英語口語 2

英語口語 2

《英語口語 2》是1996年華東師範大學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:英語口語 2
  • 出版時間:1996年09月
  • 出版社:華東師範大學出版社
  • 頁數:225 頁
  • ISBN:9787561708026
  • 類別:教材
  • 定價:5.2 元
  • 裝幀:平裝
Unit1 l'm a Tcacher Trainee
Beginning Class // A Bad Day/ Unfinished Story
Unit2 We'll Take Up Lesson 10 Today
Announcing the Tcaching Plan and Having Re-
vision // A Big Mouth / Role PIay
Unit3 So Much Homework !
Giving Assignments and Dismissing Class
Morning Calm / Photo Finish
Unit4 Shall We Begin ?
Interlesson // The Castaway / Unfinisbed Story
Unit5 The Lips Are Spread
Teaching Phonetics (1) // A Funny Thing Hap-
pened to Me / Unfinlshed Story
Unit6 Whai Intonation Would You Usc ?
Teaching Phonetlcs (2) // Buaya the Croco-
dile / Role Play
Unit7 Be Careful with Your Spelling
Teaching Ncw Words // A Surprise Visit /
Photo Finlsh
Unit8 Lct's Turn to the Text
Teaching the Text // Herbert's Homecoming
/ Unfinlshed Story
Unit 9 Anything Special About Proper Nouns ?
Teachlng Grammar // Waiting for a Bird /
Role Play
Unit 10 Follow Mc, Plcase
Intcrlesson // No Luck / Photo Finish
Unit 11 Have You Anything to Say on This ?
Doing Oral Work // Nathan Hale / Role Play
Unit 12 Write a Summary of the Story
Doing Written Exercises // Old Age / Photo
Unit 13 Be Faithful to the Original
Dolng Translation and Composition Work //
The Quiet Country Cottage / Role Play
Unit 14 Write It Neatly in Your Copybooks
Teaching Handwriting // Summer Days / Photo
Unit 15 Let's Do the Exercises
Interlesson // The Escape / Unfinished Story
Unit 16 Gome Out to the Front, Please
Organizing Blackboard Activity and Role PIay-
ing//It Would Take Thirteen Years! / Role
Unit 17 Let's Get Ready to Make a Recording
Teaching in the Sound Lab // Morning Call /
Unfinished Story
Unit 18 Put Up Your Hand If You Know
Controlling the Classroom // First Flight /
Urifinished Story
Unit 19 Welcome to Our English Corner
Organizing Extracurricular Activicies // The
Secret of Old Age / Role Play
Unit 20 See You Tomorrow
Interlesson // Who Js the Murderer ? / Role
Unit 21 Latc Again
Asking Questions // To the Three Million Who
Started This Year / Debate
Unit 22 The Emigrant
Asking Questions // Collector's Item / Dis
Unit 23 A Telephonc Call
Asking Q.uestions // What's on the Box
Unit 24 Newspapers
Asking Questions // Murdcr or Suicide ? / Dis-
Unit 25 At the Customs
Asking Quesfions // Our Polluted Planet /
Unit 26 Lost Property
Asking Questions // The Trench Coat Mys-
tique / Discussion
Unit 27 The Childrcn's Story
Asking Questions // Facts or Fantasy ? / Dis-
Unit 28 A Cosy Conversation
Asking Questions //The Youngcr Generation
Knows Best / Debate
Unit 29 Jilted
Asking Qucstions // Lovc, Marriage and Gram-
mar / Discussion
Unit 30 A Day Off
Asking Questions // Exams / Interview
Unit 31 Art and the Artist
Asking Qucstions // Fcifei's Birthday Party /
Unit 32 Fishing for Trout
Asking Questions // Wc Nevcr Gave Up Hope
/ Inteiview
Unit 33 Golf Champion
Asking Qucstions // Thc Lady, or the Hger /
Unit 34 A Visit from the Architect
Asking Questions // Julia's First Week / Dis-
Appendix 1, Songs
Appendix 11. Gamcs
Appcndix III. Useful Words and Exprcssions Used in School


