教授,博士生導師,北京科技大學 自動化學院 副院長。
- 中文名:胡廣大
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:北京科技大學 自動化學院 副院長
北京科技大學自動化學院教授,博士生導師,常務副院長,國際SCI雜誌“Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics”編委(Associate Editor);“SIAM on Journal of Numerical Analysis”,“Journal of Comput. Appl. Math.”“IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control”,“Automatica”和“International Journal of Control” 等25種國際學術雜誌的審稿人。
1. 1980年9月—1984年7月 哈爾濱工業大學電氣工程系學士
2. 1986年9月—1989年3月 哈爾濱工業大學控制工程系碩士
3. 1994年4月—1996年10月 日本國名古屋大學計算機科學系博士
4. 1999年9月—2000年8月 加拿大紐芬蘭紀念大學計算機科學系博士後
1. 1998年11月—1999年8月 英國曼徹斯特大學數學系訪問研究員
2. 2000年9月—2001年8月 加拿大約克大學數學和統計學系訪問教授
3. 2001年9月—2006年2月 哈爾濱工業大學控制科學與工程學科 教授,博導
4. 2006年3月—現在北京科技大學自動化學院教授,博導。
1. 於2006年獲得黑龍江省科技進步一等獎(自然科學類,排名第二);
2. 研究成果被SCI他人引用238次,他人引用胡廣大成果的作者來自五大洲
(1)A. Bellen and M. Zennaro, Numerical Methods for Delay Differential Equations, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2003,中的Theorem 9.5.3 和Theorem 10.6.1。
(2) D. S. Bernstein, Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas with Application to Linear Systems Theory, Princeton University Press, 2005中的Fact 11.17.12。
指導畢業的博士生12人。畢業的碩士研究生37人 。
在“BIT(Numerical Mathematics)”, “IMA J. Numerical Analysis”, “J. Comput. Appl. Math.”,“IEEE Trans.Signal Processing”和“IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control”等國際雜誌上發表論文42篇,其中唯一作者或第一作者24篇。代表論文如下:
Guang-Da Hu and Taketomo Mitsui,Stability analysis of numerical methods for systems of neutral delay-differential equations, BIT(Numerical Mathematics),Vol.35, No.4, p. 504-515, 1995.
Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu,The weighted logarithmic matrix norm and bounds of the matrix exponential, Linear Algebra and its Applications,Vol.390, p. 145-154, 2004.
Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu, Simple criteria for stability of two-dimensional linear systems, IEEE Trans.Signal Processing, Vol.53, No.12, p. 4720-4723, 2005.
Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu, Stability criteria of linear neutral systems with multiple delays, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 52, No.4, 2007, p.720-724.
Guang-Da Hu, Symplectic Runge-Kutta methods for Kalman-Bucy filters, IMA J. Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 25, No.2, p.173-183, 2008.
1.Jinhui Lan, Jian Li, Guang-Da Hu and Yiliang Zeng, Distance estimation using a panoramic sensor based on a novel spherical optical flow algorithm, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 45, P.168-176, 2013.
2.Guang-Da Hu, Taketomo Mitsui, Bounds of the matrix eigenvalues and its exponential by Lyapunov equation, Kybernetika, Vol. 48, No. 5, p.865-778, 2012.
3. Qiao Zhu, Guang-Da Hu, Yi-Xin Yin. Lyapunov-type theorem of general 2-D nonlinear parameter-varying FM second model, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Vol. 59, No. 7, p. 453-457, 2012.
4.Qiao Zhu and Guang-Da Hu, Estimating the stability domain of spacecraft with delayed feedback, IET Control Theory Appl. Vol. 6, No.13, p. 2076-2082, 2012.
5. Jiarui Cui, Qing Li,Guang-Da Hu,Qiao Zhu and Xiao-Bing Zhang, Asymptotical stability of 2-D linear discrete stochastic systems, Digital Signal Processing, Vol.22 , No. 4, p. 628–632, 2012.
6. Jiarui Cui,Guang-Da Hu and Qiao Zhu, Stability and robust stability of 2D discrete stochastic systems, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol. 2011, 2011, 11 pages.
7. Guang-Da Hu, Stability criteria of linear neutral systems with distributed delays, Kybernetika, Vol. 47, No. 2, p.273-284, 2011.
8. Qiao Zhu, Guang-Da Hu and Li Zeng, Estimating the spectral radius of a real matrix by discrete Lyapunov equation, J. Difference Equations and Applications, Vol. 17, No.4, p. 603-611, 2011.
9. Qiao Zhu and Guang-Da Hu, Stability and absolute stablity of a general 2-D nonlinear FM second model, IET Control Theory Appl. Vol. 5, No.1 p. 239-246, 2011.
10. Guang-Da Hu and Qiao Zhu, Bounds of modulus of eigenvalues based on Stein equation, Kybernetika, Vol. 46, No. 4, p.655-664, 2010.
11.Guang-Da Hu, Mingzhu Liu, Xuerong Mao and Minghui Song, Noise expresses exponential growth under regime switching, Systems and Control Letters 58, p. 691-699, 2009.
12.Guang-Da Hu, Mingzhu Liu, Xuerong Mao and Minghui Song, Noise suppresses exponential growth under regime switching, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 35, p. 783--795, 2009.
13.Mingyue Xu and Guang-Da Hu, Reduced-order observer design for one-sided Lipschitz non-linear systems , IMA J. Mathematical Control and Information. Vol. 26, No. 3, p. 299-317,2009.
14.Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu, Properties of the weighted logarithmic matrix norms, IMA J. Mathematical Control and Information. Vol. 25, No.1 p. 75-84,2008.
15.Guang-Da Hu, Symplectic Runge-Kutta methods for Kalman-Bucy filters, IMA J. Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 25, No.2, p.173-183, 2008.
16.Guang-Da Hu, A note on observers for one-sided Lipschitz non-linear systems, IMA J. Mathematical Control and Information,Vol. 25, No.3 p. 297-303, 2008.
17.Liqun Zhou and Guang-Da Hu, Global exponential periodicity and stability of cellular neutral networks with variable and distributed delays, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol. 195, p. 402-411, 2008.
18.Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu, Stability criteria of linear neutral systems with multiple delays, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 52, No.4, 2007, p.720-724.
19.Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu, Input-to-state stability of Runge-Kutta methods for nonlinear control systems, J. Comput. Appl. Math. Vol. 205, No.1, p. 633-639,2007.
20.Liqun Zhou and Guang-Da Hu, Global exponential periodicity and stability of cellular neutral networks with variable and distributed delays, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol. 195, p. 402-411, 2008.
21.Guang-Da Hu , Observers for one-sided Lipschitz non-linear systems, IMA J. Mathematical Control and Information, Vol 23, No. 4, p. 395-401,2006.
22.Li-Qun Zhou and Guang-Da Hu, A new sufficient condition on the complete stability of a class cellular neutral networks, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, Vol. 3971, 211-216, 2006.
23.Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu,Simple criteria for stability of two-dimensional linear systems, IEEE Trans.Signal Processing, Vol.53, No.12, p. 4720-4723, 2005.
24.Ming-Zhu Liu, Zhan-Wen Yang and Guang-Da Hu , Asymptotical stability of numerical methods with constant stepsize for pantograph equations, BIT(Numerical Mathematics),Vol. 45, No. 4, p. 743-759, 2005.
25.Guang-Da Hu, Guang-Di Hu and Xingfu Zou,Stability of linear neutral systems with multiple delays: boundary criteria, Appl. Math.Comput., Vol.148, No. 3, p. 707-715, 2004.
26.Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu,The weighted logarithmic matrix norm and bounds of the matrix exponential, Linear Algebra and its Applications,Vol.390, p. 145-154, 2004.
27.Guang-Da Hu and Baruch Cahlon, The numerical solution of discrete-delay systems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 42, No. 3-5, p. 735-741, 2001.
28.Guang-Da Hu,Guang-Di Hu and Baruch Cahlon, Algebraic criteria for stability of linear neutral systems with a single delay, J.Comput.Appl.Math., Vol.135, No. 1, p 125-133, 2001.
29.Guang-Di Hu and Guang-Da Hu, Stabilization of uncertain large-scale time dependent bilinear neutral differential systems by memory feedback control, IMA J. Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 18, p.1-18, 2001.
30.Guang-Da Hu and Guang-Di Hu, A relation between the weighted logarithmic norm of matrix and Lyapunov equation, BIT(Numerical Mathematics),Vol.40, No.3, p. 606-610, 2000.
31.Guang-Da Hu and Baruch Cahlon, Estimations on numerically stable step-size for neutral delay-differential systems with multiple delays, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol.102, No.2, 221-234, 1999.
32.Guang-Da Hu, Guang-Di Hu and S. A. Meguid, Stability of Runge-Kutta methods for delay differential systems with multiple delays, IMA J. Numerical Analysis, Vol.19, No.3, p. 349-356, 1999.
33.Guang-Da Hu and Guang-Di Hu, Simple criteria for stability of neutral systems with multiple delays, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.28, No.12, p. 1325-1328, 1997.
34.Guang-Da Hu and Guang-Di Hu, Stability of neutral-delay differential systems: boundary criteria, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol.87, No. 2-3, 247-259,1997.
35.Guang-Di Hu, Guang-Da Hu and Ming-Zhu Liu, Estimation on numerically stable step-size for neutral delay-differential equations via spectral radius, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol.78, No.2, No. 311-316, 1997.
36.Guang-Di Hu and Guang-Da Hu, Stability of discrete-delay systems: boundary criteria, Appl. Math. Comput.,Vol.80, No. 2-3, p. 95-104, 1996.
37.Guang-Di Hu and Guang-Da Hu,Some simple criteria for stability of neutral delay-differential systems, Appl. Math. Comput.,Vol.80, No. 2-3, p. 257-271, 1996.
38.Guang-Da Hu and Taketomo Mitsui, Stability of linear delay differential systems with matrices having common eigenvectors, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 3, p.487-494, 1996.
39.Guang-Da Hu and Taketomo Mitsui,Stability analysis of numerical methods for systems of neutral delay-differential equations, BIT(Numerical Mathematics),Vol.35, No.4, p. 504-515, 1995.
40. Guang-Da Hu and Guang-Di Hu, Comment on ‘Robust stabilization of uncertain linear dynamical systems’, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.26, No.12, No. P.2445-2446, 1995.
41.Jinhui Lan, Jian Li, Jiehui Li, Liujiang Zheng, Guang-Da Hu and Fuanglin He, Data reduction based on dynamic-threshold iniform grid-algrithm, to appear in Int. J. Light Electron Opt.
42.A. Y. Aleksandrov, Guang-Da Hu and A. P. Zhabko, Delay-independent stability conditions for some classes of nonlinear systems, to appear in IEEE Trans. Automatic Control.