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  • 中文名:胡歡
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:先進納米加工製造,仿生學微納感測器等
  • 職務:助理院長
  • 職稱:研究員、助理教授
  • 任職院校:浙江大學




Served as reviewers for following 14 journals, more than 50 times
Nano Letters
Scientific Reports
Microsystems and Nanoengineering
Sensors and Actuators A
Sensors and Actuators B
IEEE Sensors Journal
Journal of Micromechanical Systems
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Nanoscale Research Letters
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
ACS Applied Nano Materials
ACS Applied Electronic Materials
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
會議評審 (Conference reviewers)
IEEE Sensor Conference
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress&Exposition (IMECE)




2019 IEEE NEMS Conference, Session Chair, Scalable Nanomanufacturing


2019 中國微米納米技術學會第二十一屆學術年會暨第十屆國際會議(CSMNT2019)優秀海報評審專家




2018 春季學期 Introduction to Computing 計算原理入門 (助教)
2018 秋季學期 去UIUC培訓
2019 春期學期 Calculus II 微積分2
2019 秋季學期 Introduction to Engineering (ENGR 100)
2020 春季學期 ECE 416 Biosensor
ECE 445 Senior Design


目前,胡博士領導納米製造和仿生學實驗室(Nanomanufacturing & Biomimetics Lab)。該實驗室是一個多學科交叉的研究組, 研究內容涵蓋電子,機械,材料和生物多門學科。旨在利用微納米尺度的特殊物理效應,微納米加工的量產化特點,開發出獨特的套用在醫療,環境領域的技術以及下一代可製作10納米以下結構的納米製造技術。
1. 先進納米加工製造,包括開發新型的納米製造技術,可製作10納米以下的納米製造技術,低成本並且可量產的納米加工製造工藝,實現納米技術從實驗室研發到套用的飛躍。比如用於可植入醫療設備上的納米殺菌表面。
2. 仿生學的微納感測器,例如仿生學的流體感測器,用於氣體和液體流速流量的測量
3. 集成納米結構或者納米器件的的晶片實驗室(lab on chip)技術,針對比細胞更小的微生物,外泌體或者蛋白質,套用於生物醫療領域。


10項授權的美國專利 (10 US patents granted)
1. Embedded noble metal electrodes in microfluidics
H Hu, MF Lofaro, JT Smith, DJ Solis, BH Wunsch
US Patent 9,804,122
2. Lateral silicon nanospikes fabricated using metal-assisted chemical etching
SM Gifford, H Hu, PM Rojas, JT Smith
US Patent 9,775,339
3. Nanopillar microfluidic devices and methods of use thereof
Y Astier, H Hu, N Li, DK Sadana, JT Smith, WT Spratt
US Patent 9,719,926
4. Flexible electronics for wearable healthcare sensors
H Hu, N Li, XH Liu, K Sakuma
US Patent 9,670,061
5. Nano-pillar-based biosensing device
Y Astier, H Hu, N Li, DK Sadana, JT Smith, WT Spratt
US Patent 9,559,240
6. System, method and recording medium for temperature-aware task scheduling
I. Chuang, H Hu, T Wei
US Patent 010133610B2
7. Flexible electronics for wearable healthcare sensors
P Andry, H Hu, K Samkuma
US Patent 10,280,077 B2
8. Deterministic lateral displacement arrays
H Hu, SC Kim, JT Smith, BH Wunsch
US Patent 010010883
9. Automated machine for sorting of biological fluid
H Hu, MA Pereira, JT Smith, BH Wunsch
US Patent 10,471,425
10. Metal assisted chemical etching for fabricating high aspect ratio and straight silicon nanopillar arrays for sorting applications
H Hu, JT Smith, GA Stolovitzky, BH Wunsch
US Patent 10,507,466
1. 岳瑞峰,曾雪峰,吳建剛,胡歡,劉理天,基於介質層上電潤濕的微液驅動器,CN200410080348.2
2. 岳瑞峰,曾雪峰,吳建剛,胡歡,劉理天,一種介質層上電潤濕的微液驅動器,CN200420117901.0


Peer-Reviewed Publications
35. Y. Zhuo#*, H. Hu#*, Y. Wang, T. Marin, Meng Lu, Photonic Crystal Slab Biosensors Fabricated with Helium Ion Lithography (HIL), Sensors and Acutators A, accepted, 2019 (co-first author and co-corresponding author)
34. L. Li, F. Tian, H. Chang, J. Zhang, C. Wang, W. Rao, H. Hu*, Interactions of Bacteria With Monolithic Lateral Silicon Nanospikes Inside a Microfluidic Channel, Frontiers in Chemistry, 7:483, 2019 (corresponding author)
33. K. Sakuma, H. Hu*, X. Hu, J. Ni, S. W. Bedell, B. Webb, S. Wright, P. Lauro, K. Latzko, M. Agno, J. Tornello, J. Knickerbocker, CMOS-Compatible Wearable Sensors Fabricated Using Controlled Spalling, IEEE Sensors Journal, V19(18), 2019 (corresponding author)
32. R. Mao, W. Yao, C. Gao, Y. Xu, W. Chen, H. Hu*, BIO-INSIPRED FLOW SENSOR USING 3-D GRAPHENE AEROGEL, Transducer 2019 (Eurosensor XXXIII), Accepted (corresponding author)
31. L. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Nie, C. Wang, J. Liu, H. Hu*, Lateral silicon nanospikes integrated on sidewalls of micropillars for on-chip mechanical bacterial lysing, The 22nd international conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (uTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018 (corresponding author)
30. K. Sakuma, H. Hu, S. W. Bedell, B. Webb, S. Wright, K. Latzko, M. Agno, J. Knickerbocker, Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors Fabricated by Spalling Technique, 2018 International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC)
29. H. Hu*, Y. Zhuo, Y. Wang, M. Lu, B. T. Cunningham, Functional Photonic Crystals Fabricated by Helium Ion Lithography, 13th IEEE Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Singapore, 2018(corresponding author)
28. H. Hu*, V. Siu, S. Gifford, S. Kim, M. Lu, P. Meyer, G. Stolovitzky, Silicon nanospikes fabricated by metal-assisted chemical etching for antibacterial applications, 111, 253701, Applied Physics Letters, 2017. (corresponding author)
Prior to joining ZJUI Institute:
27. S. Kim, B. Wunsch, H. Hu, J. Smith, R. Austin, G. Stolovitzky, Broken flow symmetry explains the dynamics of small particles in deterministic lateral displacement arrays, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS), 201706645
26. H. Hu*, J. Kim, S. Somnath, “Tip-based Nanofabrication for scalable manufacturing”, Micromachines, 8(90), 2017 (corresponding author)
25. N. Li, S. Bedell, H. Hu, S. J. Han, X. Liu, K. Saenger, D. Sadana, Single crystal Flexible Electronics Enabled by 3D Spalling, Advanced Material, 29(18), 2017 (VIP paper)
24. H. Hu*, C. Huang, X. H. Liu, and K. J. Hsia, Thin film wrinkling by strain mismatch on 3D surfaces, Extreme Mechanics Letters, V8, 2016 (corresponding author)
23. H. Hu*#, S. Banerjee#, D. Estrada, R. Bashir, W. P. King, Tip-based nanofabrication of arbitrary shapes of graphene nanoribbons for device applications, RSC Advances, V5, I46, 37006, 2015 (corresponding author)
22. H. Hu, Y. Zhuo, M. E. Oruc, B. T. Cunningham, W. P. King, Nanofluidic channels with arbitrary shapes fabricated by tip-based nanofabrication, Nanotechnology, 25 455031, 2014 (Selected as the Cover Article)
21. H. Hu, V. V. Swaminathan, M. R. Z. Farahani, G. Mensing, J. Yeom, M. A. Shannon, L. Zhu, Hierarchically structured re-entrant microstructures for superhydrophobic surfaces with extremely low hysteresis, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 24, 095023, 2014
20. H. Hu, H. Cho, S. Somnath, Suhas Somnath, A. F. Vakakis, W. P. King, Silicon nano-mechanical resonators fabricated by using tip-based nanofabrication, Nanotechnology, 25 275301, 2014 (Selected as the Cover Article)
19. Y. Zhuo, H. Hu, W. Chen, M. Lu, H. Yu, K. D. Long, E. Chow, W. P. King, B. T. Cunningham, Single Nanoparticle Detection Using Photonic Crystal Enhanced Microscopy, Analyst, 139, 1007, 2014 (Selected as the Back Cover Article)
18. D. Agonafer, M. Oruc, E. Chainani, K. S. Lee, H. Hu, Mark A. Shannon, Study of ionic transport through metalized nanoporous membranes functionalized with self-assembled monolayers, Journal of Membrane Science, 461, 106, 2014
17. S. Somnath, H. Kim, H. Hu and W. P. King, Parallel nanoimaging and nanolithography using a heated microcantilever array, Nanotechnology, 25(1), 014001, 2014.
16. Vikhram V. Swaminathan, Spandana Gannavaram, Shihui Li, Huan Hu, Junghoon Yeom, Yong Wang, and Likun Zhu, 'Microfluidic Platform with Hierarchical Micro/Nanostructures and SELEX Nucleic Acid Aptamer Coating for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells',
IEEE nanotechnology 2013, Beijing, China.
15. H. Hu, P. K. Mohseni, L. Pan, S. Somnath, J. Felts, M. A. Shannon, X. Ling, W. P. King, Fabrication of arbitrarily-shaped silicon and silicon oxide nanostructures using tip-based nanofabrication, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. B, 31, 06FJ01, 2013
14. H. Hu, J. Yeom, G. Mensing, Y. Chen, M. A. Shannon and W. P King, Nano-fabrication with a flexible array of nanoapertures, Nanotechnology, 23, 175303, 2012
13. Y. Yang, N. Nguyen, N. Chen, M. Lockwood, C. Tucker, H. Hu, H. Bleckmann, C. Liu and D. L Jones, Artificial lateral line with biomimetic neuromasts to emulate fish sensing, Bioinspirations and Biomimetics, 5(1), 016001, 2010
12. H. Hu, S. Zhao, and C. Liu, Comprehensive characterization of contact, bulk and total resistance of strain-sensitive nanocomposite elastomer, 2010 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Wanchai, Hong Kong, 2010, pp. 236-239.
11. M. E. McConney, N. Chen, D. Lu, H. Hu, S. Coombs, C. Liu and V. V. Tsukruk, Biologically inspired design of hydrogel-capped hair sensors for enhanced underwater flow detection, Soft Matter, 5, 292-295, 2009
10. H. Hu and C. Liu, 'Characterizations and optimization of electrical contact between nanocomposite elastomer and metal,' TRANSDUCERS 2009 - 2009 International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, Denver, CO, 2009, pp. 1103-1105.
9. J. James, E. D. Goluch, H. Hu, C. Liu and M. Mrksich, Subcellular curvature at the perimeter of micropatterned cells influences lamellipodial distribution and cell polarity, Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton, Volume: 65, pp. 841-852, 2008
8. H. Hu,C. Liu and N. Chen, A robust tactile shear stress sensor derived from a bio-inspired artificial haircell sensor, Sensors, 2008 IEEE, 2008.
7. H. Hu, K. Shaikh, C. Liu, Super flexible sensor skin using liquid metal as interconnect, Sensors, 2007 IEEE, 2007.
6. J. Wang, H. Hu and Z. Wang and L. Liu, Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis Devices for Cell Sorter Applications, Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 2007. NEMS’07. 2nd IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2007.
5. Z. Wang, H. Hu, Y. Wang, YW. Wang, Q. Wu, L. Liu, G. Chen, Fabrication of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhex–anoate) (PHBHHx) microstructures using soft lithography for scaffold applications, Biomaterials, 27(12), 2550-2557, 2006
4. X. Zeng, R. Yue, J. Wu, H. Hu, L. Dong, Z. Wang, F. He, L. Liu, Droplet creator based on electrowetting-on-dielectric for lab on a chip, Science in China Series E, 49(2), 248-256, 2006
3. H. Hu, Z. Wang, R. Yue, L. Liu, Design and Optimization of a Microfluidic Cell Separator based on Dielectrophoresis, Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 1st IEEE International Conference on NanoElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS), 2006.
2. L. Li, H. Hu, H. Lin, D. Ye, Electrowetting of the blood droplet on the hydrophobic film of the EWOD chips, 27th Annual International Conference, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, (pp. 1941-1944). IEEE, 2005
1. Z. Wang and H. Hu, Analysis and optimization of a compliant mechanism-based digital force/weight sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 5(6), 2005


2018 入圍微系統和納米工程峰會2018青年科學家評獎
2018 浙江大學仲英青年學者
2017 參與的研究項目被評選為IBM研究院5項可能在未來5年改變世界的項目
2016 IBM發明專利獎第三梯度獎
2016 IBM奧巴尼納米技術研討會最佳板報論文獎
2005 清華大學霍尼韋爾研究生獎學金


