


  • 書名:英語課程教學論
  • 作者:劉曉玲
  • ISBN:978-7-5487-1230-5
  • 定價:¥38(元)
  • 出版社中南大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年12月
  • 開本:32開
  • 字 數:401(千字)


My warmest congratulations to the Central South University Press on its decision to launch a new series of publications with the title Writings on Foreign Language Education. The series will publish a representative selection of uptodate articles on educational linguisticslanguage pedagogy and the significant fusion of business, management, and education sciences with linguistics, literature, and translation studies. The contributors will be leading scholars in their field at Zhanjiang Normal University and elsewhere.


Chapter 1 How People Learn Language(1)
1.1 How do people learn? (1)
1.2 How do people learn language? (8)
1.3 How are learners different from one another? (17)
Chapter 2 Development of Foreign Language Instruction(28)
2.1 What are the most recognized FL teaching methods? (29)
2.2 What are the teaching principles in “postmethod era”? (46)
Chapter 3 English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education(54)
3.1 What are the principles of English Curriculum Standards (2011)? (56)
3.2 What do we mean by creativity in foreign language classroom? (86)
3.3 How to develop English curriculum? (89)
Chapter 4 Foreign Language Instructional Design(119)
4.1 How to establish learning objectives? (122)
4.2 How to develop learning materials? (128)
4.3 How to identify learning activities? (131)
4.4 How to determine assessment of learning? (146)
4.5 How to develop homework/extended learning? (151)
4.6 What are the common mistakes in instructional design? (157)
4.7 What are the typical formats for instructional design? (159)
Chapter 5 Instruction of Pronunciation(187)
5.1 What is involved in pronunciation learning? (187)
5.2 How to teach pronunciation? (188)
5.3 How to assess pronunciation learning? (217)
Chapter 6 Instruction of Vocabular(223)
6.1 What is involved in vocabulary learning? (224)
6.2 How to manage vocabulary learning? (224)
6.3 How to motivate learners? (240)
6.4 How to develop vocabulary learning strategies? (242)
6.5 How to assess vocabulary learning? (249)
Chapter 7 Instruction of Grammar(256)
7.1 What is involved in grammar learning? (259)
7.2 How to manage grammar learning? (264)
7.3 How to assess grammar learning? (277)
Chapter 8 Instruction of Listening(281)
8.1 What is involved in listening? (282)
8.2 How to promote listening comprehension? (288)
8.3 How to build up listening strategies? (306)
8.4 How to assess listening proficiency? (316)
Chapter 9 Instruction of Speaking(326)
9.1 What is involved in speaking? (327)
9.2 How to arrange speaking activities? (330)
9.3 How to scaffold speaking? (341)
9.4 How to build up communicative strategies? (350)
9.5 How to assess speaking ability? (352)
Chapter 10 Instruction of Reading(364)
10.1 What is involved in reading? (364)
10.2 How to promote reading comprehension? (367)
10.3 How to build up reading strategies? (380)
10.4 How to inspire extensive reading? (387)
10.5 How to assess reading proficiency? (389)
Chapter 11 Instruction of Writing(403)
11.1 What is involved in writing? (404)
11.2 What are the principles of teaching writing? (405)
11.3 How to manage process writing in classroom? (417)
11.4 How to assess writing proficiency? (428)
Chapter 12 Foreign Language Classroom Management(443)
12.1 How to organize classroom? (444)
12.2 How to establish class routines? (447)
12.3 How to develop positive relationship? (448)
12.4 How to implement engaging instruction? (452)
12.5 How to allocate class time? (462)
12.6 How to prevent & deal with discipline problems? (463)
12.7 What are the common mistakes in classroom management? (476)
12.8 What are the challenges for teachers? (477)


