics Blowing in the Wind 隨風而逝 
Poems 詩選 
The Little Match girl (Ⅰ) 賣火柴的小女孩(Ⅰ) 
The Little Match girl (Ⅱ) 賣火柴的小女孩(Ⅱ) 
The Little Mermaid 小美人魚 
Dogs 狗 
Fish 魚 
Meet Christopher Columbus 哥倫布 
Robin Hood and His Men 羅賓漢 
Let’s Find out about Christmas 聖誕節的來歷 
What is a Food Chain? 什麼是食物鏈 
What Makes Day and Night 日與夜 
Part Two 2
Lyrics Autumn Leaves 秋葉 
Poems 詩選 
Martin Luther King, Jr  馬丁·路德·金 
The Slave Trade 奴隸貿易 
Exploring the 50 States (Ⅰ) 探索美國50 州(Ⅰ) 
Exploring the 50 States (Ⅱ) 探索美國50 州(Ⅱ) 
Exploring the 50 States (Ⅲ) 探索美國50 州(Ⅲ) 
Exploring the 50 States (Ⅳ) 探索美國50 州(Ⅳ) 
The First Thanksgiving 第一個感恩節 
The Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 
Cinderella (Ⅰ) 灰姑娘(Ⅰ) 
Cinderella (Ⅱ) 灰姑娘(Ⅱ) 
Part Three 3
Lyrics Memory 記憶(音樂劇“貓”主題歌) 
Poems 詩選 
The Gingerbread Man 薑餅人 
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 白雪公主和七個小矮人 
The Hound of the Baskervilles 福爾摩斯故事—巴斯克維爾的獵犬 
The Valley of Fear 福爾摩斯故事—恐怖谷 
Holy Bible 聖經節選 
The Secret Garden (Ⅰ) 秘密花園(Ⅰ)
Aesop’s Fables 伊索寓言 
Thumbelina 拇指姑娘 
True Stories about Abraham Lincoln 林肯的故事 
Part Four 4
Lyrics When You Believe 只要你相信 
Poems 詩選 
Mulan 花木蘭 
The Nutcracker 胡桃夾子 
Jack and the Beanstalk 傑克和豆莖 
Jane Eyre 簡·愛 
Queen Elizabeth 伊莉莎白女王 
Magna Carta (Great Charter) 大憲章 
Thomas Alva Edison,Young Inventor 愛迪生的故事 
The Secret Garden (Ⅱ) 秘密花園(Ⅱ) 
Birds 鳥類常識 
Part Five 5
Lyrics Moon River 月亮河 
Lyrics Take Me Home,Country Roads 鄉村之路帶我回家 
Poems 詩選 
Aesop’s Fables 伊索寓言 
The Prince of Egypt 埃及王子 
Castles 城堡 
Life in a Castle 城堡里的生活 
The Gift of the Magi (Ⅰ) 馬吉的禮物(Ⅰ) 
The Gift of the Magi (Ⅱ) 馬吉的禮物(Ⅱ) 
From Page to Knight (Ⅰ) 從侍從到騎士(Ⅰ) 
From Page to Knight (Ⅱ) 從侍從到騎士(Ⅱ) 
Issac Newton and the Apple 牛頓和蘋果 
Wild Swans 野天鵝 
Sleeping Beauty 睡美人 
The Sky at Night 夜空 
What Makes Rain? What Makes Clouds? 雨和雲 
Part Six 6
Nursery Rhymes 精選童謠 
Lyrics Home Sweet Home 甜蜜的家 
Lyrics Sing Sweet Nightingale 歌唱吧,夜鶯 
Lyrics Edelweiss 雪絨花 
The Three Little Pigs 三隻小豬 
Little Redcape 小紅帽 
The Fisherman and the Goldfish 漁夫和金魚 
Lion King 獅子王 
Florence Nightingale 南丁格爾 
The Princess and the Pea 豌豆上的公主 
Alibaba and Forty Thieves 阿里巴巴和四十大盜 
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記 
The Steadfast Tinsoldier 堅定的錫兵 
Part Seven 7
Lyrics Auld Lang Syne 友誼地久天長 
Lyrics The Last Rose of Summer 夏日裡最後的玫瑰 
Lyrics Do Re Mi 哆來咪 
Poems 詩選 
Peter Pan 彼得·潘 
The Little Prince(Chapter 21) 小王子 
The Last Leaf 最後一片葉子 
Mr. Sherlock Holmes 夏洛克·福爾摩斯 
I Have a Dream 我有一個夢想 
Noah and the Ark 諾亞方舟 
The Little Mermaid 小美人魚 
The Emperor’s New Clothes 皇帝的新裝 
Rome 羅馬 
Part Eight 8
Lyrics Scarborough Fair 斯卡布羅集市 
Lyrics Yesterday Once More 昨日重現 
Poems 詩選 
Charlotte’s Web 夏洛特的網 
The Last Lesson 最後一課 
The Cop and the Anthem 警察與讚美詩 
The Story of the Trojan War 特洛伊戰爭 
Hamlet’s Soliloquy 哈姆雷特的獨白 
The Story of Captain James Cook 庫克船長 
Renaissance 文藝復興 
The Declaration of Independence 獨立宣言 
Walden 瓦爾登湖 
Special Treat 特別奉獻 
Robinson Crusoe 魯濱遜漂流記 
Wuthering Heights 呼嘯山莊 
The United Kingdom 英國概況 
The Ugly Duckling (Ⅰ) 醜小鴨(Ⅰ) 
The Ugly Duckling (Ⅱ) 醜小鴨(Ⅱ) 
The Happy Prince (Ⅰ) 王爾德童話—快樂王子(Ⅰ)
The Happy Prince (Ⅱ) 王爾德童話—快樂王子(Ⅱ)


