



  • 中文名:英語教學中的學術研究與寫作
  • 作者:王林海、董洪學
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2007年6月
  • ISBN:9787309055733


In recentyears,there have been many changes in the English language teaching circles in the higher educational institutions of China.One trend of these changes is that there is increasingly intense competition between universities as to the quality and quantity of academic works produced by their teachers.The notion that a teacher should also be an academic researcher is becom ing more and more popular,particularly at universities.W hether it is right or wrong,this is a fact.M any colleges and universities no longer expect their foreign language teachers merely to be good at teaching their subjects to their students,they also want their teachers to do enough research work and have enough academic publication of their works as well.However,currently in China,not many foreign language teachers have enough know ledge about how to do academic research and how to write academic papers.Another important trend existing in the English language teaching field in China is that almost all the college English teachers are trying some new teaching approaches as a kind of innovation of their traditional teaching methods.The need to find out the effects of teachers innovative teaching methods on their students performance is appealing and even pressing our language teachers to learn some practical classroom research techniques.This book is intended to be an introduction to language teaching research and academic writing.The authors of this book first introduced briefly and systematically the research methods and traditions,and then exemplified with their own writings and research works how to apply the research methods to teaching practice,which may serve as some help for non-researchers to develop skills to practice academic research in their working place by them selves,to read and evaluate research reports of others with critical and analytical eyes,and to write academic works or papers based on their research work in the teaching surroundings.


CHAPTER 1 Teaching Research and ResearchMethods
CHAPTER 2 TheW riting ofAcadem ic Essays and Dissertations
CHAPTER 3 Essay Samples and Sample Comments
CHAPTER 4 Dissertation Sample and Sample Analysis
CHAPTER 5 Presentation in Academ ic Contexts


CHAPTER 1 Teaching Research and ResearchMethods
CHAPTER 2 TheW riting ofAcadem ic Essays and Dissertations
CHAPTER 3 Essay Samples and Sample Comments
CHAPTER 4 Dissertation Sample and Sample Analysis
CHAPTER 5 Presentation in Academ ic Contexts


