

《英語經貿文章閱讀教程》是2015年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是聶 薇。


  • 書名:英語經貿文章閱讀教程
  • 作者:聶 薇
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年12月
  • 定價:34.00
  • 開本:185mm×230mm/
  • ISBN:9787566312716
  • 字數/頁數:341千字
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 適用層次:本科


新基點(NEW BENCHMARK)全國高等院校商務英語專業本科系列規劃教材由對外經濟貿易大學出版社聯合對外經濟貿易大學、廣東外語外貿大學、上海對外經貿大學、東北財經大學、上海財經大學等學校的骨幹教授編寫而成。


Unit 1 The World Economy 全球經濟1
Text:The Great Stabilization3
Case:It’s Time to Drop the G816
Unit 2 Trade Protectionism 貿易保護主義19
Text:Farewell, Free Trade21
Cases:1. Economic Vandalism32
2. US Punitive Tariff on Chinese Tires to Expire32
Unit 3 Trade Negotiations 貿易談判35
Text:So Near and Yet So Far37
Cases:1. Free Trade in the Slow Lane49
2. Fighting Protectionism49
Unit 4 The Asian Economy 亞洲經濟51
Text:Can Asia Escape the Effects of the Downturn in the West?53
Cases:1. China Leads an Asian Charge64
2. China Is Joining the Stimulus Fray67
Unit 5 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area 中國-東協自由貿易區69
Text:ASEAN-China Free Trade Area: Not a Zero-Sum Game71
Cases:1. China’s Free Trade Area Strategy Advancing Steadily80
2. ASEAN-China Free Trade Area Beneficial to Both Sides81
3. ASEAN-China Open Free Trade Area82
Unit 6 The Economy of Emerging Markets 新興市場經濟85
Text:Stumble or Fall?87
Cases:1. BRIC Demands More Clout101
2. The New Masters of Management102
Unit 7 The Japanese Economy 日本經濟107
Text:Gaijin at the Gates109
Cases:1. Strength amid Paralysis124
2. Japanese Firms Push into Emerging Markets126
Unit 8 The European Economy 歐洲經濟131
Text:The Squeeze Is On133
Case:The Future of Europe145
Unit 9 The Predicament of the Euro 歐元困境149
Text:Danger Ahead for the Mighty Euro151
Cases:1. Euro Currency Turns 10; Seen Fulfilling Promise162
2. The Euro Will Face Bigger Tests than Greece164
Unit 10 The Decline of the US Dollar 美元的下跌167
Text:What Happens If the Dollar Crashes169
Cases:1. Denial or Acceptance180
2. Why Krugman Is Wrong about the Yuan182
Unit 11 The Roots of the Financial Crisis 金融危機的根源185
Text:The Roots of the Mortgage Crisis187
Cases:1. Lessons from the 1987 Crash203
2. The Asian Crisis 10 Years Later205
Unit 12 Supervision in the Financial Sector 金融監管209
Text:In Deal, New Authority over Wall Street211
Cases:1. Financial Reform Still in the Early Innings226
2. Banks Get New Restraints229
3.Systemic Failure: Lessons from the World of Trade for the World of
Appendix?I Glossary辭彙索引表237
Appendix?II Business?Terms商務術語表244


