According to our agreement your company is to furnish services periodically on alternate days of the week in amounts to be specified at irregular intervals. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we herewith ask you to interrupt your services for one period only, effective Monday, May 30,1960. Please note that services are to be resumed as of Wednesday, June 1,1960, in the same amount and manner as heretofore.
其實本來的意思只是:“Please skip Monday.”(星期一別送。)
25 Rules of Effective Writing
1. Write about people, things, and facts.
2. Write as you talk.
3. Use contractions.
4. Use the first person.
5. Quote what was said.
6. Quote what was written.
7. Put yourself in the reader's place.
8. Don't hurt the reader's feelings.
9. Forestall misunderstandings.
10. Don't be too brief.
11. Plan a beginning, middle, and end.
12. Go from the rule to the exception, from the familiar to the new.
13. Use short names and abbreviations.
14. Use pronouns rather than repeating nouns.
15. Use verbs rather than nouns.
16. Use the active voice and a personal subject.
17. Use small, round figures.
18. Specify. Use illustrations, cases, examples.
19. Start a new sentence for each new idea.
20. Keep your sentences short.
21. Keep your paragraphs short.
22. Use direct questions.
23. Underline for emphasis.
24. Use parentheses for casual mention.
25. Make your writing interesting to look at.