


  • 外文名:A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Hard News Discourse
  • 書名:英漢硬新聞語篇對比研究
  • 作者:蔣國東
  • 出版日期:2014年5月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787118094480 
  • 出版社:國防工業出版社
  • 頁數:150頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:國防工業出版社





蔣國東,男,1980年生,浙江杭州人,現任杭州電子科技大學外國語學院講師。主要研究方向為功能語言學、批評話語分析和二語習得。已發表相關學術論文1 0餘篇,獨立完成並出版學術著作1部,主持浙江省教育廳科研項目1項和浙江省教育科學規劃研究課題1項。


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research motivations and objectives
1.1. 1 Hard news reporting and its communicative
1.1.2 Theoretical motivations
1.1.3 Research objectives
1. 2 Research significance
1.2. 1 Theoretical significance
1.2. 2 Practical significance
1.3 Research data and methodology
1.3. 1 Data collection
1.3.2 Research methodology
1.4 Organization of the book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2. 1 Critical media discourse studies
2. 1.1 Critical discourse analysis
2. 1.2 Critical discourse analysis of print media language
2. 2 Contrastive media discourse studies
2. 2. 1 Contrastive discourse analysis
2. 2. 2 Contrastive discourse analysis of print media
2. 3 Evaluation and its key concepts
2. 3. 1 Hedging
2.3. 2 Modality
2.3. 3 Evidentiality
2. 4 Appraisal resources and voice theory
2. 4. 1 Appraisal: a new account of language evaluation
2. 4. 2 An overview of Appraisal System
2. 4. 3 Voice theory
2. 5 Genre studies of news discourse
2. 5. 1 Journalistic training literature
2.5.2 Van Dijk
2. 5.3 Bell
2. 5.4 Van Leeuwen
2. 5.5 White
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
3. 1 Martin's Appraisal System
3. 1. 1 Attitude
3.1.2 Engagement
3. 1. 3 Graduation
3. 2 White's Orbital Model
Chapter 4 Genre Analysis of Hard News Texts
4. 1 Generic structure
4. 1.1 The opening phase: headline/lead
4.1.2 The news body.- satellite structure
4. 1.3 The textual consequence of orbital textuality
4. 2 Summary
Chapter 5 Appraisal Analysis of Hard News Texts
5. 1 Appraisal values in news headline
5.2 Appraisal values in news lead
5. 3 Appraisal values in news body
5. 4 Summary
Chapter 6 Reporter Voice and Communicative
6. 1 Patterns of appraisal preferences in news
6. 1.1 Patterns of judgment in news headline/lead
6. 1.2 Patterns of affect in news headline/lead
6. 1.3 Patterns of appreciation in news headline/lead
6. 1.4 Patterns of intensification in news headline/lead
6. 1.5 Patterns of engagement in news headline/lead
6. 1.6 Summary
6. 2 Patterns of appraisal preferences in news body
6. 2. l Versions of events
6. 2. 2 Values of affect
6.2. 3 Values of appreciation and judgment
6. 2. 4 Engagement: attribution: acknowledgment
6. 2. 5 Graduation: intensification
6. 3 Appraisal features of reporter vices in Chinese
and English
6. 4 Communicative functionality of hard news
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7. 1 Research findings
7. 2 Implications and limitations of the research
Appendix 1 Independent Samples T-Test
of Judgment Frequency
Appendix 2 Independent Samples T-Test
of Affect Frequency
Appendix 3 Independent Samples T-Test
of Appreciation Frequency
Appendix 4 Independent Samples T-Test
of Intensification Frequency
Appendix 5 Independent Samples T-Test
oI Engagement Frequency
Appendix 6 The Headline/Lead of 60 News Texts
for Detailed Analysis


