胡明志,浙江工業大學管理學院副教授,上海交通大學住房與城鄉建設研究中心特約副研究員,中國房地產中青年學者30人論壇秘書,中國城市經濟學會城市可持續建設與管理青年委員會成員。曾任教於暨南大學經濟學院經濟系(2018-2021)。上海財經大學經濟學博士(2018),佛羅里達國際大學聯合培養博士生(2016-2017)。主要研究方向為住房與房地產經濟、城市經濟、創業。在《財貿經濟》、《社會科學戰線》、《中國經濟問題》、《Real Estate Economics》、《Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》、《Journal of Housing Economics》、《Journal of Real Estate Research》、《Small Business Economics》、《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》等國內外重要學術期刊上發文30多篇。主持國家自然科學基金青年項目、廣東省自然科學基金面上項目等國家級和省部級課題。為人民日報社內刊《思想理論動態參閱》、《改革內參》等重要刊物撰寫評論和報告;擔任《經濟學(季刊)》、《管理評論》、《Journal of Business Venturing》、《Small Business Economics》、《Journal of Real Estate Research》、《Urban Studies》、《Housing Studies》、《Cities》等國內外知名期刊匿名審稿人;擔任Journal of Risk and Financial Management等期刊客座主編、Springer旗下SN Business & Economics等期刊編委。
- Hu, M., Lin, Z., & Liu, Y. (2022). Housing Disparity between Homeowners and Renters : Evidence from China. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. Accepted.
- Yu, X., Hu, D., & Hu, M. (2022). Rental Housing Types and Subjective Wellbeing: Evidence from Chinese Superstar Cities. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Accepted.
- Wang, Z., Hu, M., & Chen, J. (2022). Land Redevelopment and Migrant Inflows in Chinese Cities. Applied Economics. Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2022.2118225.
- Wang, Z., Hu, M., Zhang, Y., & Chen, Z. (2022). Housing Security and Settlement Intentions of Migrants in Urban China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16), 9780. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19169780.
- Chen, Z., Hu, M., & Qiu, Z. (2022). Promotion Pressures of Local Leaders and Real Estate Investments: China and Leader Heterogeneity. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(8), 341. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm15080341
- Hu, M., Su, Y., & Yu, X. (2022). Homeownership and Fertility Intentions among Migrant Population in Urban China. Housing Studies. Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2022.2108382
- Hu, M., Zhang, X., & Zheng, X. (2022). The Paradox of Housing Demolition and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Urban China. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-022-09960-2
- Hardin, W., Hu, M., & Lin, Z. (2022). Culture, Wealth, Gender, Real Estate, and Consumption in China: It’s a Boy. Journal of Real Estate Research. Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1080/08965803.2022.2045053
- Hu, M., Lin, Z., & Liu, Y. (2022). Amenities, Housing Affordability and Education Elites. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.Forthcoming.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11146-022-09896-y
- Chen, J., Hu, M., & Lin, Z. (2022). China’s Housing Reform and Labor Market Participation. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11146-021-09827-3
- Hu, M., Su, Z., & Ye, W. (2022). The Future-Time Reference of Home Country Language and Immigrant Self-Employment: An Imprinting Perspective. Small Business Economics. Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-022-00601-0
- Hu, M., & Sun, Z. (2022). Too Educated to be Married? An Investigation into the Relationship between Education and Marriage in China. Journal of Family Studies.Forthcoming, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2021.1927152
- Hu, M., Wu, L., Xiang, G., & Zhong, S. (2022). Housing Prices and the Probability of Marriage among the Young: Evidence from Land Reform in China. International Journal of Emerging Markets.Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-09-2020-1116
- Su, Y., Hu, M., & Yu, X. (2022). Does the Development of Smart Cities Help Protect the Environment? Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2021.1999220
- Chen, J., & Hu, M. (2021). City-Level Hukou-Based Labor Market Discrimination and Migrant Entrepreneurship in China. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 27(5), 1095–1118. https://doi.org/10.3846/tede.2021.15006
- Hu, M., Su, Y., & Zhang, H. (2021). Migrant Entrepreneurship: The Family as Emotional Support, Social Capital and Human Capital. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(12), 3367–3386. https://doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2019.1693364
- Hu, M., Xiang, G., & Zhong, S. (2021). The Burden of Social Connectedness: Do Escalating Gift Expenditures Make You Happy? Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(8), 3479–3497. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-020-00341-6
- Chen, J., Hardin, W., & Hu, M. (2020). Housing, Wealth, Income and Consumption: China and Homeownership Heterogeneity. Real Estate Economics, 48(2), 373–405. https://doi.org/10.1111/1540-6229.12245
- Hu, M., & Wang, X. (2020). Homeownership and Household Formation: No Homeownership, No Marriage? Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35(3), 763–781. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-019-09724-5
- Hu, M., Yang, Y., & Yu, X. (2020). Living Better and Feeling Happier: An Investigation into the Association between Housing Quality and Happiness. Growth and Change, 51(3), 1224–1238. https://doi.org/10.1111/grow.12392
- Hu, M., & Ye, W. (2020). Home Ownership and Subjective Wellbeing: A Perspective from Ownership Heterogeneity. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21(3), 1059–1079. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-019-00120-y
- Zheng, X., Peng, W., & Hu, M. (2020). Airport Noise and House Prices: A Quasi-experimental Design Study. Land Use Policy, 90, 104287. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104287
- Barnett, W. A., Hu, M., & Wang, X. (2019). Does the Utilization of Information Communication Technology Promote Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Rural China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 141, 12–21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2019.01.007
- Chen, J., & Hu, M. (2019). What Types of Homeowners Are More Likely to Be Entrepreneurs? The Evidence from China. Small Business Economics, 52(3), 633–649. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-017-9976-1
- Chen, J., Hu, M., & Lin, Z. (2019). Does Housing Unaffordability Crowd Out Elites in Chinese Superstar Cities? Journal of Housing Economics, 45, 101571. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhe.2018.03.003
- Hu, M., Liu, J., & Wang, X. (2019). Consumption Propensity and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China. In W. A. Barnett & B. S. Sergi (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Contemporary Finance and Development (pp. 265–286). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1571-038620190000026013
- Hu, M., Su, Y., & Ye, W. (2019). Promoting or Inhibiting: The Role of Housing Price in Entrepreneurship. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 148, 119732. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119732
- Liu, J., Hu, M., Zhang, H., & Carrick, J. (2019). Corruption and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(5), 1051–1068. https://doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2018.153124
- 胡明志, & 陳杰. (2022). 創業的性別差異如何受住房自有產權的影響. 財貿經濟, 43(3), 50–66.
- 胡明志, & 陳卓. (2022). 為結婚而買房:城市房產與婚姻締結. 中國經濟問題. 錄用.
- 吳義東, 胡明志, & 陳卓. (2022). “誰動了我的乳酪?——共同富裕視角下住房公積金制度收入效應及其分配”. 經濟體制改革. 錄用.
- 劉嘉琦, 李新春, & 胡明志. (2019). 腐敗與創業: 潤滑效應還是抑制作用. 中山大學學報 ( 社會科學版), 59(2), 197–208.
- 王雪, & 胡明志. (2019). 匯改提高了人民幣國際化水平嗎?. 國際金融研究, 8, 76–86.
- 胡明志, & 陳杰. (2019). 住房財富對創業的異質性影響. 社會科學戰線, 8, 120–132.
- 胡明志, 農匯福, & 陳杰. (2017). 中國人口老齡化與房價關係再檢驗:基於房改紅利視角的研究. 華東師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版), 3, 132–144.
- 胡明志, 劉嘉琦, & 田廣. (2017). 投資者情緒異質性與股市收益率. 北方民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版), 2, 118–122.
- 陳杰, & 胡明志. (2017). 共有產權房:住房供給側改革何以發力. 探索與爭鳴, 11, 110–115.
- 陳杰, & 胡明志. (2015). 樓市“330新政”的效應評估與政策建議. 改革內參, 5, 15–19.
- 胡明志, & 林曉燕. (2013). 走出中小企業融資難的分析思考. 汕頭大學學報(人文社會科學版), 29(5), 61–67.
- 林曉燕, & 胡明志. (2012). 熱錢流入對我國一二線城市房價指數的影響. 汕頭大學學報(人文社會科學版), 28(4), 66–73.
- “Moving up the Social Ladder: Homeownership and Expected Socioeconomic Status among Migrant Young Adults in China”, presented at APNHR annual meeting, hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in July 2022.
- “Do Homeowners Have a Longer Commute?”, presented at Online Symposium on Homeownership Financialization and Real Estate Market, hosted by Chinese University of Hong Kong, China in June 2021.
- “It’s a Boy! Wealth and Consumption in China”, presented at GCREC annual meeting, Shanghai, China in July 2019.
- “Housing Disparity between Homeowners and Renters: Evidence from China”, presented at APRERS annual meeting, Guangzhou, China in May 2019.
- “Hukou-based Labor Market Discrimination and Migrant Entrepreneurship”, presented at RUSE annual meeting, Shanghai, China in May 2019.
- “Housing Disparity between Homeowners and Renters: Evidence from China”, presented at ARES annual meeting, Phoenix, Arizona in April 2019.
- “Homeownership and Household Formation: No House, No Marriage?”, presented at GCREC annual meeting, Qingdao, China in July 2018.
- “Amenities, Housing Affordability and Higher-educated People”, presented at APRERS annual meeting, Da Lian, China in August 2018.
- “Housing Reform in China and Labor Market Participation”, presented at APRERS annual meeting, Hong Kong, China in August 2017.
- “The Heterogeneity of Homeownership Impacts on Entrepreneurship: The Evidence from China’s Urban Household Survey (UHS) Data”, presented at ARES annual meeting, San Diego, California.
- 國家自然科學基金青年項目,72104088,流動人口居住狀態、社會融合與幸福感機制研究,2022-01-01至2024-12-31,30萬元,在研,主持。
- 浙江省發展和改革委員會2022年度前期項目,HT-20220118,關於促進浙江省創業投資持續健康發展的研究,2022-04-15至2022-9-30,10萬元,在研,主持。
- 廣東省自然科學基金面上項目,2020A1515010359,中國城市住房供應模式變遷影響流動人口社會融合的微觀機制、經驗證據及其政策含義,2019-10-01至2022-09-30,10萬元,在研,主持。
- 上海財經大學研究生創新基金項目,2016110892,The Heterogeneity of Homeownership Impacts on Entrepreneurship,2016-07-06-2018-07-01,1萬元,已結題,主持。
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目,71573166,中國城市住房供應模式變遷對居民住房選擇行為的影響及經濟社會效應,2016-01-01至2019-12-01,51萬元,已結題,參與。
- 期刊客座主編:Journal of Risk and Financial Management (Special Issue: Research on Housing Market Dynamics and Mortgage Markets).
- 期刊編委:SN Business & Economics.
- 為人民日報社內刊《思想理論動態參閱》、《改革內參》等重要刊物撰寫評論和報告。
- 期刊審稿人:Journal of Real Estate Research (14 papers), Growth and Change (10 papers), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (5 papers), Housing Studies (4 papers), Journal of Happiness Studies (3 paper), Applied Economics (2 paper), Small Business Economics (2 papers), Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2 papers), International Journal of Emerging Markets (2 papers), Technological and Economic Development of Economy (2 papers), Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2 papers), PLOS ONE (2 papers), Journal of Business Venturing (1 paper), International Journal of Finance and Economics (1 paper), Review of Development Economics (1 paper), Economic Modeling (1 paper), Cities (1 paper), Buildings (1 paper), Heliyon(1 paper), Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (1 paper), China: An International Journal (1 paper), Cogent Economics and Finance (1 paper), Urban studies (1 paper), International Development Planning Review (1 paper), International Regional Science Review (1 paper), Quality & Quantity (1 paper), Housing Policy Debate (1 paper), Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (1 paper), International Review of Economics and Finance (1 paper), Bulletin of Economic Research (1 paper), Journal of Risk and Financial Manegement (1 paper).