


  • 中文名:胡晗華
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


2001年於中國科學院水生生物研究所取得博士學位,2001年8月到廈門大學生命科學學院工作。2002年1月至2004年2月在中國科學院過程工程研究所生化工程國家重點實驗室從事博士後研究。2008年1月至2010年1月在法國巴黎高師(école normale supérieure)生物系植物分子生物學實驗室作訪問學者/博士後。2004年3月任中國科學院水生生物研究所副研究員。






[1]. Chen Z, He C, Hu H*. Temperature responses of growth, photosynthesis, fatty acid and nitrate reductase in Antarctic and temperate Stichococcus. Extremophiles.. (*Corresponding author)
[2]. Allen AE, Dupont CL, Oborník M, Horák A, Nunes-Nesi A, McCrow JP, Zheng H, Johnson DA, Hu H, Fernie AR, Bowler C. Evolution and metabolic significance of the urea cycle in photosynthetic diatoms. Nature.
[3]. Gong Y, Hu H, Gao Y, Xu X, Gao H. Microalgae as platforms for production of recombinant proteins and valuable compounds: progress and prospects. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology.
[4]. Hu H*, Zhang J, Chen W. Competition of bloom-forming marine phytoplankton at low nutrient concentrations. Journal of Environmental Sciences.
[5]. Hu H*, Zhou Q. Regulation of inorganic carbon acquisition by nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the Nannochloropsis sp. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology.
[6]. Maumus F, Allen AE, Mhiri C, Hu H, Jabbari K, Vardi A, Grandbastien M-A, Bowler C. Potential impact of stress activated retrotransposons on genome evolution in a marine diatom BMC Genomics.
[7]. Hu H*, Zhang X. Nitrite utilization by Chaetoceros muelleri under elevated CO2 concentration. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology
[8]. Hu H*, Li H, Xu X. Alternative cold response modes in Chlorella (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae) from Antarctica. Phycologia
[9]. Zhang X, Hu H*, Tan T. Photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilization of gametophytes and sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyceae). Phycologia.
[10]. Hu H*, Chen W, Shi Y, Cong W. Nitrate and phosphate supplementation to increase toxin production by the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
[11]. Hu H*, Gao K. Response of growth and fatty acid compositions of Nannochloropsis sp. to environmental factors under elevated CO2 concentration. Biotechnology Letters.
[12]. Hu H*, Shi Y, Cong W. Improvement in growth and toxin production of Alexandrium tamarense by two-step culture method. Journal of Applied Phycology
[13]. Shi Y, Hu H*, Cong W. Positive effects of continuous low nitrate levels on growth and photosynthesis of Alexandrium tamarense (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae). Phycological Research.
[14]. Shi Y, Hu H*, Ma R, Cong W, Cai Z. Improved use of organic phosphate by Skeletonema costatum through regulation of Zn2+ concentrations. Biotechnology Letters
[15]. Hu H*, Shi Y, Cong W, Cai Z. Growth and photosynthesis limitation of marine red tide alga Skeletonema costatum by low concentrations of Zn2+. Biotechnology Letters.
[16]. Hu H, Gao K. Optimization of growth and fatty acid composition of a unicellular marine picoplankton, Nannochloropsis sp., with enriched carbon sources. Biotechnology Letters.


