- 書名:英語泛讀新教程:學生用書
- 作者:唐慧心
- 出版日期:2008年9月1日
- 語種:簡體中文
- ISBN:9787544608152
- 外文名:A New English Reading Course
- 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
- 頁數:349頁
- 開本:16
Unit 2 Part One The Pen of My Aunt 21
Part Two Lord Byron's Love Letter 36
Unit 3 Peter Two 49
Unit 4 Natural Wonders 61
Unit 5 The Bears of Summer 79
Unit 6 Walt Disney and His Entertainment Empire 99
Unit 7 Strawberry Jam 119
Unit 8 Part One Limitless Energy 137
Part Two Solo Voyage 141
Part Three From Columbia, an Athletes' Romance,in Sickness and in Laughter 147
Unit 9 Hijack! 159
Unit 10 The Last Man on the Moon (I) 183
Unit 11 The Last Man on the Moon (11) 201
Unit 12 Part One Six Hours to Save Drew 217
Part Two Miracle Match 228
Unit 13 Hillary Rodham (I) 239
Unit 14 Hillary Rodham (11) 255
Unit 15 "The Three Little Eggs": The Power of Intuition 273
A Swazi Tale from Africa
Unit 16 Captain Scarfield 287
That spring, however, we waited a long time for our bears to return. By mid-May there was no sign of them. The Memorial Day holiday in late May slid by and still no news. One evening I went into the living room to find Patti sitting alone, looking out the window. "What if something happened?"
"Nothing to worry about yet," I said, trying to reassure her. But we both knew there were many dangers in the wild. Bears in zoos live to be 20 to 25 years old, but in nature they rarely reach seven or eight, primarily because of people with guns. "Give it a few more days," I suggested.
And so we waited. Every sound would send us running to the back for a look outside. Then on May 30, we had just about given up hope when one of our newspaper subscribers told us he'd seen a mother bear with two cubs walking alongside a back road. They were no more than a couple of miles away and seemed to be head- ing toward our house.
Somehow I could not believe it was Little Bit. It could have been any female and, besides, I doubted that an animal as shy as she was would be traveling along a public road.
That night a strange bear visited our house briefly, then left. Later we heard a creaks9 on the deck. Then another. "It's probably that bear coming back," Patti said.
I reopened the book I was reading, but then heard a second, more distinctive sound. Little Bit had learned she could get our attention by gently rapping her claws against the glass door. I bet- ter go have a look, I thought.
I went downstairs and flipped on the deck light. "Oh, my God!" I said. There stood Little Bit and two leggy little cubs. "She's back," I announced.
Patti bounded downstairs and went straight into the kitchen where she fixed a bucket of milk. She had discovered this treat one scorching9 summer day when Little Bit was panting and uncomfortable. Patti had mixed a can of condensed milk with a gallon of cold water.
本教程是根據《高等學校英語專業英語教學大綱》的要求而編寫的英語基礎階段泛讀教材,供英語專業一、二年級學生使用。《高等學校英語專業英語教學大綱》對閱讀二級的要求是:能閱讀難度相當於Thity-Nine Steps(簡寫本)的材料以及Reader's Digest上的文章,本教程的第二冊除了包含與Thirtyr.Nine Steps難度一致的淺顯材料外,專門挑選了Readers Digest的文章;同樣,教程的第四冊也根據大綱對閱讀四級的要求選用了文學原著Sons and Lovers的章節,儘量做到貼近大綱的規定與要求。全套教程四冊針對四個學期,本著循序漸進的精神,難度也逐漸加大。每冊分成16個單元,足以滿足一個學期的教學量。