編號 | NFG-89-47 |
拉丁菌名 | Ganoderma cantharelloideum M.H.Liu sp. nov. |
中文菌名 | 苦馬豆楔孢黑粉菌 |
定名人 | 趙震宇 惠友為 |
Nomencla | Liu Meihua |
發表文章 | 苦馬豆楔孢黑粉菌目一新種 |
Article | New Species of Ganoderma |
作者 | 惠友為 / 趙震宇 |
Author | Liu Meihua |
作者單位 | 陝西省微生物研究所, 西 安 710043 / 新疆八一農學院, 烏魯木齊 830053 |
摘要 | 本文報導新疆黑粉菌目一新種, 苦馬豆楔孢黑粉菌 (Thecaphora sphaerophysae Z.Y. Zhao et Xi). 新種有 中文和拉丁文描述, 並附有冬孢子光學顯微鏡和掃描電鏡 照片. |
Abstract | A new species of the genus Ganoderma collected from Anshun of Guizhou Province is described as Ganoderma cantharelloideum M.H.Liu. English andLatin diagnoses are given for the new species. And a chinese summary is also given. According to Zhao Jiding's treatment on the taxonmicstudies of Ganodermoideae of China? this new species belongs in Subsect. Ganoderma. Holotype of new species is deposited in author? s laboratory. |
關鍵字 | 黑粉菌目, 苦馬豆楔孢黑粉菌 |
Key | |
期刊 | 真菌學報 8(3):195-197, 1989 |
Publication | Acta Mycologica Sinica (Chinese)? 8(4):pp.279-281? 1989 |
分享省市 | 新疆維吾爾自治區 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州庫� |
Place | Anshun City? Guizhou Province? China |
採集地 | 渠邊草叢內菊科植物苦馬豆呈棕褐色病 斑的莢果 |
Environment | The mushroom collected from cariose wood in frondose woods |
海撥高度 | |
生態環境 | 暖溫帶乾燥氣候農田 |
寄主 | 苦馬豆的莢果 |
Habitat | subtropical moist monsoon climate frondose forest region |
Host | on cariose wood in frondose woods |
採集人 | 王 軍 |
Isolation Person | Liu Meihua |
採集時間 | |
保存單位 | 陝西省微生物研究所真菌標本室, 西安 710043 |
Preservation Unit | Public Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Anshun Prefeture? Anshun 561000? Guizhou province? China |
描述 | |
等模式 | |
Speciman No. | No.1041 |
全文 | |
Note | The species is a rotting woods fungi? also is a famous chinese medicinal herb? it used as a tonic? roborant? sedative? and stomachic. The spora poder modern used tratmenting cancer. |