- 中文名:艾尼瓦爾·吾術爾
- 畢業院校:新疆大學
1995. 7. 學士,物理系, 新疆大學 中國,新疆,烏魯木齊市
2003. 3. 修士,理工科研究科,筑波大學 日本國,茨城縣,筑波市
2006. 3. 博士,數理物質科學研究科,筑波大學 日本國,茨城縣,筑波市
1996.9 ~ 1999.9 助教;物理系, 新疆大學 中國,新疆,烏魯木齊市
2003.4 ~ 2006.3 研究助理;數理物質科學研究科,筑波大學 日本國,茨城縣,筑波市
2006.4 ~ 2011.3 大學教師/研究員, 夏威夷大學Manoa校區, 地球物理和天體學學院 美國
2012.3 ~ 現在 教師;物理科學與技術學院, 新疆大學 中國,新疆,烏魯木齊市
主要研究方向為高壓高溫下製備新材料,並利用X射線衍射和光散射技術在高溫高壓下研究地球物質和材料特性,例如,含水的矽酸鹽地幔礦物,單一花崗岩熔岩,複雜的無序材料中的弛豫現象,B-C-N系超硬材料,鐵電體材料與它的套用, 表征納米材料, 超薄薄膜等。目前為止已在SCI國際權威期刊上發表了相關論文39篇, 被引用643次, H指數14。
[1] 2014年 國家人才項目,自選題目“新的C-B-N系超硬材料的合成與表征”, 獲得200萬元科研經費。
[2] 2015年 國家留學歸國人員科研啟動基金,4萬元。
[3] 新疆大學博士啟動基金,高壓下碳酸鹽礦物相轉變的拉曼光譜研究,3萬元科研經費。
[4] 2012年 “百名高層次人才引進計畫”項目,獲得40萬元科研經費。
[1] 筑波大學數理物質科學研究科研究科長賞 (這是給與畢業第一名的學生的獎賞)。
[2] 我的一篇2016年的Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (JPCM) 文章 “High-pressure phase transition makes B4.3C boron carbide a wide-gap semiconductor” 被入選 one of the journal Highlights of 2016 (該雜誌的2016年亮點)。
[1] The Seventeenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Peking University, Beijing, China, Aug 20~25, 2000.
[2] 3rd International and 5th China-Japan Joint Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, Aug 15~18, 2002.
[3] 2nd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies & IUMRS-International Conference in Asia December 07 -12, Singapore, 2003.
[4] The 21nd Meeting on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications (FMA-21), May26~29, 2004, Japan.
[5] 5th Korea-Japan Conference on Ferroelectricity, Aug 18~21, 2004, Seoul, Korea.
[6] The 8th International Symposium on Ferroic Domains and Micro- to Nanoscopic Structures (ISFD-8), August 24~27, 2004, Tsukuba, Japan.
[7] XX International Congress on Glass, Sep26~Oct1, 2004, Kyoto, Japan.
[8] 25th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics, Oct 27~29, 2004, Hokkaydo University, Japan.
[9] The 14th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy, Sep 5~9, 2005, Kyoto, Japan.
[10] HTMC-13, High Temperature Materials Chemistry, September 14-18, 2009; University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, USA
[11] American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 15–19 December, 2008, San Francisco, California, USA
[12] American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 13–17 December, 2010, San Francisco, California, USA
[13] 在美國夏威夷檀香山2014年8月31日-9月5日舉行的“第18屆國際硼,硼化物和相關材料學術研討會”(ISBB2014年)大會組委會的邀請下, 在會中給了特邀報告。
[14] Geological Society of America 113th Annual Cordilleran Meeting, 23-25 May, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
[15] 第九屆中日鐵電材料及其套用會議, 2017.9.14-2017.9.18, 四川,成都, 中國
[16] 第十一屆中日鐵電會議,2019.09.22-2019.09.26, 中國江蘇省南京市
[17] 第二十屆全國光散射學術會議, 2019.11.02-2017.11.06, 江蘇,蘇州市
[1] Emin, A., Hushur, A., Mamtimin, T. (2020), Raman study of mixed solutions of methanol and ethanol, Aip Advances, 10(6), DOI: 10.1063/1.5140722
[2] 魯雅榮, 艾尼瓦爾·吾術爾*, 買買提熱夏提·買買提, 穆巴拉克·木里提江, Kojima, S. (2020). NaNbO3的高壓拉曼光譜研究. 光譜學與光譜分析, 40(3), 738-743. doi:10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2020)03-0738-06
[3] 穆巴拉克·木里提江,艾尼瓦爾·吾術爾*,王靜,魯雅榮, 碳酸鋇在高溫及高壓下的相變行為, 材料導報,33(2019)4062-4066.
[4] Helmut Werheit, Murli H. Manghnani, Anwar Hushur (2019), Phonon peculiarities at the high-pressure phase transition of B4.3C boron carbide, Solid State Sciences, 97, 105978.
[5] H. Werheit, M. H. Manghnani, U. Kuhlmann, A. Hushur, and S. Shalamberidze (2017), Solid State Sci. 72, 80.
[6] Hushur, A., M. H. Manghnani, H. Werheit, P. Dera and Q. Williams (2016), High-pressure phase transition makes B4.3C boron carbide a wide-gap semiconductor, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28, 045403.
[7] Dera P., M. H. Manghnani, A. Hushur, Y. Hu, and S. Tkachev (2014), New insights into the enigma of boron carbide inverse molecular behavior, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 215, 85-93.
[8] Hushur, A., M. H. Manghnani, Q. Williams, and D. B. Dingwell (2013), High-Temperature Brillouin Scattering Study of Haplogranitic glasses and liquids: the effect of F, K, Na and Li on Tg and elastic properties, American Mineralogist, 98, 367.
[9] Manghnani, M. H., A. Hushur, J. R. Smyth, F. Nestola, G. Amulele, M. Sekar, V. Prakapenka, and D. J. Frost (2013), Compressibility and structural stability of two hydrous olivine samples (Fo97Fa3) to 34 GPa by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, American Mineralogist, 98, 11-12, 1972.
[10] Qianli, C., H. Tzu-Wen, B. Maria, A. Hushur, P. Vladimir, C. Simon, M. Wendy, M. Murli, B. Artur, and G. Thomas (2011), The Effect of Compressive Strain on the Raman Modes of the Dry and Hydrated BaCe0.8Y0.2O3 Proton Conductor, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 24021.
[11] Fedortchouk Y., M. M. H., Hushur A., Shiryaev A., Nestola F. (2011), An atomic force microscopy study of diamond dissolution features: the effect of H2O and CO2 in the fluid on diamond morphology, American Mineralogist, 96, 1768.
[12] Hushur, A., M. H. Manghnani, J. R. Smyth, Q. Williams, E. Hellebrand, D. Lonappan, Y. Ye, P. Dera, and D. J. Frost (2011), Hydrogen bond symmetrization and equation of state of phase D, Journal of Geophysical Research., 116(B6), B06203.
[13] Manghnani, M. H., A. Hushur, T. Sekine, J. Wu, J. F. Stebbins, and Q. Williams (2011), Raman, Brillouin, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic studies on shocked borosilicate glass, Journal of Applied Physics, 109(11), 113509.
[14] Chumakov, A. I., G. Monaco, A. Monaco, W. A. Crichton, A. Bosak, R. Rüffer, A. Meyer, F. Kargl, L. Comez, D. Fioretto, H. Giefers, S. Roitsch, G. Wortmann, M. H. Manghnani, A. Hushur, Q. Williams, J. Balogh, K. Parliński, P. Jochym, and P. Piekarz (2011), Equivalence of the Boson Peak in Glasses to the Transverse Acoustic van Hove Singularity in Crystals, Physical Review Letters, 106(22), 225501.
[15] Ye, Y., J. R. Smyth, A. Hushur, M. H. Manghnani, D. Lonappan, P. Dera, and D. J. Frost (2010), Crystal structure of hydrous wadsleyite with 2.8% H2O and compressibility to 60 GPa, American Mineralogist, 95(11-12), 1765-1772.
[16] Ahart, M., A. Hushur, Y. H. Bing, Z. G. Ye, R. J. Hemley, and S. Kojima (2009), Critical slowing down of relaxation dynamics near the Curie temperature in the relaxor Pb(Sc0.5Nb0.5)O-3, Applied Physics Letters, 94(14), 142906.
[17] Hushur, A., M. H. Manghnani, and J. Narayan (2009), Raman studies of GaN/sapphire thin film heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics, 106(5), 054317. selected for the September 28, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
[18] Hushur, A., M. H. Manghnani, J. R. Smyth, F. Nestola, and D. J. Frost (2009), Crystal chemistry of hydrous forsterite and its vibrational properties up to 41 GPa, American Mineralogist, 94(5-6), 751-760.
[19] Pant, P., J. Narayan, A. Wushuer, and M. H. Manghnani (2008), Comparative Raman and HRTEM Study of Nanostructured GaN Nucleation Layers and Device Layers on Sapphire (0001), Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8(11), 5985-5992.
[20] Gvasaliya, S. N., B. Roessli, S. G. Lushnikov, A. Hushur, and S. Kojima (2007), Neutron and light scattering studies of nearly stoichiometric lithium tantalate, Ferroelectrics, 354, 192-197.
[21] Hushur, A., S. Gvasaliya, B. Roessli, S. Lushnikov, and S. Kojima (2007), Ferroelectric phase transition of stoichiometric lithium tantalate studied by Raman, Brillouin, and neutron scattering, Physical Review B, 76(6), 064104.
[22] Hushur, A., and S. Kojima (2006), Brillouin scattering study on ferroelectric single crystal Sr2Ta2O7, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 442(1-2), 35-38.
[23] Maczka, M., J. Hanuza, J. Baran, A. Hushur, and S. Kojima (2006), Heat capacity, Raman, and Brillouin scattering studies of M2O-MgO-WO3-P2O5 glasses (M = K, Rb), Journal of Chemical Physics, 125(24), 244503.
[24] Pugachev, A.M., S. Kojima, and H. Anwar, Investigation of the phase transition in lithium tantalate by brillouin spectroscopy. Physics of the Solid State, 2006. 48(6): p. 1050-1052.
[25] Hushur, A., Y. Akishige, and S. Kojima (2005), Raman scattering study on ferroelectric (Ba0.32Sr0.6)(2)M2O7 ceramics, Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, 120(1-3), 45-49.
[26] Hushur, A., S. Kojima, M. Kodama, B. Whittington, M. Olesiak, M. Affatigato, and S. A. Feller (2005), Elastic anomaly of glass transitions in lithium silicate, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44(9A), 6683-6687.
[27] Hushur, A., S. Kojima, H. Shigematsu, and Y. Akishige (2005), Raman scattering study on new ferroelectric BaTi2O5 single crystals, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 46(1), 86-89.
[28] Hushur, A., H. Shigematsu, Y. Akishige, and S. Kojima (2005), Order-disorder nature of ferroelectric BaTi2O5, Applied Physics Letters, 86(11), 112903.
[29] Mari, S., H. Anwar, K. D. Han, K. Jun, and K. Seiji (2005), Dynamical properties of H2O and D2O studied by Brillouin scattering, IEIC Technical Report, 105(345), 51-54.
[30] Zhong, N., A. Hushur, G. Shabbir, and S. Kojima (2005), Dielectric and vibrational properties of La3+ substituted relaxor (Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3 ceramics, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 46(1), 134-137.
[31] Hushur, A., Y. Akishige, and S. Kojima (2004), Soft optical phonon in Ba-doped Sr2Nb2O7 ceramics, Ceramics International, 30(7), 2023-2027.
[32] Hushur, A., G. Shabbir, J. H. Ko, and S. Kojima (2004), The phase transitions of ferroelectric Sr2Ta2O7 crystals by MDSC, Brillouin and dielectric spectroscopy, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 37(7), 1127-1131.
[33] Hushur, A., H. Shigematsu, Y. Akishige, and S. Kojima (2004), Observation of relaxation mode in ferroelectric barium dititanate by micro-Brillouin scattering, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 43(9B), 6825-6828.
[34] Ko, J. H., A. Hushur, D. H. Kim, S. Kojima, J. P. Kim, M. S. Jang, B. C. Sih, and Z. G. Ye (2003), Elastic properties of bismuth layer-structure perovskite single crystals studied by Brillouin scattering, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 42, S1084-S1087.
[35] Shabbir, G., A. Hushur, J. H. Ko, and S. Kojima (2003), Dynamical properties of Sr2Nb2O7 studied by micro-Brillouin scattering and modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC), Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 42, S1294-S1297.
[36] Hushur, A., J. H. Ko, S. Kojima, S. S. Lee, and M. S. Jang (2002), Raman scattering study of A- and B-site substitutions in ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 41(5), 763-768.
[37] Ko, J. H., A. Hushur, S. Kojima, B. C. Sih, and Z. G. Ye (2002), Acoustic anomalies and central peak in SrBi2Ta2O9 single crystals studied by micro-Brillouin scattering, Applied Physics Letters, 81(21), 4043-4045.
[38] Kojima, S., A. Hushur, F. Jiang, S. Hamazaki, M. Takashige, M.-S. Jang, and S. Shimada (2001), Crystallization of amorphous bismuth titanate, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 293-295, 250-254.
[39] 艾尼瓦爾·吾術爾, 亞森江·吾甫爾,買買提熱夏提 ·買買提,阿布拉江·阿布力米提, (2014), 大學物理中的理想化方法及其在教學中的作用,科技創新導報, 22, 162.