



  • 中文名:場景英語口語2
  • 作者:廖振發,姜媛
  • 出版時間:2018年
  • 出版社:航空工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787516517581
  • 類別:中職、高職教材教輔
Scene One Campus 校園
Lesson 1 Meeting on the Campus 校園見面
Lesson 2 Talking about the Scenery 談論景物
Lesson 3 Talking about Persons 談論人物
Lesson 4 Shopping Talks 購物交談
Lesson 5 The Students’ Associations 學生社團
Lesson 6 Online Study 線上學習
Scene Two Home 家庭
Lesson 7 Talking about the Housing 談論住房
Lesson 8 Talks During a Meal 用餐交談
Lesson 9 Talking about the Chores 談論家務
Lesson 10 Talking about the Relatives 談論親屬
Lesson 11 Talking about the Birthday 談論生日
Lesson 12 Talking about the Spring Festival 談論春節
Scene Three Travel 出行
Lesson 13 The Credit Payments 信用支付
Lesson 14 The Travel Plans 出行計畫
Lesson 15 The Vehicle Driving 汽車駕駛
Lesson 16 The City Buildings 城市建築
Lesson 17 The Landscape of My Hometown 家鄉風貌
Lesson 18 The Recreational Activities 休閒活動
Scene Four Social Contact 社交
Lesson 19 Talking about Interesting News 談論趣聞
Lesson 20 Talking about the Amusement 談論娛樂
Lesson 21 Making Invitations 發出邀請
Lesson 22 Booking Services 預訂服務
Lesson 23 Receiving Visitors 接待訪客
Lesson 24 Complaining about the Services 服務投訴
Scene Five Work 工作
Lesson 25 The Work Post 工作崗位
Lesson 26 Interview for a Job 求職面試
Lesson 27 The Operating Steps 操作步驟
Lesson 28 The Items for Caution 注意事項
Lesson 29 The Arrangement for a Meeting 安排會議
Lesson 30 The Report of Work 匯報工作


