
After reading the article “happiness”, I finded [found]some words and sentences I can't understand. For example, in garaphgra7 the phrase “in study after study” I don't understand it's meaning accurate. Whit reference book I know its meaning is “many researchs indicare [research indicated] ”. In garaphgra8 the phrase “control over …” I also don't understand it's meaning even whit dictionary.
In garaphgra9 the sentence “one could reason that pessinists[ pessimists] …”I don't know why the word “could” before the word “reason” in the sentence. In the article has a sentence “blessen [blessed ] is he who expects nothing, for he shall never disiwppointed,[disappointed ] ” wrote poet Alexander Pope. I don't agree with the poet's opinion. I think if one people who expect nothing, he will never feel the happiness with successful of something. His life is insipid also he shall never disappointed [disappoint ]. And if one person never disappointed also he will never know the successful is how beautiful, also he will don't kown[ know ] what is happiness.


