- 中文名:臭椿鏈格孢
- 外文名:Paecilomyces griseiviridis M.X.Dai sp. nov
- 編號:NFG-98-17
- 定名人:張天宇 / 郭英蘭
- Nomencla:Dai Meixue
- 發表文章:中國鏈格孢屬的研究I
- Article:A New Species of Paecilomyces and Its Aphis-Killing Activity
作者 張天宇 / 郭英蘭
Author Dai Meixue
作者單位 山東農業大學植保系, 泰 安 271018 / 中國科學院微生物研究所真菌地衣系統學開 放研究實驗室, 北京 100080
本文報導鏈格孢屬的2個新種:寄生在 苦木科 (Simaroubaceae) 臭椿 [Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle] 上的臭椿鏈格孢 (Alternaria ailanthi sp. nov.),寄生在樺木科 (Betulaceae) 黑樺 (Betula dahurica Pall.) 上的樺木鏈格孢 (Alternaria etulae sp. nov.), 2個新組合:豆鏈格孢 [Alternaria azukiae (Hara) comb. nov.],薔薇生鏈格孢 [Alternaria rosicola (Rao) comb. nov.] 和1個新名稱 紅花鏈格孢 (Alternaria carthami-tinctorii comb. nov.). 文中為新種提供了拉丁文簡介, 描述和圖.模式標 本保藏在山東農業大學植物病理標本室 (HSAUP).
Abstract Paecilomyces griseiviridis M.X.Dai, a new speices of the genus Paecilomyces, was isolated form dead Aphis gossypii. Colonies on Czapekagar and PDA are greyish green. Reverse is brown. Conidiophores arising from the submerged mycelia are 1.0-2.2 X 75-320 micrometer, hyaline,smooth-walled and with 2-3 branches on upper portion. Prophialides are cylindrical or somewhat inflated, 1.1-2.5 X 3.5-8.0 micrometer.Phialides, 1.8-3.2 X 5.6-10.3 micrometer, conidia consist of a ellipsoid or cylinder inflated basal portion tapering into a thin neck. Conidia areunicellular, smooth, spindle-shaped or fusiform, 1.3-1.8 X 2.8-4.4 micrometer. Chlamydospores are hyaline, smooth, globose or subglobose, 3.1-4.0 micrometer diam.This species may be distinguished from closely related species by it (1) Greyish green colonies on Czapek agar and PDA. (2) Phialides with a ellipsoid or cylinder inflated basalprotion tapering into a thin neck. (3)Spindle-shaped or fusiform conidia.
The type specimen SD-95U-2 and living culture SD-U-2 are deposited in Biology Department, Shandong Normal University, Jinan.
期刊 菌物系統 (原名真菌學報) 17(1):11-14, 1998
Publication MYCOSYSTEMA (ACTA MYCOLOGICA SINICA), 17(3):pp.209-213, 1998
分享省市 陝西省武功縣
Place Pingyi County, Shandong Province, China
採集地 楊陵鎮苦木科植物臭椿樹帶 有淺褐色至深褐色病斑的葉片
Environment The fungu isolated from ill dead Aphis gossypii Glover at cotten field.
生態環境 溫帶濕潤氣候農田
寄主 苦木科植物臭椿樹的葉片
Habitat worm-template semi-moist monsoon climate cotten field
Host Aphis gossypii Glover
採集人 張天宇
Isolation Person Dai Meixue
山東農業大學植保系標本室, 泰安 271018
Preservation Unit Microbiological Section, Biology Department of Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, Shandong Province, China
Speciman No. SD-95U-2
Note The fungu is a biocontrol resource strain for killing Aphis gossypii Glover. Fermental fluid have activity of kill Aphis gossypii Glover.
該菌是引起美化環境用的 樹種臭椿樹病害的病原菌.