
作者: 楊維益,梁嶸,文平,季紹良,楊敏英文作者 Yang Weiyi et al. (Beijing College of TCM,Beijing)
文章題名: 英文篇名:A Clinical Research on Active Changes of Isoenzyme & CPK for Deficiency of Spleen
標識號: ISSN:1000-4971CN:11-2134/R
中文關鍵字: 脾氣虛;證候診斷;肌酸磷酸激酶同功酶扶正健脾液
作者機構: 北京中醫學院,北京中醫學院,北京中醫學院,北京中醫學院,北京中醫學院 北京 100029 ,北京 100029 ,北京 100029 ,北京 100029 ,北京 100029
基金: 國家中醫藥管理局資助課題
引文: (1) 沈自尹等.中醫虛證辨證參考標準,中西醫結合雜誌 1986;(10) :598 (2) Yasmineh Wg and Lewis LA. Separation of CK isoenzymes on DEAE-Sephadex A50 at newtral PH. Clin Chen Acta 1984; 142:113 (3) 王光成等.血清肌酸激酶同功酶分離和定量方法的初步探討.天津醫藥 1983;(3) :163
來源: 中國醫藥學報,1992,04
刊名: 中國醫藥學報
: 1992
: 04
: 24-27+68
頁數: 5
印刷頁碼: 22-25+66
更新日期: 2005-11-09
中文摘要 作者對47例脾氣虛證的胃病患者進行了血清肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)及其同功酶的測定,發現脾氣虛證患者治療前的CPK及肌型肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK-MM)活性明顯低於與之對照的脾胃濕熱組和肝胃不和組,並且酶活性的降低尚與脾氣虛證的輕重程度有量的相關性。經服用一個月的扶正健脾液後,隨著脾氣虛證的消失,CPK及CPK-MM的活性升高。從而認為,CPK-MM可在一定程度上反映脾氣的盛衰。
英文摘要 [Creatine phosphokinae (CPK) and isoenzyme had been determined for 47 cases gastropathy with deficient qi of spleen syndrome, and it was found that the activities of CPK a creatine phosphokinae-muscle model (CPK-MM) in patients with deficient qi of spleen befc treatment were apparently lower than that of the control group, damp-heat of spleen and stoma group and disharmony of liver and stomach group. And the decreasing volume of enzyme was correlated with the degree of deficient qi of spleen syndrome. After tonifying energy and strengthening spleen solution being taken for one month and the symptoms and signs of deficient qi spleen gradually disappearing, the activities of CPK and CPK-MM increased. Therefore it w considered that CPK-MM may to a certain extent erflect the preponderance and discomfiture spleen qi.]


