2007年起致力於血管免疫學方面的研究,研究發現老年動脈粥樣硬化模型小鼠動脈外膜形成類似淋巴結內部結構的免疫組織,稱之為動脈三級淋巴組織(J Exp Med,2009)。研究表明,此三級淋巴組織對內膜動脈粥樣硬化斑塊的形成有一定的調控作用,但具體的機理尚不明確,研究成果發表在免疫學頂級期刊上Immunity (2015)。另外,還對RNA結合蛋白Roquin在Th17,Treg細胞的形成及炎症反應過程中的作用做了深入的研究,相關研究結果發表在免疫學另一頂級期刊上Nature Immunity(2015).
1.Hu D*., Mohanta S*.,et al,Habenicht A.,.Artery Tertiary Lymphoid Organs Control Aorta
Immunity and Protect against Atherosclerosis via Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell LymphotoxinbReceptors.Immunity42, 1100-1115(2015). (2015IF:24.08)
2.Jeltsch K.*,Hu D.*,et al., Heissmeyer V., Cleavage of roquin and regnase-1 by the paracaspase
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Nat Immunology15, 1079-1089 (2014) *equal contribution.(2015IF:19.38)
3.Hu D.,Yin C.,et al, Preparation of Single Cell Suspensions from Mouse Aorta.Bio-Protocol,2016 June 5;6(11).pii: e1882. (first and corresponding author)
4.Srikakulapu P.*,Hu D.*,et al,Habenicht A.,.Artery Tertiary Lymphoid Organs Control Multilayered Territorialized Atherosclerosis B-Cell Responses in Aged ApoE-/- Mice.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2016(36):1174-1185.* equal contribution. (IF: 6.0)5.Meininger I,Griesbach RA,Hu D.,et al., Krappmann D.,Alternative splicing of MALT1 controls signalling and activation of CD4(+) T cells.Nat Commun.2016(7), pii:e11292(IF:11.33)
6.Mohanta S., Yin C., Weber C.,Hu D.,Habenicht A.,Aorta Atherosclerosis Lesion Analysis in Hyperlipidemic Mice.Bio-Protocol,2016 June 5;6(11).pii: e1883.
7.Srivastava M., Duan G.,Hu D., Vinuesa C.,et al. Roquin binds microRNA-146a and Argonaute 2 and regulate microRNA homeostasis.Nat Commun. 2015(6):6253.
8.Yin, C.,Mohanta, S.,Hu, D., Weih, F., and Habenicht, A..Generation of Aorta Transcript Atlases of Wild-Type and Apolipoprotein E-null Mice by Laser Capture Microdissection-Based mRNA Expression Microarrays.Methods Mol Biol,2015. (1339):297-308.
9.Mohanta S, Yin C, Peng L, Srikakulapu P,Hu D, et al. Artery Tertiary Lymphoid Organs Contribute to Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses in Advanced Mouse Atherosclerosis.Circulation Res.2014. 114(11):1772-87
10.Krljanac B., Weih D., Jacobsen ID.,Hu D.,et al. NF-κB2/p100 deficiency impairs immune responses to T-cell-independent type 2 antigens.Eur J Immunol.2014. 44(3):662-72.
11.Weih F, Gräbner R,Hu D., Beer M, Habenicht AJR.Control ofDichotomic Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses by Artery Tertiary Lymphoid Organs in Atherosclerosis.Front Physiol.2012(3):226-231.
12.Beer M, Doepping S, Hildner M, Weber G, Gräbner R,Hu D., Mohanta SK, Srikakulapu P, Weih F, Habenicht AJR. Laser-capture microdissection of hyperlipidemic/ApoE-/- mouse aorta atherosclerosis.Methods in Molecular Biology, 2011 (755):417-428.
13.Gräbner R, Lötzer K, Döpping S, Hildner M,Hu D., Randolph GJ, Weih F, Habenicht AJ.Lymphotoxinβ Receptor Signaling Promotes Tertiary Lymphoid Organogenesis in the Aorta Adventitia of Aged ApoE-/- Mice.J. Exp. Med, 2009 (206): 233-248.