



  • 中文名:英文報刊國際商務閱讀(第三版)
  • 作者:陳祥國、蔣甜甜
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年4月
  • ISBN:9787566313089


報刊選讀課程是幫助學生掌握從國外媒體獲取信息能力的有效途徑。高職高專學生學習報刊選讀,有助達到三個目標:1. 擴大知識面;2. 提高閱讀理解能力;3. 提高翻譯能力。對於將來在外向型行業工作的學生來說,它們都是最基本的要求。擴大知識面就是要用英語去了解世界,了解社會,涉獵不同的話題,培養學生的英語文化底蘊。提高閱讀理解能力就是要能從英語媒體上準確、快速地獲取信息;提高翻譯能力就是要能夠把獲取的信息流暢準確地表達或轉述給決策者,為其正確決策提供依據。


Unit 1 China’s Cooling Economy: GDP Fell to 7.5%, Will Drop to 6.9% Next Year1
Unit 2 US Economy Shrinks for the First Time in Three-and-a-half Years17
Unit 3 Electric Cars: Fully Charged35
Unit 4 The Apple App Monster51
Unit 5 The Outcry Is Muted, but the Food Crisis Is Getting Worse67
Unit 6 China Banks Strike Back against Threat from Internet Finance81
Unit 7 New Data Shows Carbon Emissions Falling As Shale Gas Debate Is Rising97
Unit 8 Ocado Sees Opportunities from Amazon Move into Groceries111
Unit 9 Is There a Global Solution to Global Warming?125
Unit 10 WTO Overcomes Last Minute Hitch to Reach Its First Global Trade Deal139
Unit 11 EU and China Settle Trade Fight over Solar Panels155
Unit 12 Protectionist Fervor vs. Retailers’ Needs169
Unit 13 G20 Was a Success but This Is No Time for Resting on Laurels183
Unit 14 Outsourcing: Law Firms Fuel the Demand for Offshore Services195
Unit 15 Britain Unveils Second Financial Bailout209
Unit 16 Rx for Global Poverty223
Unit 17 Exxon Roars to Record in Oil Slump237
Unit 18 Bitcoin Exchange’s Collapse Is Probed by U.S. and Japanese Regulators253


