- 中文名:胡浩豐
- 畢業院校:南開大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:偏振測量與偏振成像技術
- 職稱:教授
- 任職院校:天津大學海洋科學與技術學院
2002-2006 南開大學 物理學院 光信息科學與技術 本科
2006-2011 南開大學 現代光學研究所 光學工程 博士
2011-2013 法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)光學研究所 博士後
2014-2020 天津大學 精密儀器與光電子工程學院 副教授
2020-至今 天津大學 海洋科學與技術學院 教授
1. 國家自然科學基金項目:偏振成像標量圖像對比度增強及最佳化技術的研究 (61405140),項目負責人
2. 天津市自然科學基金項目: “寬頻偏振成像技術及系統的研究”,項目負責人
3. 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金:“寬頻偏振成像對比度最佳化技術的研究”,項目負責人
4. 國家重大科學儀器設備開發專項:光纖力熱複合測試儀開發和套用(2013YQ030915),參與人
5. 國家自然科學基金重大科研儀器設備研製專項:具有飛秒級時間解析度的脈衝數字全息實時探測儀的研製(61227010),第三參與人
6. 國家自然科學基金重點項目:採用脈衝數字全息術對飛秒級超快瞬態過程進行實時探測和多維表征的研究(60838001),主要完成人
- Mingxuan Yu, Tiegen Liu, Hesong Huang,Haofeng Hu*, Bingjing Huang, “Multispectral Stokes imaging polarimetry based on color CCD,”IEEE Photonics Journal8(5), 6900910 (2016). (通訊作者)
- Bingjing Huang, Tiegen Liu,Haofeng Hu*, Jiahui Han, and Mingxuan Yu, “Underwater image recovery considering polarization effects of objects,”Optics Express24(9), 9826-9838 (2016).(通訊作者)
- Xiaobo Li,Haofeng Hu*, Tiegen Liu, Bingjing Huang, and Zhanjie Song, “Optimal distribution of integration time for intensity measurements in degree of linear polarization polarimetry,”Optics Express24(7), 7191-7200 (2016). (通訊作者)
- Xiaobo Li, Tiegen Liu, Bingjing Huang, Zhanjie Song, andHaofeng Hu*, “Optimal distribution of integration time for intensity measurements in Stokes polarimetry,”Optics Express23(21), 27690-23699 (2015). (通訊作者)
- Bingjing Huang, Tiegen Liu, Jiahui Han, andHaofeng Hu*, “Polarimetric target detection under uneven illumination,”Optics Express23(18), 23603-23612 (2015).(通訊作者)
- Haofeng Hu, Tiegen Liu*, and Hongchen Zhai, “Comparison of femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum in water and in air by time-resolved optical diagnosis,”Optics Express23(2), 628-635 (2015).
- Matthieu Boffety,Haofeng Hu*, and François Goudail, “Contrast optimization in broadband passive polarimetric imaging,”Optics Letters39(23), 6759-6762 (2014).(通訊作者)
- Haofeng Hu, Enric Garcia-Caurel, Guillaume Anna, and Francois Goudail, “Simplified calibration procedure for Mueller polarimeter in transmission configuration,”Optics Letters39(3), 418-421 (2014).
- Haofeng Hu, Guillaume Anna, Enric Garcia-Caurel, and Francois Goudail, “Maximum Likelihood method for calibration of Mueller polarimeters in reflection configuration,”Applied Optics52(25), 6350-6358 (2013).
- Haofeng Hu, Guillaume Anna, and Francois Goudail, “On the performance of the physicality-constrained maximum-likelihood estimation of Stokes vector,”Applied Optics52(27), 6636-6644 (2013).
- Haofeng Hu, Razvigor Ossikovski, Francois Goudail, “Performance of Maximum Likelihood estimation of Mueller matrices taking into account physical realizability and Gaussian or Poisson noise statistics,”Optics Express, 21(4), 5117-5129 (2013).
- Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, Nan Zhang, and Pan Wang, “Generation of multiple stress waves in silica glass in high fluence femtosecond laser ablation,”Applied Physics Letters97(6), 061117 (2010).
- Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang, and Hongchen Zhai, “Neutrals ejection in intense femtosecond laser ablation,”Optics Letters36(2), 124-126 (2011).
- Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, “High-fluence femtosecond laser ablation of silica glass: effects of laser-induced pressure,”Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys.44(13), 135202 (2011).
- Haofeng Hu, Yang Ji, Yang Hu, Xiaoyan Ding, Xianwen Liu, Jinghui Guo, Xiaolei Wang, and Hongchen Zhai, “Thermal analysis of intense femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum,”Chinese PhysicsB20(4), 044204 (2011).
- 2011年獲法中科學及套用基金會(FFCSA)博士後獎學金
- 美國光學學會(OSA)期刊(Optics Letters、Optics Express等),美國物理學會(AIP)期刊(Journal of Applied Physics等),英國物理學會(IOP)期刊(Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys.等),IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,Applied Surface Science,Journal of Optics,Journal of Modern Optics審稿人。