- 中文名:艾智勇
- 畢業院校:同濟大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:能源與環境岩土工程
- 任職院校:同濟大學土木工程學院
國際土力學與岩土工程學會 會員。
上海市土木工程學會岩土力學與工程專業委員會 委員、常務秘書。
人民交通出版社《岩土工程叢書》編審出版委員會 秘書。
- 國家自然科學基金重點項目“深海水合物開採中能源土災變機理與控制理論”(2017-2021)
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目“層狀各向異性固結流變軟土中樁筏基礎的時變行為研究”(2017-2020)
- 上海市住房和城鄉建設管理委員會科研項目“金茂大廈、上海環球金融中心和上海中心大廈樁基長久穩定性研究”(2017-2020)
- 萬達商業地產股份有限公司委託項目“西雙版納國際度假區酒店群景觀邊坡治理方案”評審(2016)
- 第二軍醫大學基建處“蘭花村(三期)經濟適用房工程地下室局部頂板裂縫分析與處理方案”評審(2015)
- 合肥萬達投資有限公司委託項目“合肥萬達主題樂園堆山項目山體支護設計方案”評審(2014)
- 平安金融中心建設發展有限公司委託項目“南塔土石方開挖及基坑支護工程清標”(2013)
- 河南鶴壁市盛翔置業有限公司委託項目“龍門大廈項目設計”(2010-2012)
- 河北路橋集團有限公司委託項目“夯實水泥土樁處理軟基施工技術研究”(2010-2011)
- 同濟大學建築設計研究院委託項目“上海中心大廈(632米,127層)地基基礎設計與研究”(2008-2009)
- 鐵道第三勘察設計院集團有限公司委託項目“虹橋綜合交通樞紐基坑工程總體方案諮詢及數值模擬”(2007-2009)
- 浙江興科科技發展投資有限公司委託項目“浙江清華長三角研究院創業大廈A段地下車庫沉降監測”(2007.6-2007.9)
- 國家自然科學基金資助項目“上部結構-樁筏基礎-橫觀各向同性層狀飽和地基共同作用研究”(2006-2008)
- 上海市市政建設發展有限公司委託項目“建設工程可視化信息管理系統”(2006.8-2007.12)
- 蔚藍置業(浙江)有限公司委託項目“澳洲花園三期工程基坑監測”(2006.6-2006.12)
- 上海市一建委託項目“上海環球金融中心(101層)樁筏基礎與上部結構共同作用”(2005.12-2008.12)
- 上海市科委資助項目“超高層建築雙向同步施工控制技術研究”子項“超大深基礎逆作法的共同作用理論套用研究”(以地下五層、地上地下雙向同步施工的上海虹口商城為工程背景)(2005.12-2007.12)
- 上海港灣工程設計研究院委託項目“洋山深水港樁基負摩阻力研究”(2005.12-2007.12)
- 浙江興科科技發展投資有限公司委託項目“浙江清華長三角研究院創業大廈A段工程基坑監測與分析”(2005.12-2006.12)
- 中建總公司/上海建工集團上海環球金融中心總承包聯合體委託項目“上海環球金融中心(101層)基礎測試與分析”(與中浦勘察技術研究所合作)(2004.12 - 2008.12)
- 上海市二建委託項目“上海仕格維花園酒店公寓(58層)基礎測試與分析”(2004.7-2005.12)
- 上海市二建委託項目“上海長峰商城(60層)樁筏基礎與上部結構共同作用的測試與分析”(2004.7-2005.12)
- 國家自然科學基金資助項目“軟粘性土剪下帶形成及其破壞機理的研究” (2004-2006)
- 上海市重點學科資助項目“樁筏基礎與橫觀各向同性飽和地基相互作用分析”(2004-2005)
- 上海市科委資助項目“考慮共同作用的超大型逆作法綜合施工技術研究”子項 “長峰商城逆作法基礎(地下四層)與上部結構共同作用的測試與分析”(2003.6-2004.12)
- 上海市重點學科資助項目“高層建築變形控制設計理論”(2002.7-2003.12)
- 上海寶山鋼鐵集團公司委託項目“超載地基條件下工業鋼結構廠房可靠性監控的研究”(2000.6-2002.12)
- 德國Zuedlin AG Civil Engineer and Constructor 委託項目“上海市金山化學工業區拜耳工地基礎施工諮詢”(2000.11-2001.2)。
- 艾智勇, 倉乃瑞. 橫觀各向同性層狀地基非軸對稱問題的位移函式解. 中南大學學報(已錄用, EI源刊)
- 王路君,艾智勇. 非穩態熱傳導時層狀路面體系的溫度回響. 岩土力學(已錄用, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 慕金晶. 豎向簡諧荷載下二維層狀飽和地基的解析層元解. 岩土力學(已錄用, EI源刊)
- 王路君,艾智勇. 地埋點熱源作用下層狀半空間的熱力耦合回響. 岩土力學(已錄用, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 張逸帆, 王路君. 層狀橫觀各向同性地基平面應變問題的擴展精細積分解. 岩土力學(已錄用, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 蔡建邦. 層狀地基與彈性薄板相互作用的邊界元解. 湖南大學學報(自然科學版)(已錄用, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 任廣鵬. 層狀橫觀各向同性地基性質對剛性條基搖擺振動的影響. 振動與衝擊(已錄用, EI源刊)
- 王路君,艾智勇. 衰變熱源作用下飽和多孔介質熱固結問題的擴展精細積分法. 力學學報(已錄用, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang. Thermal performance of stratified fluid-filled geomaterials with compressible constituents around a deep buried decaying heat source. Meccanica, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s11012-016-0608-7.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. H. Wang. Influences of Biot's compressible parameters on dynamic response of vertically loaded multilayered poroelastic soils. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 94: 7-12.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. Zhao, L. J. Wang. Thermo-mechanical coupling response of a layered isotropic medium around a cylindrical heat source. Computers & Geotechnics,2017,83:159-167.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), H. T. Li, Y. F. Zhang. Vertical vibration of a massless flexible strip footing bonded to a transversely isotropic multilayered half-plane. Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering,2017,92:528–536.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. F. Zhang. Vertical vibration of a rigid strip footing on a transversely isotropic multilayered half-plane. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(23–24): 10521–10532.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li, L. H. Wang. Dynamic response of a laterally loaded fixed-head pile group in a transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 385:171-183.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang. Three-dimensional thermo-hydro-mechanical responses of stratified saturated porothermoelastic material. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(21–22): 8912–8933.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. B. Cai. Static interaction analysis between a Timoshenko beam and layered soils by analytical layer element/boundary element method coupling. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(21–22): 9485-9499.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C.L. Liu, L.J. Wang, L.H. Wang. Vertical vibration of a partially embedded pile group in transversely isotropic soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 80:107-114.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 蔡建邦. 層狀地基上樑的邊界元-邊界元耦合解法. 同濟大學學報(自然科學版),2016,44(10):1513-1516.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 楊軻舒. 橫觀各向同性層狀地基上彈性矩形板的參數研究. 岩土工程學報,2016, 38(8): 1442-1446.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 李志雄. 沖刷作用下層狀橫觀各向同性土中群樁水平振動回響. 岩土工程學報,2016,38(4):613-618.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 張逸帆. 牆下條形基礎與層狀橫觀各向同性地基共同作用. 岩土力學,2016,37(5):1243-1248.(EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. H. Wang, Y. D. Hu. Load transfer from an axially loaded pile to multilayered saturated media. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(13-14):6509-6522.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. D. Hu. The analysis of beams on layered poroelastic soils with anisotropic permeability and compressible pore fluid. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(11–12):5876-5890.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. L. Liu, J. P. Jiang. Dynamic analysis of a vertically loaded rigid disc in a transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Meccanica, 2016, 51(8): 1887-1895. DOI: 10.1007/s11012-015-0340-8.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), G. P. Ren. Dynamic analysis of a transversely isotropic multilayered half-plane subjected to a moving load. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 83: 162-166.(SCI源刊, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. L. Wu, L. J. Wang. Axisymmetric coupled thermo-mechanical response of multilayered elastic medium. Meccanica, 2016, 51(6):1405-1417. DOI: 10.1007/s11012-015-0295-9.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. L. Wu, L. J. Wang. Extended precise integration method for axisymmetric thermo-elastic problem in transversely isotropic material. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016, 40(2): 297–312. DOI: 10.1002/nag.2402.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. L. Wu. The behavior of a multilayered porous thermo-elastic medium with anisotropic thermal diffusivity and permeability. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 76: 129-139.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Y. C. Cheng,Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇). Consolidation analysis of transversely isotropic layered saturated soils in the Cartesian coordinate system by extended precise integration method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 40(4):2692-2704. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2015.09.085.(SCI, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 蔡建邦. 層狀地基上彈性地基梁的有限元-邊界元耦合分析. 岩土力學, 2015, 36(S2): 685-688.(EI源刊)
- L. J. Wang,Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇). Plane strain and three-dimensional analyses for thermo-mechanical behaviour of multilayered transversely isotropic materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 103: 199-211.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. L. Liu. Vertical vibration of a pile in transversely isotropic multilayered soils. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 357: 145–155.(SCI, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 吳全龍. 橫觀各向同性地基上剛性矩形基礎分析. 岩土力學, 2015, 36(5):1347-1351.(EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. F. Zhang. Plane strain dynamic response of a transversely isotropic multilayered half-plane. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 75: 211-219.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang. Axisymmetric thermal consolidation of multilayered porous thermoelastic media due to a heat source. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2015, 39(17):1912-1931.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang. Time-dependent analysis of 3D thermo-mechanical behavior of a layered half-space with anisotropic thermal diffusivity. Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226(9): 2939-2954.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li. Dynamic analysis of laterally loaded piles in a transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 54: 68-75.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. F. Zhang. The analysis of a rigid rectangular plate on a transversely isotropic multilayered medium. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(20): 6085-6102. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2015.01.054(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. D. Hu. Multi-dimensional consolidation of layered poroelastic materials with anisotropic permeability and compressible fluid and solid constituents. Acta Geotechnica, 2015, 10:263–273.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. B. Cai. Static analysis of Timoshenko beam on elastic multilayered soils by combination of finite element and analytical layer element. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(7):1875-1888.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang, K. Zeng. Analytical layer-element method for 3D thermoelastic problem of layered medium around a heat source. Meccanica, 2015, 50(1):49-59.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. D. Hu. A coupled BEM-ALEM approach for analysis of elastic thin plates on multilayered soil with anisotropic permeability. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 53: 40-45.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), L. J. Wang, B. Li. Analysis of axisymmetric thermo-elastic problem in multilayered material with anisotropic thermal diffusivity. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 65:80-86.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), D. L. Feng. BEM analysis of laterally loaded pile groups in multi-layered transversely isotropic soils. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014, 44: 143-151.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), D. L. Feng, N. R. Cang. Analytical layer element solutions for deformations of transversely isotropic multilayered elastic media under nonaxisymmetric loading. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(15):1585-1599.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. D. Hu, Y. C. Cheng. Non-axisymmetric consolidation of poroelastic multilayered materials with anisotropic permeability and compressible constituents. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014, 38(2):576-587.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng, G. J. Cao. A quasistatic analysis of a plate on consolidating layered soils by analytical layer-element/finite element method coupling. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(13): 1362-1380.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng. Extended precise integration method for consolidation of transversely isotropic poroelastic layered media. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2014, 68(12): 1806-1818.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li, Y. C. Cheng. BEM analysis of elastic foundation beams on multilayered isotropic soils. Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(4):667–674.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li, N. R. Cang. Analytical layer-element solution to axisymmetric dynamic response of transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 60: 22-30.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. X. Li. Time-harmonic response of transversely isotropic multilayered half-space in a cylindrical coordinate system. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 66: 69-77.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), X. B. Jiang, Y. D. Hu. Analytical layer-element solution for 3D transversely isotropic multilayered foundation. Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(5): 967-973.(SCI, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 王路君,曾凱. 穩定溫度場下層狀路面體系的解析層元解. 同濟大學學報, 2014, 42(11): 1665-1669.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 張逸帆. 層狀橫觀各向同性地基與剛性條形基礎共同作用分析. 岩土工程學報, 2014, 36(4):752-756.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 史本凱. 橫觀各向同性層狀地基上軸對稱受荷剛性圓板問題. 岩土工程學報, 2014, 36(12):2341-2344.(EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. L. Liu. Axisymmetric vibration of an elastic circular plate bonded on a transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 67: 257-263.(SCI, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 胡亞東, 曾文澤. 井點降水時可壓縮滲透各向異性地基固結分析. 岩土工程學報, 2013, 35(S2):501-505.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 胡亞東. 3D橫觀各向同性地基非耦合解析層元. 岩土工程學報, 2013, 35(S2):717-720.(EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), N. R. Cang. Non-axisymmetric Boit consolidation analysis of multi-layered saturated poroelastic materials with anisotropic permeability. Soils and Foundations, 2013, 53(3): 408–416.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), D. L. Feng, Y. C. Cheng. BEM analysis of laterally loaded piles in multi-layered transversely isotropic soils. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2013, 37(7-8):1095–1106.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), W. Z. Zeng. Consolidation analysis of saturated multi-layered soils with anisotropic permeability caused by a point sink. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2013, 37(7):758–770.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng. Analysis of vertically loaded piles in multilayered transversely isotropic soils by BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2013, 37(2):327-335.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng, W. Z. Zeng, C. Wu. 3-D consolidation of multilayered porous medium with anisotropic permeability and compressible pore fluid. Meccanica, 2013, 48(2):491-499.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng. 3-D consolidation analysis of layered soil with anisotropic permeability using analytical layer-element method. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2013, 26(1):62-70.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng., P. liu. State Space Solution to 3-D Multilayered Elastic Soils Based on Order Reduction Method. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2012, 33(11):1371-1380.(SCI, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 李博. 橫觀各向同性層狀地基平面應變問題的解析層元解. 岩土工程學報, 2012, 34(10):1787-1791.(EI源刊)
- 劉靖,艾智勇, 蘇輝. 山嶺隧道新奧法施工過程動態風險評估. 同濟大學學報, 2012, 40(8):1142-1146.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 曾凱, 曾文澤. 層狀地基三維問題的解析層元解. 岩土工程學報, 2012, 34(6):1154-1158.(EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), G. J. Cao, Y. C. Cheng. Analytical layer-element solutions of Biot’s consolidation with anisotropic permeability and incompressible fluid and solid constituents. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012, 36(10):4817-4829.(SCI, EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 倉乃瑞, 成怡沖. 解析層元法求解層狀橫觀各向同性地基軸對稱問題. 岩土工程學報, 2012, 34(5):863-867.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 成怡沖. 軸對稱受荷彈性圓板下橫觀各向同性多層地基分析. 建築結構學報, 2012, 33(4):154-157.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 董 洲, 成怡沖. 多層地基軸對稱彈性空間問題的解析層元解. 建築結構學報, 2012, 33(4):150-153.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 曹國軍, 成怡沖. 平面應變Biot固結的解析層元. 力學學報, 2012, 44(2):401-407.(EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), W. Z. Zeng. Analytical layer-element method for non-axisymmetric consolidation of multilayered soils. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012, 36(5):533-545.(SCI, EI源刊)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), N. R. Cang, J. Han. Analytical layer-element solutions for a multi-layered transversely isotropic elastic medium subjected to axisymmetric loading. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2012, 13(1):9-17.(SCI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 董 洲, 成怡沖, 吳超. 三維滲透各向異性層狀地基Biot固結分析. 土木工程學報, 2011, 44(12):79-84.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 蘇 輝, 成怡沖. 求解層狀地基平面應變問題的解析層元法. 岩土工程學報, 2011, 33(11):1797-1800.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 董 洲. 橫觀各向同性飽和地基單樁有限元分析。中國科技論文線上, 2011, 6(5):351-354, 362.
- 艾智勇, 曹國軍. 彈性矩形板下橫觀各向同性多層地基分析. 岩土力學, 2011, 32(Supp 2):59-63.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 曾文澤. 解析層元法求解層狀地基非軸對稱荷載問題. 岩土工程學報, 2011, 32(7):1078-1081.(EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), W. Z. Zeng, Y. C. Cheng, C. Wu. Uncoupled state space solution to layered poroelastic medium with anisotropic permeability and compressible pore fluid. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2011, 5(2):171-179.
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Y. C. Cheng, W. Z. Zeng. Analytical layer-element solution to axisymmetric consolidation of multilayered soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 2011, 38 (2) :227-232.(SCI, EI檢索)
- 胡云世, 蘇 輝, 成怡沖,艾智勇. 層狀可壓縮岩基三維固結問題的狀態空間解. 岩土力學, 2011, 32(Supp.1):176-180.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 曾文澤. 滲透各向異性多層地基的軸對稱Biot固結. 岩土工程學報, 2011, 33(2): 242-246.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 蘇 輝. 深基坑多層水平支撐溫度應力的一個簡化計算方法. 同濟大學學報, 2011, 39(2):199-203.(EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang, J. Han. Transfer matrix solutions to axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric consolidation of multilayered soils. Acta Mechanica, 2010, 211(1-2):155-172.(SCI, EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang, J. Han. Analytical solutions describing the consolidation of a multi-layered soil under circular loading. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2010, 66(4):381-393.(SCI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 成怡沖. 三維橫觀各向同性成層地基的傳遞矩陣解. 岩土力學, 2010, 31(Supp.2):25-30.(EI檢索)
- 曾文澤,艾智勇. 軸對稱多層可壓縮滲透各向異性岩基固結分析. 岩土力學, 2010, 31(Supp.2):212-217.(EI檢索)
- 王全勝,艾智勇. 二維滲透各向異性多層地基Biot固結分析. 地下空間與工程學報, 2010, 6(1):48-52.
- 吳超,艾智勇. 滲透各向異性飽和層狀地基中的抽水問題. 地下空間與工程學報, 2010, 6(1):174-178.
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z.Q. Yue. Elastic analysis of axially loaded single pile in multilayered soils. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2009, 47(11-12):1079-1088.(SCI, EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. Wu. Plane strain consolidation of soil layer with anisotropic permeability. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2009, 30(11): 1437-1444.(SCI, EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z.Y. Cheng. Transfer matrix solutions to plane-strain and three-dimensional Biot’s consolidation of multi-layered soils. Mechanics of Materials, 2009, 41(3):244-25.(SCI, EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. Han. Boundary element analysis of axially loaded piles embedded in a multi-layered soil. Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36:427-434.(SCI, EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 成志勇. 層狀地基中軸向受荷單樁的邊界單元法分析. 岩土力學, 2009, 30(5):1522-1526.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 王全勝. 多層橫觀各向同性地基軸對稱固結的傳遞矩陣解. 岩土力學, 2009, 30(4):921-925.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 吳 超. 位移函式法求解飽和層狀地基中的抽水問題. 岩土工程學報, 2009, 31(5):681-685.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 吳 超. 滲透各向異性可壓縮多層地基固結的平面應變分析. 力學學報, 2009, 41(5):801-807.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 梅阿敏等. 多層地基上軸對稱受荷彈性圓板問題. 土木建築與環境工程(原重慶建築大學學報), 2009, 31(1):33-37.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 成志勇等. 多層飽和地基三維Biot固結問題的一個理論解. 地下空間與工程學報, 2008, 4(2): 295-301. (A類)
- 艾智勇, 成志勇等. 層狀地基三維Biot固結問題的一個解耦解法. 東南大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, 38(5): 816-820.(EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z.Y. Cheng. Plane Strain Biot’s Consolidation of Multi-Layered Soils with Compressible Constituents. GeoCongress 2008, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, 2008, 179: 702~709.(EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z.Y. Cheng, J. Han. State space solution to three-dimensional consolidation of multi-layered soils. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2008, 46(5): 486-498.(SCI, EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang, C. Wu. A new method for solving Biot’s consolidation of a finite soil layer in the cylindrical coordinate system. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2008, 24(6): 691-697.(SCI, EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang. A new analytical solution for axis-symmetric Biot’s consolidation of a finite soil layer. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2008, 29(12): 1617-1624.(SCI, EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Q. S. Wang. Axisymmetric Biot’s Consolidation of Multi-Layered Soils with Compressible Constituents. GeoCongress 2008, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, 2008, 179: 678~685.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 王全勝等. 間斷伽遼金法(DGM)求解彈性地基梁問題. 岩土力學, 2008, 29 Supp: 603-606.(EI源刊)
- 王全勝,艾智勇. 多層地基非軸對稱Biot固結的理論解. 岩土力學, 2008, 29 Supp: 645-649.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 吳超. 分層地基上矩形剛性基礎的基底反力、沉降和傾斜計算. 力學季刊, 2008, 29(1): 113-119. (A類)
- 艾智勇, 吳 超. 井點抽水時飽和分層地基的傳遞矩陣解. 工業建築, 2008, 38(7): 58-61.
- 艾智勇, 吳 超. 三維直角坐標系下分層地基的傳遞矩陣解. 重慶建築大學學報, 2008, 30(2):43-46.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 吳 超. 滲透各向異性飽和半空間內作用井點降水的求解. 岩土工程學報, 2008, 16 Supp: 328-331.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 吳 超. 考慮流體可壓縮性的多層地基三維Biot固結求解. 工程地質學報, 2008, 30 Supp: 403-406.
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), C. Wu, J. Han. Transfer matrix solutions for three dimensional consolidation of a multi-layered soil with compressible constituents. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2008, 46(11):1111-1119.(SCI, EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 梅阿敏. 多層地基上軸對稱受荷剛性圓板問題. 力學季刊, 2008, 29(3): 424-429. (A類)
- 艾智勇, 梅阿敏. 多層滲透各向異性地基非軸對稱固結分析. 工業建築, 2008, 38(11):58-62.
- 艾智勇, 梅阿敏. 多層可壓縮性地基非軸對稱固結解耦分析. 工程地質學報, 2008, 30 Supp: 386-390.
- 艾智勇, 劉 峰. 邊界單元法分析多層地基中的樁基礎. 重慶建築大學學報, 2008, 30(4): 73-77.(EI檢索)
- 戴標兵,艾智勇等. Field tests on foundations with super-tall buildings, super-long piles & super-thick rafts in Shanghai. 岩土工程學報, 2008, 30(3): 406-413.(EI檢索)
- 艾智勇, 劉峰. 邊界單元法分析多層地基中的方形單樁. 土木工程學報, 2007年9月第40卷S1, p61-65.(EI源刊)
- 成志勇,艾智勇. 間接邊界單元法分析多層地基中的軸向受荷剛性單樁. 岩土工程界, 2007年增刊, p98-101.
- 王全勝,艾智勇等. 帶孔洞複雜基岩地基上的人工挖孔墩施工技術. 岩土工程界, 2007年增刊, p115-119.
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. Han. A Solution to Plane Strain Consolidation of Multi-Layered Soils. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: Soil and Rock Behavior and Modeling. Geo-Shanghai - June 2-4, 2006, Shanghai, China, 150: 276-283.(EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), J. Han, Y.Yan. Elastic Analysis of Single Pile-Rigid Circular Raft Systems in Layered Soils. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: Advance in deep foundation. Geo-Frontiers - Austin Texas – Jan. 24-26, 2005, 132: 891-904.(EI檢索)
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), M. S. Huang, Y. Yu. Solution of Plain Strain Consolidation for Layered Soil Under Symmetric Loading. pp38-42. Geotechnical engineering in urban construction. Edited by Yuzhen Yu and Hirokazu Akagi, Tsinhua University Press, 2003.
- Z. Y. Ai(艾智勇), Z. Q. Yue, et al. Extended Sneddon and Muki solutions for multilayered elastic materials. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2002, 40: 1453-1483. (SCI,EI檢索)
- Ai Zhiyong(艾智勇), Yang Min, Pei Jianyong. Extended Mindlin Solution and Its Application to Piles. The Proceeding of Tenth International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, pp1515~1517,Tucson, Arizona, USA, 2001.
- Ai zhi-yong(艾智勇), Zhang jing-de, Zhao fu-ming. Condition for simplification of 3-dimensional rod to 1-d rod in theory of dynamic test of piles, Preceding of the second international conference on soft soil engineering, pp1046~1052, Hehai university press, 1996.
- Zhang jing-de,Ai zhi-yong(艾智勇), Zhao fu-ming. Analytic solutions of two- dimensional and three- dimensional consolidation problem by using the method of weighted residuals, Preceding of the second international conference on soft soil engineering, pp376~384, Hehai university press, 1996.
- Zhao fu-ming, Zhang jing-de,Ai zhi-yong(艾智勇). Similitude study of elastic stiffness of single pile. Preceding of the second international conference on soft soil engineering, pp666~671, Hehai university press, 1996.
- 鄧文龍, 戴標兵,艾智勇等. 超深超大基坑施工對特殊環境的保護技術. 地下空間, 2004年第5期.
- 袁聚雲, 吳權,艾智勇. 逆作法基坑圍護的變形及鄰近建築沉降實測分析, 地下空間, 2004年第1期.
- 艾智勇, 陳祥達等. 分層地基Terzaghi一維固結問題的剛度矩陣解, 岩土工程界, 2004年增刊.
- 高廣運, 李偉,艾智勇. 荷載試驗確定基床係數的修正方法, 岩土工程界, 2004年增刊.
- 陳祥達,艾智勇. 多層地基Terzaghi一維固結解, 岩土工程師, 2004年第3-4期.
- 韋慶海,艾智勇. Terzaghi一維固結的Laplace變換解, 岩土工程師, 2004年第1期.
- 馬飛,艾智勇. 考慮接觸摩擦效應時的桿系有限單元法, 岩土力學, 2002年第2期.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 楊敏. 多層地基廣義Mindlin解在單樁分析中的套用. 土木工程學報, 2001年第2期.(EI源刊)
- 楊敏,艾智勇. 柔性擋土結構彈性支點法的改進, 岩石力學與工程學報, 2000年第4期.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 楊敏. 多層地基內部作用一水平集中力時的擴展Mindlin課題解. 同濟大學學報, 2000年第3期.(EI源刊)
- 艾智勇, 楊敏. 考慮接觸摩擦效應時計算柔性擋土結構的彈性支點法, 同濟大學學報, 1999年, 第4期.(EI源刊)
- 楊敏,艾智勇. 多層地基內部作用一豎向集中力時的廣義Mindlin課題解. 中國土木工程學會第八屆土力學及岩土工程學術會議論文集, 萬國學術出版社, 1999年.
- 楊敏,艾智勇等. 考慮空間作用對地下連續牆彈性支點法的改進, 岩石力學與工程學報, 1998年第4期.(EI源刊)
- 楊敏,艾智勇. 深基坑內支撐連線的基本力學要求, 岩土工程師, 1998年第2期.
- 楊敏,艾智勇. 彈性地基桿系有限單元法單元剛度矩陣的若干討論, 第六屆全國岩土力學數值分析與解析方法討論會論文集, 1998.7.
- 楊敏,艾智勇. 樁土相互作用理論研究與按沉降控制設計樁基礎, 第六屆全國岩土力學數值分析與解析方法討論會論文集, 1998.7.
- 張永謀,艾智勇, 楊敏. 水泥土擋牆空間作用的實用分析, 楓林學苑第三輯(同濟大學博士生論文集), 上海科技文獻出版社, 1998年.
- 艾智勇, 張永謀, 楊敏. 均勻彈性地基桿系有限單元法單元剛度矩陣的若干討論, 楓林學苑第三輯(同濟大學博士生論文集), 上海科技文獻出版社, 1998年.
- 楊敏,艾智勇. 軟土地區樁基礎的沉降計算, 結構工程師, 1997年增刊.
- 楊敏,艾智勇. 以沉降控制為基礎的樁基礎設計理論與實踐, 中國土木工程學會第八屆年會論文集, 1997年9月, 清華大學出版社.
- 周光平,艾智勇. 複合棒彎曲振動的一種簡單數值解法, 南昌航空工業學院學報, 1995年(A01期).
- 艾智勇, 張景德. 以基頻確定樁基承載力的理論解釋, 第三屆華東地區岩土力學學術討論會論文集, 華中理工大學出版社, 1995年。
- 上海市研究生優秀成果(學位論文)獎(指導老師,2016)
- 同濟大學優秀博士論文獎(指導老師,2015)
- Selected as An Outstanding Author of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(2014)
- 上海市研究生優秀成果(學位論文)獎(指導老師,2013)
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- 光華同濟大學土木工程學院基金研究生人才培養專項獎勵(2011)
- 上海市科技進步二等獎,獲獎項目名稱:“軟土地基複雜基礎工程分析理論與工程套用”(2010)
- 上海市研究生優秀成果(學位論文)獎(指導老師,2010)
- 上海環境獎教金(研究生任課教師)(2010)
- 光華同濟大學土木工程學院基金學術和教學獎勵(2010)
- 光華同濟大學土木工程學院基金研究生人才培養專項獎勵(2010)
- 上海市研究生優秀成果(學位論文)獎(指導老師,2009)
- 上海市科技進步三等獎,獲獎項目名稱:“特殊環境下超大型逆作法綜合施工技術研究”(2005)
- 同濟大學優秀畢業設計(論文)指導獎(2003)
- 國家教育部科技進步二等獎,獲獎項目名稱:“按沉降控制設計樁基礎的理論和套用研究”(2002)
- 上海市科技進步二等獎,獲獎項目名稱:“樁筏基礎相互作用的彈塑性分析”(2001)
- 國家教育部科技進步三等獎,獲獎項目名稱:“同濟啟明星樁基礎沉降計算軟體SCPF”(1999)
- 上海市科技進步二等獎,獲獎項目名稱:“同濟啟明星深基坑支護工程結構分析計算軟體JK系列”(1998)。