



  • 書名:英語聽說實用教程
  • 作者:路慶雲
  • ISBN:9787115324412
  • 頁數:161頁
  • 定價:35元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年9月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:小16開


本書以社交場合的實際交流為源頭,進行分析、歸納、提煉和精心設計,並引入了全國英語口語大賽的考試題型。全書共十個單元,每單元都由Introduction、Vocabulary Link、Practice Field、Listening Course及Enjoy Yourself五個部分組成,內容涉及問候、介紹、旅遊、工作、會議、商務接待、餐飲、酒店服務及娛樂等。本書排版精美、圖文並茂,旨在通過真實而富有時代氣息的場景、地道而又生動的語言、實用而又豐富的知識、多樣而又有趣的練習來提高學生的英語聽說能力。


Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions
I.Introduction 2
II.Vocabulary Link 3
Topic 1 Weather 3
Topic 2 Body Language 6
III.Practice Field 9
Topic 1 Greetings 9
Topic 2 Introductions 11
Topic 3 Taking Leave 13
Role Play 14
IV.Listening Course 14
Learn from Songs 14
Learn from Conversations 16
Learn from Movies 16
Learn from Passages 17
V.Enjoy Yourself 17
Unit 2 Traveling in China
I.Introduction 20
II.Vocabulary Link 21
Topic 1 A Tour for the Great Wall 21
Topic 2 Tour Description 24
III.Practice Field 26
Topic 1 presentation 26
Topic 2 Work in Groups 27
Sentence Drill 27
Role Play 28
IV.Listening Course 29
Learn from Songs 29
Learn from Conversations 29
Learn from Movies 30
Learn from Passage 31
V.Enjoy Yourself 31
Unit 3 Traveling Abroad
I.Introduction 34
II.Vocabulary Link 35
Topic 1 Ten Tips Before Traveling Abroad 35
Topic 2 Passport Application Form 37
III.Practice Field 38
Topic 1 Presentation 38
Topic 2 Work in Groups 39
Sentence Drill 39
Role Play 40
IV.Listening Course 42
Learn from Songs 42
Learn from Conversations 42
Learn from Movies 43
Learn from Passages 43
V.Enjoy Yourself 44
Unit 4 Ideal Job
I.Introduction 46
II.Vocabulary Link 47
Topic 1 Job Finding 47
Topic 2 Job Description 49
III.Practice Field 51
Topic 1 Recruitment 51
Topic 2 Presentation 51
Sentence Drill 52
Role Play 52
IV.Listening Course 54
Learn from Songs 54
Learn from Conversations 55
Learn from Movies 56
Learn from Passages 57
V.Enjoy Yourself 57
Unit 5 Routine Work
I.Introduction 60
II.Vocabulary Link 61
Topic 1 A Secretary’s Duties 61
Topic 2 Telephoning 64
III.Practice Field 65
Topic 1 Answering Phone 65
Topic 2 Telephone Message 67
Topic 3 Graph Description 69
Role Play 71
IV.Listening Course 72
Learn from Songs 72
Learn from Conversations 72
Learn from Movies 73
Learn from Passages 74
V.Enjoy Yourself 75
Unit 6 Meetings
I.Introduction 78
II.Vocabulary Link 79
Topic 1 Successful Meetings 79
Topic 2 Meeting Terms and Expressions 82
III.Practice Field 83
Topic 1 A Chairman’s Responsibility 83
Topic 2 Agenda 85
Topic 3 Graph Description 89
Role Play 91
IV.Listening Course 92
Learn from Songs 92
Learn from Conversations 93
Learn from Movies 93
Learn from Passages 95
V.Enjoy Yourself 96
Unit 7 Business Reception
I.Introduction 100
II.Vocabulary Link 101
Topic 1 The New Economy 101
Topic 2 Raising Money to Start Business 104
III.Practice Field 107
Topic 1 Description 107
Topic 2 Presentation 108
Sentence Drill 109
Role Play 110
IV.Listening Course 112
Learn from Songs 112
Learn from Conversations 112
Learn from Movies 113
Learn from Passages 115
V.Enjoy Yourself 115
Unit 8 Food and Beverage
I.Introduction 118
II.Vocabulary Link 119
Topic 1 Food and Beverage Department 119
Topic 2 Room Service 122
III.Practice Field 123
Topic 1 Receiving the Diners 123
Topic 2 Taking Order 124
Topic 3 Paying the bill 125
Role Play 126
IV.Listening Course 127
Learn from Songs 127
Learn from Conversations 128
Learn from Movies 128
Learn from Passages 129
V.Enjoy Yourself 130
Unit 9 Hotel Services
I.Introduction 132
II.Vocabulary Link 133
Topic 1 Choosing a Hotel 133
Topic 2 Housekeeping 136
III.Practice Field 138
Topic 1 Room Cleaning 138
Topic 2 Turn-down Service 138
Topic 3 Lending Equipment to Guests 139
Topic 4 Laundry Services 139
Sentence Drill 139
Role Play 140
IV.Listening Course 140
Learn from Songs 141
Learn from Conversations 141
Learn from Movies 142
V.Enjoy Yourself 143
Unit 10 Recreation and Entertainment
I.Introduction 146
II.Vocabulary Link 147
Topic 1 Movies 147
Topic 2 Shopping 149
III.Practice Field 152
Topic 1 The Internet 152
Topic 2 Reading 154
Topic 3 Sports 155
Role Play 156
IV.Listening Course 157
Learn from Songs 157
Learn from Conversations 158
Learn from Movies 159
Learn from Passages 160
V.Enjoy Yourself 160


