- 中文名:花強
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
1996–2000 日本九州工業大學生命科學和生物信息學系,博士
1993–1996 浙江大學化學工程學系生物化學工程專業,碩士
1989–1993 浙江大學化學工程學系生物化學工程專業,學士
2008–至今 華東理工大學生物反應器工程國家重點實驗室 教授
2007–2008 美國Burnham醫學研究所生物信息學和系統生物學部門 研究科學家
2004–2007 美國加州大學聖迭戈分校生物工程系 博士後學者
2001–2004 日本慶應大學先端生命科學研究所 助理教授
2000–2001 日本名古屋大學工學系化學生物工學專業 博士後研究員
1. Q. Hua, A. R. Joyce, B. Ø. Palsson and S. S. Fong. Metabolic characterization of Escherichia coli adapted to growth on lactate, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73(14): 4639-4647 (2007).
2. Q. Hua, A. R. Joyce, S. S. Fong and B. Ø. Palsson. Metabolic analysis of adaptive evolution for in silico designed lactate-producing strains, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 95(5): 992-1002 (2006).
3. Q. Hua, C. Yang, T. Oshima, H. Mori and K. Shimizu. Analysis of gene expression in Escherichia coli in response to changes of growth-limiting nutrient in chemostat cultures, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70(4): 2354-2366 (2004).
4. C. Yang, Q. Hua, T. Baba, H. Mori and K. Shimizu. Analysis of Escherichia coli anaplerotic metabolism and its regulation mechanisms from the metabolic responses to alter dilution rates and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase knockout", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 84(2):129-144 (2003).
5. Q. Hua, C. Yang, T. Baba, H. Mori and K. Shimizu. Responses of the central metabolism in Escherichia coli to phosphoglucose isomerase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase knockouts, Journal of Bacteriology, 185(24): 7053-7067 (2003).
6. C. Yang, Q. Hua and K. Shimizu. Metabolic flux analysis in Synechocystis using isotope distribution from 13C-labeled glucose, Metabolic Engineering, 4(3):202-216 (2002).
7. C. Yang, Q. Hua and K. Shimizu. Quantitative analysis of intracellular metabolic fluxes using GC-MS and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 93:78-87 (2002).
8. Q. Hua, M. Araki, Y. Koide and K. Shimizu. Effects of glucose, vitamins and DO concentrations on pyruvate fermentation using Torulopsis glabrata IFO 0005 with metabolic flux analysis, Biotechnology Progress, 17:62-68 (2001).