



  • 中文名:英美詩歌經典選讀
  • 作者:郭英傑,趙青
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787030645302


  本教材根據教育部特色教材建設要求,立足於培養學生的核心素養,旨在推動高水平優質課程的產出。全書分為“英國詩歌經典作品選讀”和“美國詩歌經典作品選讀”兩大部分,總計20 章。每章包括作者生平、作品簡介、經典選讀與文本注釋、詩歌主題與風格賞析、學生批判性思考及小組討論、翻譯練習、創意寫作、拓展閱讀等內容,旨在從詩歌鑑賞、思維訓練、翻譯實踐、自主寫作等方面培養學生的文學素養,使英美詩歌經典發揮現實價值。


Part One English Poets and Their Classic Works
Chapter 1 Geoffrey Chaucer: General Prologue of The Canterbury Tales 3
I. Introduction to Geoffrey Chaucer 3
II. Background Knowledge about The Canterbury Tales 4
III. Selected Readings and Notes 5
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 9
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 11
VI. Translation Practice 11
VII. Creative Writing 12
VIII. Extended Reading 12
Chapter 2 William Shakespeare: Sonnet 1 / Sonnet 18 / Sonnet 145 / Sonnet 154 13
I. Introduction to William Shakespeare 13
II. Background Knowledge about Shakespeare’s Sonnets 14
III. Selected Readings and Notes 15
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 18
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 20
VI. Translation Practice 20
VII. Creative Writing 21
VIII. Extended Reading 21
Chapter 3 John Milton: An Excerpt of Paradise Lost 22
I. Introduction to John Milton 22
II. Background Knowledge about Paradise Lost 23
III. Selected Readings and Notes 24
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 28
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 30
VI. Translation Practice 31
VII. Creative Writing 32
VIII. Extended Reading 32
Chapter 4 Alexander Pope: An Excerpt of An Essay on Criticism 33
I. Introduction to Alexander Pope 33
II. Background Knowledge about An Essay on Criticism 34
III. Selected Readings and Notes 35
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 38
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 40
VI. Translation Practice 41
VII. Creative Writing 41
VIII. Extended Reading 41
Chapter 5 William Blake: “The Tyger” / “Earth’s Answer” / “The Chimney Sweeper” 43
I. Introduction to William Blake 43
II. Background Knowledge about William Blake’s Poetry 44
III. Selected Readings and Notes 45
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 47
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 49
VI. Translation Practice 50
VII. Creative Writing 51
VIII. Extended Reading 51
Chapter 6 William Wordsworth: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” / “The Solitary Reaper” / “O Nightingale! Thou Surely Art” 52
I. Introduction to William Wordsworth 52
II. Background Knowledge about William Wordsworth’s Poetry 53
III. Selected Readings and Notes 54
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 57
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 58
VI. Translation Practice 59
VII. Creative Writing 60
VIII. Extended Reading 60
Chapter 7 Percy Bysshe Shelley: “Ode to the West Wind” / “To a Skylark” 61
I. Introduction to Percy Bysshe Shelley 61
II. Background Knowledge about Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Poetry 62
III. Selected Readings and Notes 63
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 69
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 71
VI. Translation Practice 72
VII. Creative Writing 72
VIII. Extended Reading 73
Chapter 8 John Keats: “Ode on a Grecian Urn” / “Ode to a Nightingale” 74
I. Introduction to John Keats 74
II. Background Knowledge about John Keats’s Poetry 75
III. Selected Readings and Notes 76
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 80
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 82
VI. Translation Practice 83
VII. Creative Writing 84
VIII. Extended Reading 84
Chapter 9 Robert Browning: “A Woman’s Last Word” / “My Last Duchess” 85
I. Introduction to Robert Browning 85
II. Background Knowledge about Robert Browning’s Poetry 86
III. Selected Readings and Notes 87
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 90
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 92
VI. Translation Practice 92
VII. Creative Writing 93
VIII. Extended Reading 93
Chapter 10 William Butler Yeats: “When You Are Old” / “Sailing to Byzantium” / “Leda and the Swan” 95
I. Introduction to William Butler Yeats 95
II. Background Knowledge about William Butler Yeats’s Poetry 96
III. Selected Readings and Notes 97
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 99
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 101
VI. Translation Practice 101
VII. Creative Writing 102
VIII. Extended Reading 103
Part Two American Poets and Their Classic Works
Chapter 11 Anne Bradstreet: “A Love Letter to Her Husband” / “The Vanity of All Worldly Things” 107
I. Introduction to Anne Bradstreet 107
II. Background Knowledge about Anne Bradstreet’s Poetry 108
III. Selected Readings and Notes 109
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 111
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 114
VI. Translation Practice 114
VII. Creative Writing 115
VIII. Extended Reading 115
Chapter 12 Philip Freneau: “The Wild Honey Suckle” / “The American Soldier” / “The Indian Burying Ground” 116
I. Introduction to Philip Freneau 116
II. Background Knowledge about Philip Freneau’s Poetry 117
III. Selected Readings and Notes 118
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 120
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 122
VI. Translation Practice 123
VII. Creative Writing 123
VIII. Extended Reading 124
Chapter 13 Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Days” / “Concord Hymn” / “Song of Nature” 125
I. Introduction to Ralph Waldo Emerson 125
II. Background Knowledge about Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Poetry 126
III. Selected Readings and Notes 127
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 131
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 133
VI. Translation Practice 134
VII. Creative Writing 135
VIII. Extended Reading 135
Chapter 14 Walt Whitman: “Song of Myself” / “O Captain! My Captain!” / “I Hear America Singing” 136
I. Introduction to Walt Whitman 136
II. Background Knowledge about Walt Whitman’s Poetry 137
III. Selected Readings and Notes 138
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 142
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 144
VI. Translation Practice 144
VII. Creative Writing 145
VIII. Extended Reading 145
Chapter 15 Emily Dickinson: “Nobody Knows This Little Rose” / “A Narrow Fellow in the Grass” / “I Died for Beauty — But Was Scarce” / “I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed” 146
I. Introduction to Emily Dickinson 146
II. Background Knowledge about Emily Dickinson’s Poetry 147
III. Selected Readings and Notes 148
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 150
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 153
VI. Translation Practice 153
VII. Creative Writing 154
VIII. Extended Reading 154
Chapter 16 Ezra Pound: “In a Station of the Metro” / “The Jewel Stair’s Grievance” / Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Excerpt of Part I) / “Canto 49” 156
I. Introduction to Ezra Pound 156
II. Background Knowledge about Ezra Pound’s Poetry 157
III. Selected Readings and Notes 158
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 162
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 165
VI. Translation Practice 165
VII. Creative Writing 166
VIII. Extended Reading 167
Chapter 17 T. S. Eliot: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” / “The Waste Land” (Excerpt) 168
I. Introduction to T. S. Eliot 168
II. Background Knowledge about T. S. Eliot’s Poetry 169
III. Selected Readings and Notes 170
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 181
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 183
VI. Translation Practice 184
VII. Creative Writing 185
VIII. Extended Reading 185
Chapter 18 Langston Hughes: “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” / “My People” / “Let America Be America Again” 186
I. Introduction to Langston Hughes 186
II. Background Knowledge about Langston Hughes’s Poetry 187
III. Selected Readings and Notes 188
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 192
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 194
VI. Translation Practice 194
VII. Creative Writing 195
VIII. Extended Reading 195
Chapter 19 Sylvia Plath: “The Arrival of the Bee Box” / “November Graveyard” / “Daddy” 196
I. Introduction to Sylvia Plath 196
II. Background Knowledge about Sylvia Plath’s Poetry 197
III. Selected Readings and Notes 198
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 202
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 204
VI. Translation Practice 204
VII. Creative Writing 205
VIII. Extended Reading 205
Chapter 20 Gary Snyder: “How Poetry Comes to Me” / “Meeting the Mountains” / “Riprap” / “Mother Earth: Her Whales” 207
I. Introduction to Gary Snyder 207
II. Background Knowledge about Gary Snyder’s Poetry 208
III. Selected Readings and Notes 209
IV. Themes and Poetic Styles 213
V. Critical Thinking and Discussion 215
VI. Translation Practice 216
VII. Creative Writing 217
VIII. Extended Reading 217
  • References


