



  • 書名:英語語言文化欣賞:魅力英語
  • 作者:邸愛英
  • ISBN: 978-7-5647-2993-6
  • 頁數:180
  • 出版社:電子科技大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:15-01-04
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 字數:280千字




Chapter One Language and Culture. 1
Ⅰ. Introduction: The Unfolding of Language. 2
Ⅱ. Quotes about Language. 3
Ⅲ. Discussions on Language and Culture. 4
Ⅳ. Readings on Language and Culture. 6
Ⅴ. After-class Reading Assignment 19
Chapter Two Aspects of the English Language. 23
Ⅰ. A Brief History of the English Language. 24
Ⅱ. Quotes about the English Language. 26
Ⅲ. Discussions on the English Language. 27
Ⅳ. Reading Passages on the English Language. 28
Ⅴ. English is a Creative Language: Word-formations 39
Ⅵ. A Comparison and Contrast of English and Chinese. 45
Chapter Three Gems of the English Language: Great Literary Works. 58
Ⅰ. The Meaning of Literature. 59
Ⅱ. The Most Beautiful English Poems 64
Ⅲ. The Most Powerful English Speeches 84
Ⅳ. The Most Remembered Literary Passages 102
Chapter Four Figures of Speech: Add Power to Your Language. 112
Ⅰ. Fundamentals of Figures of Speech. 113
Ⅱ. Major Types of Figures of Speech. 115
Ⅲ. Eight Figures of Speech in Focus 124
Chapter Five The Fun Stuff of the English Language. 131
Ⅰ. Fun Stuff Everywhere. 132
Ⅱ. Wit and Humor 142
Ⅲ. Word Plays 153
Suggested keys and answers to exercises. 162
Chapter One Language and Culture. 162
Chapter Two Aspects of the English Language. 163
Chapter Three Gems of the English Language: Great Literary Works 167
Chapter Four Figures of Speech: Add Power to Your Language. 167
Chapter Five The Fun Stuff of the English Language. 168


