- 中文名:能源輸送的"高速公路":西氣東輸
- 作者:劉晶
- 譯者:劉美英
- 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
- 出版時間:2014年4月1日
- 頁數:145 頁
- 開本:16 開
- ISBN:9787508527017
- 外文名:Energy "Expressway":West-East Natural Gas Transmission
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
Distrilution of Natural Gas Resources in China and Decision—making of the WEPP
1.Distribution of Natural Gas Resources in China
2.“Gas Sources” and Gas Transmission Goals of the West—East Gas Pipeline
3.Approval Process of the WEPP
4.Construction of Natural Gas Pipelincs in China
5.West—East Gas Pipeline Construction Invigorating China’s Equipment Inclustry
6.Marketization Process of the West—East Gas Pipeline
West—East Gas Pipeline Construction Site
1.Pipeline Crossing Rivers—Technical Conundrum of the West—East Gas Pipeline
2.Super—long Oil Pipeline Crosses the Yellow River Three Times
3.“Sichuan Gas Transmitted Out”: Zhong—Wu Gas Pipeline’s Four Crossings of the Yangtze River and Seven Big Traverses
4.Women Welders Group in the WEPP Ⅱ
5.“Special Forccs: of the West—East Gas Pipeline
Protection of the Ecological Environment and Cultural Relics during the WEPP Construction
Ensuring a New Balance between Energy Supply and Demand
1.Change of Energy Structure
2 New Energy Pushcs Economic Development
3 Dctcrmination of'the West Gas Price
Oudook of the Utilization of China’s Oiland Gas Resources