



  • 中文名:英漢情感隱喻中的自然意象認知對比研究
  • 作者:劉曉
  • 出版社:中國海洋大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787567027756




Chapter 1 The History of Metaphor Research
1.1 Metaphor in Poetics and Epistemology
1.2 Stable Metaphor in English Lingual Culture
1.3 The Conventional Metaphor and Meta-metaphor
Chapter 2 English Metaphors with Nature Elements
2.1 Metaphors with Nature Elements in Beowulf.
2.2 The Categorization of Metaphor Within the Five-element Framework
2.3 Comparison Between English and Chinese National Mentality Through Metaphor Analysis
Chapter 3 Metaphors Derived from the Five Elements
3.1 Metaphors with "Root" Image (Derived from Metaphors with the Wood Element)
3.2 Metaphors with "House" Image (Derived from Metaphors with the Earth Element)
3.3 Conclusion of Chapter 3
Chapter 4 English Love Metaphors with Concrete Images
4.1 Love Is Danger
4.2 Love Is Protection
4.3 Love Is Light
4.4 Love Is Natural Cataclysm
4.5 Love Is a Journey
4.6 Love Is the Source of Life
Chapter 5 Emotion Metaphors with "Life" as a Target Domain..
5.1 Human & Emotion Is Wildlife
5.2 Human & Nature and Wildlife
Chapter 6 Love Metaphors with Abstract Concepts
6.1 Metaphors with Concrete Object Component as the Target
6.2 Love Is the Way to Wholeness
6.3 Love Is Unity
6.4 Love Is Time
6.5 Love Is Power
Chapter 7 The Contrastive Cognitive Analysis of Emotion Metaphors Between English and Chinese
7.1 Theoretical Framework for Spatial-temporal Cognition and Metaphor Analysis
7.2 Spatial-temporal Contrast in Plant Conceptualization Through Metaphor Analysis
7.3 Spatial-temporal Cognition Contrast in Plant Conceptualization.
Chapter 8 The Analysis of Love Metaphors in Chinese Poetry
8.1 The Comparative Analysis Between English and Chinese Cognition Reflected Through Love Metaphors in Poetry
8.2 A Hypothesized Explanatory Cognitive Model
Chapter 9 The Analysis of Anger Metaphors and" 氣 (qi)" Image Within the Five-element Framework
9.1 Traditional Chinese Medicine's Influence on Emotion Conceptualization
9.2 The Categorization of" 氣 (qi)" in Huangdi Neijing
9.3 The Interpretation of Anger Metaphor Within the Five-element Framework
Chapter 10 Corpus Analysis of Emotion Metaphors in English and Chinese
10.1 Corpus Analysis of"Root" Metaphor
10.2 Corpus Search and Statistical Analysis of Plant Metaphors
10.3 Corpus Analysis of Anger Metaphor with" 氣 (qi)" Image


劉曉,南京航空航天大學外國語學院英語講師。2016年畢業於莫斯科大學,獲語言學博士學位。研究方向為歷史類型比較語言學,側重英漢文學作品中情感隱喻的認知對比研究,讀博期間發表5篇俄羅斯國家核心外語類期刊論文(RscI)。2013—2015年,連續三年參加莫斯科大學主辦的羅蒙諾索夫國際青年學者學術論壇並獲優秀報告證書。2016年博士畢業後。在前期研究積累的基礎上繼續進行認知話語分析和比較語言學研究,陸續發表國內外高質量期刊論文5篇。201 7年入選江蘇省“雙創博士”。目前主持江蘇省高校哲社重大項目1項、中央高校基礎科研業務經費智庫基金項目2項和研究生教改課題1項,參與教育部社科項目1項。


