


  • 中文名:英文電影中的西方文化
  • 提供院校:吉林大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:馮彥


01 Greek Culture (希臘文化) ---- Troy《特洛伊:木馬屠城》
1.1 Introduction (希臘文化導入)
1. 2 Aegean Civilization, Mycenaean Civilization and Ancient Greece (愛琴文明、邁錫尼文明與古希臘文明的關係)
1.3 Mycenaean Civilization (邁錫尼文明)
1.4 Writing: Similar to Chinese Oracle Bone Inscriptions (神似中國甲骨文的古希臘文字)
1.5 Stages Greece Went through (古希臘文明經歷的歷史時期)
1.6 Women in Ancient Greece (古希臘女性地位)
1.7 Architecture Style in Ancient Greece (古希臘建築風格)
1.8 Ten Sanctuary Sites of Ancient Greece (希臘諸神十大棲居地)
1.9 Greek Mythology: Origin of Western Culture (希臘神話:西方文化的起源)
1.10 Twelve Main Olympians (奧林匹斯十二主神)
1.11 Mysterious Poseidon (神秘的波塞冬)
1.12 Greek Myths (希臘神話故事)
1.13 Legend of Homer (傳奇詩人荷馬)
1.14 Great Homeric Epics (偉大的荷馬史詩)
1.15 Whether Troy Once Existed or Not (特洛伊是否真實存在過)
1.16 Trojan War and Real Reasons for the War (特洛伊戰爭及戰爭的真實原因)
1.17 Helen,the Beauty (傾國傾城的美人海倫)
1.18 Major Characters in the Trojan War I (特洛伊戰爭中的主要人物----上)
1.19 Major Characters in the Trojan War II (特洛伊戰爭中的主要人物----下)
1.20 Trojan Horse (特洛伊木馬的毀譽)
1.21 Movie Show (影片欣賞:《特洛伊: 木馬屠城》)
Quiz 1
02 Christian Culture (基督文化) ---- Kingdom of Heaven 《天國王朝》
2.1 Introduction (基督文化導入)
2.2 Christianity at a Glance (基督教概述)
2.3 Three Branches of Christianity (基督教三大派別)
2.4 Three Abrahamic Religions (三大亞伯拉罕宗教)
2.5 Comparison of Christianity, Islam and Judaism (三大宗教的比較)
2.6 Brief Overview of the Bible (《聖經》簡介)
2.7 Old Testament (《舊約》)
2.8 New Testament (《新約》)
2.9 Jerusalem at a Glance (耶路撒冷概述)
2.10 Brief History of Jerusalem (耶路撒冷歷史概覽)
2.11 Religious Significance of Jerusalem in Christianity (耶路撒冷與基督教)
2.12 Religious Significance of Jerusalem in Judaism (耶路撒冷與猶太教)
2.13 Religious Significance of Jerusalem in Islam (耶路撒冷與伊斯蘭教)
2.14 Historical Background of the Crusades (十字軍東征的歷史背景)
2.15 Historical Process of the Crusades (十字軍東征的歷史進程)
2.16 Effects of the Crusades (十字軍東征的影響)
2.17 Chivalry Spirit (騎士精神)
2.18 Influence of Christianity on Chivalry (基督教對騎士制度的影響)
2.19 True Chivalry Spirit and Valuable Belief (真正的騎士精神與價值信仰)
2.20 Main Characters in the Movie (電影主要人物介紹)
2.21 Movie Show (影片欣賞:《天國王朝》)
Quiz 2
03 British Culture(英國文化)----Elizabeth: The Golden Age《伊莉莎白:黃金時代》
3.15 English Renaissance (英國文藝復興)
3.16 Discovery of New Land and Slavery of Native Americans (新大陸的發現及北美奴隸制)
3.17 Movie Show (影片欣賞:《伊莉莎白:黃金時代》)
3.1 Introduction (英國文化導入)
3.2 From House of Norman to House of York (從諾曼王朝到約克王朝)
3.3 House of Tudor (都鐸王朝)
3.4 From House of Stuart to House of Windsor (從斯圖亞特王朝到溫莎王朝)
3.5 Henry VIII and His Policies (亨利八世的政治和宗教政策)
3.6 Henry VIII and His Wives I (亨利八世和他的六個妻子----上)
3.7 Henry VIII and His Wives II (亨利八世和他的六個妻子----下)
3.8 Elizabeth I and Her Way to the Throne (伊莉莎白一世及她的登基之路)
3.9 Religious Policy of Elizabeth I (伊莉莎白一世的宗教政策)
3.10 Foreign Relations in the Elizabeth’s Era (伊莉莎白時代的對外關係)
3.11 Several Queens Named Mary in History (歷史上幾位瑪麗女王/皇后)
3.12 Marriage Game of Elizabeth I (伊莉莎白一世的婚姻遊戲)
3.13 England VS Spain (英格蘭與西班牙的關係)
3.14 Anglo-Spanish War (英西之戰)
Quiz 3
04 American Culture (美國文化) ---- The Patriot《愛國者》& Glory《光榮戰役》
4.1 Introduction (美國文化導入)
4.2 Five Symbols of American Culture (美國文化五大象徵)
4.3 Brief History of America (美國簡史)
4.4 Cultural Elements of America (美國文化元素)
4.5 American War of Independence at a Glance (美國獨立戰爭概述)
4.6 Militia and Benjamin Martin in History (民兵和歷史上的班傑明·馬丁)
4.7 Way of Fighting (戰爭方式)
4.8 Dog Meat (狗肉)
4.9 Heroism (英雄主義)
4.10 Impressions the British and the Americans Have of Each Other (美國人和英國人對彼此的印象)
4.11 American Civil War at a Glance (美國南北戰爭概述)
4.12 Slavery in America (美國的奴隸制)
4.13 Free Blacks (自由黑人)
4.14 Religious Culture of Blacks (黑人的宗教文化)
4.15 American Black English (美國黑人英語)
4.16 Politics of Blacks (黑人政治)
4.17 Entertainment of Blacks (黑人娛樂)
4.18 Integration of Blacks and Whites (黑人與白人的融合)
4.19 54th Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (麻省第五十四兵團)
4.20 Movie Show I (影片欣賞:《愛國者》)
4.21 Movie Show II (影片欣賞:《光榮戰役》)
Quiz 4




