- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:武漢大學
- 職稱:教授
1987-1991 武漢大學分析化學本科
1991-1994 武漢大學雷射分析 碩士
1994-1997 武漢大學 分析化學 博士
1997-2000 廈門大學固體表面國家重點實驗室,博士後
2000-2008 華中科技大學環境科學與工程學院,環境科學系黨支部書記、副系主任,副教授、教授。
2008-至今,華中農業大學生命技術學院,農業微生物國家重點實驗室, 教授。研究方向
(1) TIAN Jinjun, HU Yonggang, ZHANG Jie, Chemiluminescence detection of permanganateindex (CODMn) by a luminol-KMnO4. based reaction, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008,20,252–256
(2) Xiao Ming Guo, Xiang Dong Xu, Hui Jing Zhang, Yong Gang Huand Jie Zhang, A novel method for Co(II) and Cu(II) analysis by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection,Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007 18 (9): 1095-1098
(3) Xu Xiangdong, Hu Yonggang, Li Xinxin, Analysis of phenolic compounds in coke plant wastewater by capillary electrophoresis zone electrophoresis with inhibited chemiluminescence detection, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2006,17(7),925-928
(4) Hu Yonggang, Li Xinxin, Pang Zhitao,Indirect chemiluminescence detection for capillary zone electrophoresis of monoamines and catechol using luminol-K3[Fe(CN)6] system, Journal of Chromatography A,2005,1091,194
(5) Yonggang Hu, Zhitao Pang, Zeyu Yang, Wei Wei, Yuping Wu, Study of the catalytic effect of PAR on the luminol-potassium ferricyanide reaction using a flow-injection Chemiluminescence Method, Luminescience, 2005, 20(1),25
(6) Yonggang Hu, Zeyu Yang, A simple chemiluminescence method for determination chemical oxygen demand values in water, Talanta, 2004, 63(3),521