- 書名:航海類中等職業院校英語系列:航海技術專業英語
- 作者:胡愛華 鄭瀟
- 出版日期:2013年9月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:7567004259
- 外文名:Navigational Technology English
- 出版社:中國海洋大學出版社
- 頁數:238頁
- 開本:16
- 定價:68.00
Unit2Main Partsofa Ship
Unit3Maintenance Workon Deck
Unit4Marine Painting
Unit5Ship's Gear
Unit6Types of Cargo
Unit7Opening and Closing Hatch
Unit8Loading and Discharging of Ships
Unit9Leaving the Harbour
Unit10Inter Review
Unit11IMO and International Maritime Conventions
Unit13Nautical Charts&Publications
Unit14Types of Ropes
Unit15Mooring to a Buoy
Unit16Steering a Ship
Unit17Navigational Equipment
Unit18Life—boats and Lift
Unit19FireProtection and Fire Fighting
Unit20General Review
For ship security,at level l,the following activities shall be carried out,through appropriatemeasures,on all ships,taking into account the guidance given in Part B of the Code,in order toidentify and take preventive measures against security incidents:ensuring the performance ofall ship security duties;controlling access to the ship;controlling the embarkation of personsand their effects;monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons haveaccess;monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship;supervising the handling ofcargo and ship's stores;and ensuring that security communication is readily available.