



  • 中文名:英語有聲晨讀系列:情、愛與人生
  • 作者:曹煜主編
  • 類別:英語讀物類圖書
  • 出版社:西北工業大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年9月1日
  • ISBN:9787561234945




Part One Uneonditional Love 親情
1. A Boy and His Apple Tree
2. Who Gave Me the Ears?
3. The Price of a Miracle
4. A Special Date
5. Mother's Hands
6. In Giving I Connect with Others
7. All You Remember
8. Keep on Singing
9. I Love You
10. A Letter to My Son
Part Two True Love 愛情
1. Time and Love
2. Words from the Heart
3. Detour to Romance
4. In Love's Arms
5. Hungry for Your Love
6. Story of Regret
7. A Letter in the Wallet
8. The Best Kind of Love
9. A Legend of Love
10. 10 Keys to a Successful Romantic Relationship
Part Three Friendship 友情
1. About Friends
2. A Friend's Prayer
3. Sand and Stone
4. With One Glass of Milk
5. The Power of Actions
6. How Selfless Real Love Is
7. No Greater Love
8. A Friend on the Line
9. A User's Guide to Fabulous Friendship
10. 12 Types of Friends You Should Break Up With
Part Four Positive Life 積極人生
1. Chances Exist in the Daily Details
2. Hell and Heaven
3. The Hospital Window
4. Five Balls of Life
5. Every Day is a Lucky Day
6. Life Comes in a Package
7. Run Through the Rain
8. Relax -- Live at Present
9. Life is All about Choices
10. Every Living Person Has Problems


