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隨機臨床試驗:鑑定為高血糖的口腔患者的6個月結局 1
Six-month outcomes in dental patients identified with hyperglycaemia: a randomized clinical trial
Lalla E, Cheng B, Kunzel C, Burkett S, Ferraro A, Lamster IB
糖尿全催病患者非手術牙周治療後的癒合反應糠立促:臨床、微生物和戒判籃免疫結果 8
Healing response to non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus: clinical, microbiological, and immunologic results
Christgau M, Palitzsch K-D. Schmalz G, Kreiner U, Frenzel S
牙周治療改善糖尿病病情的證據:一項系統性綜述和meta分析 19
Evidence that periodontal treatment improves diabetes outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Engebretson S, Kocher T
前驅糖尿病和血糖控制良好的糖尿病與牙周炎不相關:一項橫斷面研究 29
Pre-diabetes and well-controlled diabetes are not associated with periodontal disease: the SHIP Trend Study
Kowall B, Holtfreter B, Vlzke H, Schipf S, Mundt T, Rathmann W, Kocher T
新確診的糖尿病前期或糖尿病患者的牙周狀況 37
Periodontal findings in individuals with newly identified pre-diabetes or diabetes mellitus
Lamster IB, Cheng B, Burkett S, Lalla E
1型糖尿病的牙周感染概況 37
Periodontal infection profiles in type 1 diabetes
Lalla E, Kaplan S, Chang SJ, Roth GA, Celenti R, Hinckley K, Greenberg E, Papapanou PN
1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病與牙周疾病和牙齒喪失的關係 38
Association between type 1 and type 2 diabetes with periodontal disease and tooth loss
Kaur G, Holtfreter B, Rathmann W, Schwahn C, Wallaschofski H, Schipf S, Nauck M, Kocher T
輔助或不輔助多西環素的牙周非手術治療對1型糖尿病患者牙周組織的作用 38
Effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment with or without doxycycline on the periodontium of type 1 diabetic patients
Llambés F, Silvestre F-J, Hernández-Mijares A, Guiha R, Caffesse R
牙周抗菌和維護治療對2型糖尿病患者血清脂聯素的影響 39
Effect of antimicrobial periodontal treatment and maintenance on serum adiponectin in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Matsumoto S, Ogawa H, Soda S, Hirayama S, Amarasena N, Aizawa Y, Miyazaki H
牙周非手術治療在伴有中度牙周炎的2型糖尿病患者的臨床、免疫反應及血糖控制中的影響 39
Effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on clinical and immunological response and glycaemic control in type 2 diabetic patients with moderate periodontitis
Navarro-Sanchez AB, Faria-Almeida R, Bascones-Martinez A
多西環素對控制良好的2型糖尿病患者牙周疾病臨床、微生物和免疫學參數的影響:一項隨機、對照臨床試驗 40
Effects of doxycycline on clinical, microbiological and immunological parameters in well-controlled diabetes type-2 patients with periodontal disease: a randomized, controlled clinical trial
Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Dagalis P, Boura P, Konstantinidis A
唾液中炎症生物標記物:評估糖尿病、牙周病與口腔炎症狀態的相關性 40
Inflammatory biomarkers in saliva: assessing the strength of association of diabetes mellitus and periodontal status with the oral inflammatory burden
Yoon AJ, Cheng B, Philipone E, Turner R, Lamster IB
與牙周炎軟組織破壞及骨退化相關的宿主源性診斷標記物 41
Host-derived diagnostic markers related to soft tissue destruction and bone degradation in periodontitis
Buduneli N, Kinane DF
2型糖尿病患者的牙周治療對其代謝控制、系統炎症和細胞因子的影響 41
Effect of periodontal treatment on metabolic control, systemic inflammation and cytokines in patients with type 2 diabetes
Correa FOB, Gonalves D, Figueredo CMS, Bastos AS, Gustafsson A, Orrico SRP
牙周維護期疾病復發危險因素評估流行病學研究 42
Risk assessment of recurrence of disease during supportive periodontai care Epidemiological considerations
Ainamo J. Ainamo A
患2型糖尿病的非裔美國人,血糖控制與牙周炎進展 42
Periodontal disease progression and glycaemic control among Gullah African Americans with type-2 diabetes
Bandyopadhyay D, Marlow NM, Fernandes JK, Leite RS
Lamster IB, Cheng B, Burkett S, Lalla E
1型糖尿病的牙周感染概況 37
Periodontal infection profiles in type 1 diabetes
Lalla E, Kaplan S, Chang SJ, Roth GA, Celenti R, Hinckley K, Greenberg E, Papapanou PN
1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病與牙周疾病和牙齒喪失的關係 38
Association between type 1 and type 2 diabetes with periodontal disease and tooth loss
Kaur G, Holtfreter B, Rathmann W, Schwahn C, Wallaschofski H, Schipf S, Nauck M, Kocher T
輔助或不輔助多西環素的牙周非手術治療對1型糖尿病患者牙周組織的作用 38
Effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment with or without doxycycline on the periodontium of type 1 diabetic patients
Llambés F, Silvestre F-J, Hernández-Mijares A, Guiha R, Caffesse R
牙周抗菌和維護治療對2型糖尿病患者血清脂聯素的影響 39
Effect of antimicrobial periodontal treatment and maintenance on serum adiponectin in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Matsumoto S, Ogawa H, Soda S, Hirayama S, Amarasena N, Aizawa Y, Miyazaki H
牙周非手術治療在伴有中度牙周炎的2型糖尿病患者的臨床、免疫反應及血糖控制中的影響 39
Effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on clinical and immunological response and glycaemic control in type 2 diabetic patients with moderate periodontitis
Navarro-Sanchez AB, Faria-Almeida R, Bascones-Martinez A
多西環素對控制良好的2型糖尿病患者牙周疾病臨床、微生物和免疫學參數的影響:一項隨機、對照臨床試驗 40
Effects of doxycycline on clinical, microbiological and immunological parameters in well-controlled diabetes type-2 patients with periodontal disease: a randomized, controlled clinical trial
Tsalikis L, Sakellari D, Dagalis P, Boura P, Konstantinidis A
唾液中炎症生物標記物:評估糖尿病、牙周病與口腔炎症狀態的相關性 40
Inflammatory biomarkers in saliva: assessing the strength of association of diabetes mellitus and periodontal status with the oral inflammatory burden
Yoon AJ, Cheng B, Philipone E, Turner R, Lamster IB
與牙周炎軟組織破壞及骨退化相關的宿主源性診斷標記物 41
Host-derived diagnostic markers related to soft tissue destruction and bone degradation in periodontitis
Buduneli N, Kinane DF
2型糖尿病患者的牙周治療對其代謝控制、系統炎症和細胞因子的影響 41
Effect of periodontal treatment on metabolic control, systemic inflammation and cytokines in patients with type 2 diabetes
Correa FOB, Gonalves D, Figueredo CMS, Bastos AS, Gustafsson A, Orrico SRP
牙周維護期疾病復發危險因素評估流行病學研究 42
Risk assessment of recurrence of disease during supportive periodontai care Epidemiological considerations
Ainamo J. Ainamo A
患2型糖尿病的非裔美國人,血糖控制與牙周炎進展 42
Periodontal disease progression and glycaemic control among Gullah African Americans with type-2 diabetes
Bandyopadhyay D, Marlow NM, Fernandes JK, Leite RS