


  • 中文名:苑文珂
  • 主要成就:2020年中國科學院院長優秀獎


2017.9-2020.6 中國科學院武漢植物園 理學博士;
2020.7-2022.12 中國科學院武漢植物園 助理研究員;
2023.1-至今 中國科學院武漢植物園 副研究員;




Eco-Environment & Health (EEH), 青年編委
Frontiers in Environmental Toxicology, Review Editor




  1. Li Lin, Elvis Genbo Xu, Minxia Liu, Yuyi Yang, Amei Zhou, Bongkotrat Suyamud, Xiong Pan, Wenke Yuan; Microbiological processes of submicron-plastics affecting submerged plant growth in a chronic exposure microcosm; Environmental Science & Technology Letters; https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00789.
  2. Wenke Yuan, Joseph Alexander Christie-Oleza; Elvis Genbo Xu, Jiawei Li, Haibo Zhang, Wenfeng Wang, Li Lin, Weihong Zhang, Yuyi Yang; Environmental fate of microplastics in the world’s third-largest river: Basin-wide investigation and microplastic community analysis; Water Research; 2022, 210:118002.
  3. Wenke Yuan, Yanfei Zhou, Yuling Chen, Xiaoning Liu, Jun Wang; Toxicological effects of microplastics and heavy metals on the Daphnia magna; Science of the Total Environment; 2020, 746:141254.
  4. Wenke Yuan, Yanfei Zhou, Xiaoning Liu, Jun Wang; New perspective on the nanoplastics disrupting the reproduction of an endangered fern in artificial freshwater; Environmental Science & Technology; 2019, 53:12715-12724.
  5. Wenke Yuan, Xiaoning Liu, Wenfeng Wang, Mingxiao Di, Jun Wang; Microplastic abundance, distribution and composition in water, sediments, and wild fish from Poyang Lake, China; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; 2019, 170:180-187.
  6. Xiaoning Liu, Wenke Yuan, Mingxiao Di, Zhen Li, Jun Wang; Transfer and fate of microplastics during the conventional activated sludge process in one wastewater treatment plant of China; Chemical Engineering Journal; 2019, 362:176-182.
  7. Wenfeng Wang, Wenke Yuan, Yuling Chen, Jun Wang; Microplastics in surface waters of Dongting Lake and Hong Lake, China; Science of the Total Environment; 2018, 633: 539-545.
  8. Wenfeng Wang, Wenke Yuan, Elvis Genbo Xu, Lianzhen Li, Haibo Zhang, Yuyi Yang; Uptake, translocation, and biological impacts of micro(nano)plastics in terrestrial plants: Progress and prospects; Environmental Research; 2022, 203:111867.
  9. Weihong Zhang, Wenke Yuan, Lu Chen, Chen Ye, Ying Jiang, Yuyi Yang; Uniqueness and dependence of bacterial communities on microplastics: Comparison with water, sediment, and soil; Microbial Ecology; 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-021-01919-0.
  10. Wenjie Wan, Hans-Peter Grossart, Donglan He, Wenke Yuan, Yuyi Yang; Stronger environmental adaptation of rare rather than abundant bacterioplankton in response to dredging in eutrophic Lake Nanhu (Wuhan, China); Water Research; 2021, 190:116751.
  11. Wenjie Wan, Geoffrey Michael Gadd, Ji-Dong Gu, Donglan He, Wenzhi Liu, Wenke Yuan, Luping Ye, Yuyi Yang; Dredging alleviates cyanobacterial blooms by weakening diversity maintenance of bacterioplankton community; Water Research; 2021, 202:117449.
  12. Wenjie Wan, Geoffrey Michael Gadd, Yuyi Yang, Wenke Yuan, Jidong Gu, Luping Ye, Wenzhi Liu; Environmental adaptation is stronger for abundant rather than rare microorganisms in wetland soils from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; Molecular Ecology; 2021, 30:2390-2403.


