該校教學設施頂尖,擁有2000多台電腦終端的計算機中心被評為英國最卓越的信息技術中心,並且由全球軟體巨頭-甲骨文 (Oracle)為其提供獨家支持。該校具有世界一流水準的電視製作中心和廣播媒體中心,由英國女王-伊莉莎白二世(Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II)於2006年親自到場剪彩揭幕。迄今為止,該校的學術聲譽和教學設施為其吸引了來自世界各地70多個國家和地區的本科生,研究生,博士生和訪問學者等15,000多名人員在此深造。
中文名: 斯泰福廈大學 外文名:Staffordshire University 校訓: Create the difference 創辦時間: 1901年 類別: 公立大學 現任校長: Michael Gunn 學校類型:綜合
| 知名校友: Mike O'Brien (英國前健康與服務國務大臣) Fatmir Besimi (馬其頓共和國經濟部長) Andrew Triggs Hodge(2008北京奧運會與2012倫敦奧運會賽艇金牌) Marcus Dillistone (2004雅典奧運會開幕式與閉幕式導演) 所屬地區: 英國英格蘭中部 主要院系: 計算機科學,商學,法學,文學,工程和技術學
Mike O'Brien (英國前健康與服務國務大臣)
Fatmir Besimi (馬其頓共和國經濟部長)
Andrew Triggs Hodge(2008北京奧運會與2012倫敦奧運會賽艇金牌)
Marcus Dillistone (2004雅典奧運會開幕式與閉幕式導演)
Jermaine Allen, Professional American footballer.
Matt Baker, Professional footballer and Conservative politician.
Chris Beardsley, Professional footballer.
James Beaumont, Professional footballer.
George Berry, Professional footballer and Welsh international.
David Bolt, Academic specialising in literature and disability.
Kate Dennison, Pole vaulter and current British record holder.
Tim Field, Founder of the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line.
Gan See Wee, Classical Guitar Professor
Raimi Gbadamosi, Conceptual artist.
Paul Harvey, Stuckist artist.
Emma Jones, Tabloid journalist.
Edward Lay, Drummer for rock band
David Leach, Studio potter.
Russell Leetch, Bass guitarist for rock band Editors.
John Mayock, Athlete and olympian.
Scott Minto, Professional footballer and sports broadcaster.
Paul Reilly, Computer scientist.
Graham Shaw, Professional football
Sam Stockley, Professional footballer.
Gavin Strachan, Professional footballer.
Chris Urbanowicz, Lead Guitarist for rock band Editors.
William Bowyer, Artist.
Clarice Cliff, Ceramic artist.
Susie Cooper, Ceramic artist.
Jessie Tait, Ceramic artist.
Sidney Tushingham, Artist and etcher.
Charlotte Rhead, Ceramic artist.