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  • 書名:英美國家概況
  • ISBN:9787566305770
  • 定價:46.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社






Part One The United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
Unit 1 Geography, People, and Natural Resources3
1. Different Names for Britain and Its Parts3
2. Geographical Features4
3. The People6
4. Natural Resources7
5. Climate and Temperature8
Unit 2 History11
1. Origin of the English Nation11
2. The Shaping of the Nation (1066-1381)18
3. Transition to the Modern Age (1455-1688)20
4. The Rise and Development of the Bourgeoisie33
5. Britain in World War I and World War II37
6. Postwar Britain38
Unit 3 Political System43
1. The Monarchy43
2. Parliament45
3. The Government49
4. Political Parties55
5. The Legal System of the United Kingdom60
Unit 4 Economy67
1. General Survey67
2. 18th Century68
3. 19th Century72
4. Business Practices74
5. Imperialism75
6. British Economy from 1900 to 194575
7. British Economy from 1945 to 199079
8. 1990 to 1997: The Major Years84
9. 1997 to 2001: New Labor85
10. Current British Economy85
Unit 5 Education89
1. Different Types of School—State Schools and Private Schools89
2. Primary and Secondary Education91
3. National Curriculum in England, Wales and Northern Ireland91
4. Higher Education93
5. Further Education and Training97
Unit 6 Religion101
1. Religious Affiliations102
2. Religion and Society110
3. Religion and Belief: Some Surveys and Statistics114
4. Attitudes in the U.K.118
5. Religion and Government121
Unit 7 Social Welfare127
1. Social Security127
2. Personal Social Services in Britain131
3. Housing and Urban Policy134
4. Health Care137
5. Education and Social Policy140
Unit 8 Literature143
1. Latin Literature144
2. Early Celtic Literature144
3. Old English Literature(449-1066)145
4. Late Medieval Literature145
5. Early Modern English Literature148
6. 19th Century English Language Literature151
7. English Language Literature Since 1900157
8. Literary Prizes165
Unit 9 Holidays and Festivals171
1. Holidays and Festivals in January171
2. Holidays and Festivals in February172
3. Holidays and Festivals in March173
4. Holidays and Festivals in April174
5. Holidays and Festivals in May175
6. Holidays and Festivals in June175
7. Holidays and Festivals in July176
8. Holidays and Festivals in August176
9. Holidays and Festivals in September177
10. Holidays and Festivals in October178
11. Holidays and Festivals in November178
12. Holidays and Festivals in December179

Part Two The United States of America
Unit 10 Land, People, and Natural Resources187
1. Introduction187
2. Land188
3. People192
4. Natural Resources195
Unit 11 History205
1. The Origin of American History205
2. The Independence208
3. The American Civil War(1861-1865)210
4. The Expansion217
5. The “Gilded Age” and Populism218
6. Decades of Turbulence219
7. The Rise to Power—“Boom and Bust”220
8. The Cold War and Beyond221
Unit 12 Politics225
1. Introduction225
2. Forming a Government226
3. The Emergence of the U.S. as a World Power230
4. Foreign Policy (1941-2001)233
5. Individual Rights under the Constitution237
6. Domestic Policy from Kennedy to Bush(1961-2001)239
7. Post-racial Politics242
Unit 13 Economy245
1. Introduction245
2. U.S. Economic System246
3. What the Economy Produces248
4. Unemployment249
5. Income Inequality250
6. The Role of Government251
7. Foreign Trade255
8. Creative Destruction256
Unit 14 Education261
1. Introduction261
2. K-12 Organization262
3. Higher Education263
4. Private School264
5. Public School267
6. Tension between Localism and Centralization269
7. Changing Face of Higher Education273
Unit 15 Dominant Values and Religious Beliefs279
1. Dominant American Values279
2. Religion in America283
Unit 16 Sports and Media297
1. Sports in America297
2. Media in America307
Unit 17 Life, Work, and Social Welfare315
1. The Diverse Life315
2. Work and in the Workplace319
3. Americans and Social Welfare322
Unit 18 The Federal Holidays337


