- 中文名:王路君
- 畢業院校:同濟大學,四川大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 任職院校:浙江大學建築工程學院
2003.09-2007.07:四川大學, 水利水電工程,學士
2012.09-2016.09:同濟大學, 岩土工程,博士
2016.06-2016.07:德國Ruhr-University Bochum,Civil and Environmental Engineering,訪問研究生
2019.09-2020.01:英國Cardiff University,Geoenvironmental Research Centre,訪問學者
2019.12-今: 浙江大學,超重力研究中心,副教授
[1] Lujun Wang, Bin Zhu, Yunmin Chen, Renpeng Chen, X.S. Shi. (2019). Precise model for predicting excess pore-water pressure of layered soils induced by thermal-mechanical loads. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 145(1): 04018114. (SCI)
[2] Zhiyong Ai, Lujun Wang* (通訊作者), Benkai Shi. (2019). Quasi-static analysis of saturated multi-layered soils with anisotropic permeability and elastic superstrata. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/19648189.2018.1562996. (SCI)
[3] Lujun Wang, Zhiyong Ai. (2018). Quasi–static thermal analyses of layered compressible poroelastic materials with a finite depth or half-space. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 59: 272-292. (SCI)
[4] Lujun Wang, Zhiyong Ai. (2018). Transient thermal response of a multilayered geomaterial subjected to a heat source. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 22(9): 3292–3301. (SCI)
[5] Zhiyong Ai, Lujun Wang* (通訊作者) (2018). Precise solution to 3d coupled thermohydromechanical problems of layered transversely isotropic saturated porous media. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE. 18(1): 04017121. (SCI)
[6] Zhiyong Ai, Zi Ye, Xiaoyu Song, Lujun Wang (2018). Thermo-mechanical performance of layered transversely isotropic media around a cylindrical/tubular heat source. Acta Geotechnica. DOI: 10.1007/s11440-018-0722-x. (SCI)
[7] Zhiyong Ai, Zi Ye, Zhen Zhao, Quanlong Wu, Lujun Wang. (2018). Time-dependent behavior of axisymmetric thermal consolidation for multilayered transversely isotropic poroelastic material. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 61: 216-236. (SCI)
[8] Bin Zhu, Kai Wen, Deqiong Kong, Zhoujie Zhu, Lujun Wang. (2018). A numerical study on the lateral loading behaviour of offshore tetrapod piled jacket foundations in clay. Applied Ocean Research. 75(1): 165-177. (SCI)
[9] Bin Zhu, Kai Wen, Tao Li, Lujun Wang, Deqiong Kong. (2018). An experimental study on the lateral pile–soil interaction of offshore tetrapod piled jacket foundations in sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2018-0292. (SCI)
[10] Zhiyong Ai, Zhen Zhao, Lujun Wang (2017). Thermo-mechanical coupling response of a layered isotropic medium around a cylindrical heat source. Computers and Geotechnics. 83: 159-167. (SCI)
[11] Zhiyong Ai, Lujun Wang (2017). Thermal performance of stratified fluid-filled geomaterials with compressible constituents around a deep buried decaying heat source. Meccanica. 52(11-12): 2769-2788. (SCI)
[12] Zhiyong Ai, Chunlin Liu, Lujun Wang, Lihua Wang. (2016). Vertical vibration of a partially embedded pile group in transversely isotropic soils. Computers and Geotechnics. 80: 107-114. (SCI)
[13] Zhiyong Ai, Lujun Wang. (2016). Three-dimensional thermo-hydro-mechanical responses of stratified saturated porothermoelastic material. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 40(21-22): 8912-8933. (SCI)
[14] Zhiyong Ai, Quanlong Wu, Lujun Wang. (2015). Axisymmetric coupled thermo-mechanical response of multilayered elastic medium. Meccanica. 51(6): 1405-1417. (SCI)
[15] Lujun Wang, Zhiyong Ai. (2015). Plane strain and three-dimensional analyses for thermo-mechanical behavior of multilayered transversely isotropic materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 103: 199-211. (SCI)
[16] Zhiyong Ai, Lujun Wang. (2015). Time-dependent analysis of 3D thermo-mechanical behavior of a layered half-space with anisotropic thermal diffusivity. Acta Mechanica. 226(6): 2939-2954. (SCI)
[17] Zhiyong Ai, Quanlong Wu, Lujun Wang. (2015). Extended precise integration method for axisymmetric thermo-elastic problem in transversely isotropic material. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 40(2): 297-312. (SCI)
[18] Zhiyong Ai, Lujun Wang, Kai Zeng. (2015). Analytical layer-element method for 3D thermoelastic problem of layered medium around a heat source. Meccanica. 50(1): 49-59. (SCI)
[19] Zhiyong Ai, Lujun Wang, Bo Li. (2015). Analysis of axisymmetric thermo-elastic problem in multilayered material with anisotropic thermal diffusivity. Computers and Geotechnics. 65: 80-86. (SCI)
[20] Zhiyong Ai, Lujun Wang. (2015). Axisymmetric thermal consolidation of multilayered porous thermoelastic media due to a heat source. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 39(17): 1912-1931. (SCI)
[21] 李俊超, 朱斌, 楊春寶, 王路君, 陳雲敏. (2018). 豎向擴建填埋場變形離心模型試驗研究. 岩土力學. 39(11): 4071-4078. (EI)
[22] 王路君, 艾智勇. (2018). 非穩態熱傳導時層狀路面體系的溫度回響. 岩土力學. 39(9): 1001-1008. (EI)
[23] 王路君, 朱斌, 文凱, 楊頌清. (2018). 層狀路基路面體系溫度應力和變形問題的位移函式解法. 岩石力學與工程學報. 37(7): 1691-1699. (EI)
[24] 王路君, 艾智勇. (2018). 地埋點熱源作用下層狀半空間的熱-力耦合回響. 岩土力學. 39(6): 2052-2058. (EI)
[25] 艾智勇, 張逸帆, 王路君. (2018). 層狀橫觀各向同性地基平面應變問題的擴展精細積分解. 岩土力學. 39(5): 1885-1890. (EI)
[26] 章劉洋, 朱斌, 孫永鑫, 王路君. (2018). 水平循環荷載下砂土海床中超大直徑單樁臨界埋深確定方法研究. 工業建築. 48(6): 91-95.
[27] 王路君, 艾智勇. (2017). 衰變熱源作用下飽和多孔介質熱固結問題的擴展精細積分法. 力學學報. 49(2): 324-334. (EI)
[28] 祝周杰, 朱斌, 李濤, 王路君, 文凱. (2017). 砂土中海上風機四樁導管架基礎水平受荷分析方法. 浙江大學學報(工學版). 51(11): 2150-2157. (EI)
[29] 艾智勇, 王路君, 曾凱. (2014). 穩定溫度場下層狀路面體系的解析層元解. 同濟大學學報(自然科學版). 42(11): 1665-1669. (EI)
[30] 王路君, 謝蒙. (2011). 土工格柵加筋土三軸試驗研究. 人民珠江. S1: 65-68.
[31] 石修松, 左永振, 張婷, 王路君. (2010). 堆石體K0狀態單向壓縮流變實驗研究. 煤炭學報. 35(9): 1451-1455. (EI)
[32] 石修松, 程展林, 王路君. (2010). 岩土本構模型的模糊系統辨識方法. 水利水運工程學報. (3): 10-16.
[33] 石修松, 王路君, 程展林. (2010). 基於RBF神經網路的加筋粘土本構模型. 長江科學院院報. 27(7): 31-35. (EI)
[34] 王路君, 左永振, 孔憲勇, 王志強. (2009). CT技術在岩土工程研究中的套用. 地下空間與工程學報. 5(S2): 1754-1756.
[35] Bin Zhu, Kai Wen, Lujun Wang, Yunmin Chen. (2018) Comparison of centrifuge model tests of tetrapod piled jacket foundation in saturated sand and clay. Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, ICPMG 2018. London, UK. July 16-20, 2018.
[36] Bin Zhu, Junchao Li, Lujun Wang, Yunmin Chen. (2018) Centrifugal model tests on static and seismic stability of landfills with high water level. Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, ICPMG 2018. London, UK. July 16-20, 2018.
[37] X.S. Shi, Jianhua Yin, Lujun Wang. (2018) Shear strength and a simple stress strain description of rockfill materials in plain strain state within twin-shear strength concept. 'Geotechnical Engineering' journal of SEAGS-AGSSEA.